Chapter 26

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I tentatively take a few steps forward into the living room. It seems to take the other women a second to realize they should grant me some sort of greeting. Usually they're all up in arms about how the one-on-one went, but right now they seem to rather resent my presence. If I'm honest, I can't blame them.

After a minute Amber, at least, comes to her senses.

'Hey, Charlotte.' She greets me cordially, but not really with any enthusiasm.

'Hi, guys.' I try to respond kindly. I can feel the judgement radiating in their eyes, all of which are focused on me; It's not particularly enjoyable. Why have they all gathered like this in the living room? To confront me? I can't think of another reason because they don't seem to care about how my date went.

I take roster- all girls seem to be here except for one- one that may still possibly be on my side.

'Where's Tanya?' I question as I pad hesitantly forward. The other girls seem surprised by my question.

'Oh, I guess you wouldn't know... ' Christie remarks with a sideways glance.

'What do you mean?' I ask. I have about 2 allies in this house, and I'm not even sure if they support me anymore. After they saw the way Harry was acting during the last rose ceremony, and after me being chosen for this one-on-one date, I completely understand why they'd turn cold. I would do the same.

'Harry sent her home.' Jade fills me in, albeit coldly. I don't know what right Jade has to be angry with me- she's got a one-on-one, too. Harry didn't spend all his time with her during the last rose ceremony, though. I let out an inaudible sigh. I don't think I can wiggle my way out of this one. They're clearly pissed off.

'She's gone?' I ask, astounded. Harry's never sent someone home while on a group date- he usually waits until the rose ceremony to do it. I perk up and realize that maybe there will be less pressure at the next one. I know I already have a rose from my date with Harry today, and someone from the group date must have one, too. So, only 2 other girls will be going home this week, not 3.

A couple women nod in answer to me, but otherwise stay silent. After a while of me standing awkwardly, they turn towards each other and begin to talk, completely ignoring me. I understand their message loud and clear and decide to retreat back up to my bedroom without provoking them any further. I can hardly imagine the looks I'd get if I started to tell them about how Harry and I's date went. The prospect of them becoming aware of our activities today sends a shiver through me.

I've been afraid of this happening for weeks- the girls beginning to turn on me- but now that its actually happened, I can hardly believe it. I didn't take notice of Kiana much while in the living room just now, but I guess it's safe to assume that she's mad, too.

I really don't care whether or not the girls like me as a person. Their opinions do not matter at all. However, I'm not dumb enough to think that they won't do everything in their power to get me booted off. Women are jealous creatures- especially women on The Bachelor. If they suspect Harry has a favourite they will undermine and backstab until they become the favourite. Again, I can't blame them.

Unfortunately, now I'm their target. Their object of prey. And, even worse, one of them, the one that hates me most, has information that will destroy my reputation and certainly get me kicked off the show. Harry will never speak to me again, and the rest of America will know all about my past.

I step into my bedroom and plop down onto my bed, defeated. I'm not exactly sure what to do about my current predicament.

Just the thought of Harry finding out about my past makes me sick to my stomach. I can just imagine: first, the look of pure shock, and then the gradual disgust that would start to seep onto his face. He would start to think about the huge mistake he's made talking to me and kissing me and fucking me. I can guarantee he will not want me any longer. It's happened before, and I won't be surprised if it happens again with Harry.

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