Chapter 19

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Hello everyone!! I know this is late, and I'm gonna go ahead and say that an update will probably come every month, not every week :( sorry!

Anyway, I love you all, hope you enjoy 



The next morning I wake to the shrieking of multiple girls running down the hallway outside my bedroom. I groan loudly and wait for Kiana's response, but find there is none. I groggily turn to check her bed, and find it empty. Looks like I'm going to be the last one downstairs again.

I rub sleep out of my eyes, tie my hair up, and drag myself downstairs. For some reason I can't bear the thought of being around the other women right now- the feeling of distaste is a lot stronger than usual. In fact, all that I feel like doing is hanging out with Harry. Alone. I know that can't happen, though, so I plaster an artificial grin to my face and enter the living room.

As I take a seat in-between Amber and Tanya, I find my only consolation is the spectacular view overlooking the mountain. I'm forced to grudgingly redirect my attention as Christie comes racing into the living room, envelope in hand.

"It's a date card!" She shrieks with joy. The rest of the girls clap harmoniously while I sit quietly. I'm past the point of trying to pretend. A jaunty smile displayed across my face should be enough to satisfy the general public.

Christie hastily rips open the envelope to reveal the small card within.

"Welcome to Italy!" Christie reads out, and everyone cheers. Really? That's it? The producers couldn't come up with anything a little snappier? Maybe this show is taking a toll on them as well as myself. I discover it's a group date when Christie begins to read out a list of names-

"Me, Amber, Astrid, Danielle, Perrie, Charlotte, and Karen!" She exclaims. I wince as I realize the selection of girls for the date- I hardly know any of them. Perrie and I have exchanged a few hearty words here and there, and of course I've held a conversation or two with Amber, but I usually distance myself from them for a reason: I can't stand them.

I hold in my strong sigh of annoyance and watch as every girl called rushes upstairs to prepare themselves. I'm forced to do the same as I don't want to stand out too much amongst the women. As soon as I reach my room the smile is wiped clean off my face and I position myself in front of the mirror. I assess the situation, and fix everything accordingly. Now that the shitty realization that I will have to spend an afternoon with the annoying women has worn off, I'm reminded of the fact that I will also be seeing Harry.

Although I hate it, butterflies arise in my stomach at the thought of him, and I can't help but take a little extra time to pick something out of my suitcase that Harry might appreciate. I decide on a blue and white polka dotted button up and white shorts. I take care to undo a couple extra buttons on my shirt- I always want to accommodate Harry, after all.

I apply some make up, and soon I'm downstairs waiting for the other women once again. We leave shortly after, and I find that Harry does not come to greet us at the house, but instead I assume will meet us at the venue. It's weird- he usually comes to the house before a group date, and even some one-on-ones.

I shrug off the odd occurrence and focus on the scenery flashing past me as we drive down a straight, narrow road. Nearly an hour has passes before I realize that we've come upon a medium sized looking town, and the car is slowing. It comes to a stop and we all get out- as I survey the town I remark at how seemingly ordinary it seems. I know I saw some old, historical-looking buildings on our way here, but now the area in which we stand seems to hold none of these. Instead, I see harsh, modern buildings lining the streets, all of which belong to name brands I pass every day on my way to work in New York. It's as if we're back in the US- not in Italy.

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