Chapter 25

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I go to bed early, and as light begins to peak through the curtains of my room, I come to with a small smile on my face- I've woken up happy for a change. Today's my one-on-one with Harry.

Sure, I was mad when I was stupidly chosen and the women had even more reason to hate me, but having sat all alone in the house yesterday for the better part of 12 hours, I'm beginning to realize just how welcome Harry's company will be.

I jump out of bed swiftly, not bothered to stay quiet for Kiana's sake. I'm unsure exactly what time it is, but I know it's early- the birds only just started chirping. I can't help myself- I'm excited. We'll be on camera, that's a set-back, but at least now I can see Harry without the little inkling of anxiety present in the back of my head at all times. We're going to be together according to the rules of the show for once.

I hop into the shower and clean myself from head to toe. As soon as I'm out I'm blow drying my hair and curling it into perfect waves. I've found a white top and plaid skirt before Kiana's even woken, and my makeup is completed within the hour.

I decide it may be best to leave my roommate be and head downstairs for breakfast. As I exit my room I find it's now 9 AM. I do hope the date starts soon, but unfortunately on The Bachelor, you can never be sure of anything. I wonder if the producers are contractually obligated to keep us constantly in the dark about every single thing.

Once I've prepared my eggs and scarfed them down eagerly, I begin to hear the shuffling of footsteps above my head. The other women have begun to wake. I watch the front door vigilantly, and find my enthusiasm is rewarded. A producer steps through and beckons for me to come.

'Ready?' They inquire from across the room, an obvious look of surprise taking hold of their face. Obviously they weren't expecting this sort of eagerness from me- I'm sure by now I've earned myself a pretty solid reputation of indifference.

'Yep!' I exclaim, hopping off my seat at the kitchen island and quickly striding towards the entrance. The producer makes no response as they guide me into a black SUV and shut the door once I'm in. I have no idea where I'm going, and assume they intend to keep it that way as the driver, the sole producer, and I sit in complete silence. A quiet 45 minutes pass as I reside uncomfortably in the backseat, taking in the sites as we drive by.

I can definitely tell we're not heading back into the city. Thank god. I wouldn't want another fiasco like my last group date.

Instead, another 15 minutes pass and finally we pull onto a gravelly side road. We drive straight for a few seconds, and as I lean my head against the closed window I see the object of my desires slowly come into view.

Harry stands straight to the side of the small path, thin white shirt and blue jeans covering him. I don't think I've ever seen him wear blue jeans- he looks beautiful.

I can hardly contain my excitement, and realize that the cameras have not fully set up yet. I have a minute or two before our mics are attached and we can no longer act normally.

So, without hesitation, I open the car door before the wheels have even come to a stop. I jump out onto the gravel, slam the door behind me, and make a beeline for Harry. I see a wide smile engulf his features as he takes in my figure. His expression is replaced with surprise, though, as I hurl towards him and jump up, engulfing him in a tight hug.

Harry stumbles a little with my weight as I wrap my legs around his waist and hug my arms around his back. I stuff my face into his chest and feel rumbles of laughter vibrating through him as he takes in my enthusiasm. I doubt he was expecting me to do anything like this. In fact, I doubt he thought I would be so happy to see him at all. I haven't disclosed much of my true feelings for him. To be fair, neither has he, but I guess the secrets out now. I'm not acting like this way for the cameras- they're not on yet.

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