Chapter 4

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I tip toe down the stairs of the mansion. Although the building seems old none of the steps creak- I'm thankful. I have no idea if any producers are still inside the house. If they catch me trying to sneak out, they might kick me off the show; No pay check for me.

On the other hand, if any of the girls see me leaving, they're going to get suspicious. If they know where I'm going I doubt they'll hesitate to tell the producers. I'll just wind up in the same position. So, really, no one can see me leave. All I'm going to do is give Harry his card back anyway, it's not that big of a deal.

My path is clear as I arrive on the first floor. I hear soft chatter drifting from the living room, but I know I don't have to walk through there and use the main entrance- there's a different door I can leave through.

I sneak across the kitchen and down a dimly lit corridor. I don't hear anything, so I continue on warily. My heart is beating a little faster than normal; this is one of the most exciting things I've ever done: sneaking out to see a guy when I'm not supposed to. It's not like my loser self ever did that in high school and when I do hook up with guys now, I hardly have to sneak around to get there.

I find the back door I'm looking for and slowly open it. It creaks and I freeze, whipping around to check down the hall behind me. I'm still alone.

I advance and successfully slip through into the garden. There's a fence lining the mansion and I see a small door I'd be able to exit through onto the road the producer told me about earlier.

I cross my fingers and try to unhinge the lock. It comes loose in one swift pull and before I know it, I'm on the other side of the fence walking towards the main road down a small path. I'm completely obscured, the walkway being sandwiched between two tall brick walls bestrewn with vines. I access the main road and make my way up the side walk in the direction I saw Harry's car driving.

I hope he doesn't think I'm creepy. I hadn't thought of that possibility. What if I show up at his place and he's freaked out? First of all, I'm not even supposed to know where he's staying. Second of all, there are very strict rules in place to keep me from doing exactly what I'm doing right now.

Oh, well...

I continue on my way and find the walk is no more than 3 minutes. I worry about getting into the building, but remember I have a card. I try to push the glass door open, and find that it won't budge. I look around and see a scanner to the side of the entrance. I hold my breath and press Harry's room key to it. I hear a click and the door swings open for me automatically. Fancy.

I trod across the pristine lobby tentatively and spot the elevators off to the left. I try to avoid the gaze of the receptionists and press a button to go up. I'm assuming by the number on the room key he's on the 6th floor. That's how it usually works.

I find in order to press the correct floor number, I have to tap the card to another scanner. Who's staying here? The President?

I reach the 6th floor and pad down it timidly. I hope I'm right about this even being Harry's card. I know I'm at the right hotel, and I know there must be a room 620, but maybe it's not Harry's. Maybe it belongs to a Henry Schwarzenegger, or a Hardin Scott. Either way, I'm returning someone's card.

I walk down a carpeted hallway and finally come upon a room labeled '620'. I knock on the door hesitantly. I wait a minute, then finally hear footsteps. The door opens slowly and I'm relieved to find Harry standing in a long-sleeved black shirt and basketball shorts.

"Charlotte?" He asks. He doesn't sound creeped out, so that's good.

"Um, hi, Harry, I know this is kind of weird..." I try to cover for myself. He stares at me oddly. "I found your room card in my pocket. I just came to return it, I'll leave now." I say, suddenly embarrassed. I thrust the card out at him. He continues to stare at me, his mouth open just a tiny bit and his eyes wide as they so often seem to be.

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