Chapter 9

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I feel as I did the night before the last rose ceremony, although not quite as strongly, as I get ready for the upcoming group date. Still, I want to make myself look nice for Harry- I feel indebted to him, after all.

I apply some make-up and try extra hard on the wing of my eyeliner today. Once I'm satisfied I attempt to pick something out of the closet to wear. I know that it's supposed to be a casual sort of date and I know that it's hot outside today, so I make my choices accordingly. I end up picking some light blue, high-waisted jean shorts, and a maroon body suit with a small portion of the middle cut out down to just below my chest, lace decorating the edges.

I curl my hair and chuck on a white baseball cap, unaware of whether or not we will be outside in the sun- safety first.

After I've finished getting ready I'm downstairs waiting on everybody else. I recall the first group date I went on- I was finished getting ready early then, too, and Harry had shown up, approaching from behind as he so often does. I have a feeling he won't be doing that today, although I wish he would.

I sigh at the fact that all the time Harry and I spend together today will be on camera. I'm going to be forced to act all loved up around him, when really I'd just like to act as I normally might if we weren't in this peculiar situation. I try not to think about the disappointment that this date will inevitably bring and instead attempt to feel lucky at the fact that I was chosen at all. I'll take absolutely anything over sitting in this house with no prospects for another day.

Soon, all the girls have finished and we're in the limo on our way towards the group date. Everyone is muttering excitedly about what they think might happen, but I mostly remain silent. I don't know what we'll be doing, but I don't really feel keen to talk about it with any of these girls. The only one out of the lot of them I kind of know is Christie, so I feel a little out of a place, not to mention that about half of them seem wary of me, no doubt owing to the fact that I've been chosen twice this week by Harry.

Instead, I sit and stare out the window complacently, allowing them to whisper about me if they want. I hardly have the energy to stop them and I feel as though I most probably would do the same if our roles were switched. I make polite conversation with Christie when she attempts to talk a couple times, but I'm a afraid that she might end up resembling Astrid a bit too much for my liking.

Speaking of which, Astrid sits as far away from me as she possibly can in the vehicle we now reside within. I almost forgot about her with everything going on regarding Harry's apology and such. I've barely seen her around the house and I was beginning to lose the hatred that I initially felt for her. However, after being with her today, up close and personal for more than 2 minutes, the hatred is back in full force. I don't even want to think about what she's done to undermine me in the past 2 days, let alone the past 2 weeks.

We arrive after about 20 minutes and it turns out we are going to be outside after all. I see before me a large open space overlooking the beach. There are about 20 rows of plastic chairs, all facing a long, horizontal stage. On this stage there are 2 tables, behind which there are more plastic chairs. In front of the crowd, and facing this stage, is another, smaller table, with only two chairs. I wonder what will be going on and try to recall the words on the date card- 'Lets put our love to the test'?

All of us begin walking towards the stage and before our very eyes Chris Harrison and Harry emerge from behind it. All the girls scream with joy and rush towards Harry. I almost feel a little bad for Chris, who stands awkwardly beside Harry with absolutely no attention on himself. However, I, too, would rather see Harry than Chris. I really wish I could tell Harry how much I loved the sudoku book he gave me or how I was grateful for his favour, or maybe even shout at him a little bit for picking me twice in one week. However, I can't make any of these sentiments known while we're on camera.

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