Chapter 22

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Hello! I have a long weekend and I'm grounded, so I thought I might come through with a double update. I hope you all enjoy :)


The girls and I all assemble around various elegant chairs and love seats. A long glass table occupies the exact centre of the room. I can see various hallways on either side of me branching out to endless doorways and spaces away from prying eyes. Perfect for a rose ceremony.

It's been a day since Harry and I last saw each other. Although our brief meeting at the house was enough to keep me sane, it wasn't exactly enough to satiate me. I won't let anything come between us tonight.

Astrid sits across the room and I shoot her a suspicious glance. I am certain now that she knows all about me, and I am certain that she gained this information through Luke. I need to be careful- very careful- in order to keep her mouth shut, but then again, I'm not giving up my time with Harry when no threat is set in stone.

Butterflies invade my stomach and my senses tingle eagerly, awaiting the arrival of the man I have become so enamoured with. I think it's true what they say- that absence makes the heart grow fonder- because mine seems to be swelling out of my chest right about now.

5 minutes pass and mindless chatter among the other girls serves as background noise- static- a precursor to something I would much rather be hearing- Harry, of course. My toes tap impatiently and I glance around searchingly until finally, I hear the familiar thud of heavy, surefooted strides against the aged wood of the old house's floor. Harry is here.

My guess is confirmed as the sweet man I've been longing for rounds the corner, now standing in front of us in all his 6 foot glory. His hair rests in perfect curls atop his head, as always, and I find at a contrast to usual, he wears a blue suit instead of black. He looks impeccable.

The girls all cheer as Harry enters and I don't restrain myself in joining them. I like to see Harry, why should I have to hide how I really feel? I may not be 'in love' with him as all the other girls claim to be, but I can finally show the appreciation I truly feel.

He trots over and squishes himself in-between Danielle and Karen. They both bat their eyelashes longingly, and I try hard to suppress the surge of jealousy attempting to invade my thoughts. I need to remain cool, calm, and collected during this rose ceremony if I want to stay on Harry's good side. Of all our conflict, at least 50% has stemmed from my jealousy and selfishness, something that I need to learn to tone down. I'll start my training tonight.

Instead of the disappointed frown I want to display, instead a cheerful smile takes hold of my face and I'm leaning forward, hanging off of Harry's every word.

"Hello all you wonderful ladies, it is so lovely to see you all tonight!" Harry exclaims to thunderous applause.

"As you know, time is moving forward, and so are my relationships with all of you. Tonight is going to be really tough, but I want you all to know that I have grown to like each and everyone of you in a unique, special way." Harry announces. The girls swoon, and I have a hard time trying to remind myself that this is a script. Or is it? I had no trouble seeing the plasticity of his sentiments before this week, why do his words sound so much heavier now?

I try to push the nagging feeling of envy out of my mind and instead focus on Harry. Danielle's hand rests against his thigh, so I lean back against the couch and decide it may be better to keep my attention elsewhere. I don't need to be seeing any of that tonight.

After the girls have finished praising Harry, Tanya wastes no time in snagging him up and leading him off down one of the mysterious hallways. The rest of us girls sit and chat, but I find in less than 10 minutes the couple have returned. Instead of standing idly and allowing another girl to snatch him away, Harry makes a straight pursuit for me.

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