Chapter 14

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This one's a little long. Hope you enjoy :)


"Listen up, everyone! I have a special announcement!" A producer shouts from the entrance of the apartment the 13 other girls and I share. It's been nearly 2 days since Harry and I's secret little outing. So far all that has transpired since I last saw him is a group date, of which I managed to hear none of the details about. Now a producer has come and, surprisingly, I find that no camera's reside in our general vicinity.

The girls around me cease their chattering and I notice the producer who, if I can remember correctly, is named Luke, start to count off all the people in the living room. He seems satisfied with our number and continues.

"Harry has arranged for a night with all of you down at a local club without cameras." The producer relays the information to us, shock palpable throughout the room- I even hear a few gasps.

I can hardly believe what I've just been told. I never imagined in a million years that the producers would allow any of us women to be around Harry in the company of absolutely zero cameras, but it seems now that this ludicrous prospect has become reality. I guess Harry really did manage to work something out, just as he told me he would before we parted 2 nights ago.

The producer explains that Harry thought it might be a good idea where everyone could have fun and higher-up had decided to green-light the suggestion. All the girls, including myself, don't need to be asked twice to accept Harry's invitation- Not only have I been bored as ever cooped up in this small apartment, but I've been itching to see Harry. For some reason, I can't stop recalling different moments from our secret meeting earlier this week. It makes me... happy to think about Harry. A most peculiar feeling, but one that I find I can hardly prevent in any sort of efficient manner. I remember convincing myself while I was out with him just 2 nights ago that I definitely don't like him as anymore than a friend, but judging by the amount of time he's spent consuming my thoughts for the past 48 hours, I fear I may be in more trouble than I anticipated.

So, without hesitation, we all rise eagerly from our seats in the living room and begin to prepare ourselves for the night. It's around 8 now and I realize we will most likely be attending some sort of night club. With this in mind, I pull on a black, silk slip dress. It has a rather plunging neckline, is considerably short, and has been taken in around the middle so it clings to the curves of my body in a way I find quite pleasing. Technically it's not a real dress, as I did buy it from the lingerie section of Victoria's Secret a fair few months ago, but nobody has ever noticed. I also have a strong feeling that Harry will particularly enjoy this dress, which silences any doubts in my mind about wearing it.

I touch up my makeup and do my hair and soon we're heading off to the club. Harry doesn't join us on the way and I assume we'll be meeting him there. Once we've arrived, we're ushered inside by the single producer who had been the bearer of good news and immediately I'm deafened by the pounding of bass emanating from the overly large speakers surrounding the club.

I make my way through the crowd of people occupying the dance floor and come to find Harry resides at the bar towards the back of the club. I run up to him, as fast as I can in the heels I'm wearing, and embrace him tightly. In the moments before I'd flung myself towards him, I noticed what he was wearing- a light pink shirt with barely any of the buttons done up, a smart, formfitting black blazer, his usual black skinny jeans, and black boots that I haven't seen before. He looks akin to some sort of sex god and I indeed feel very glad at the fact that I will be able to enjoy his presence tonight without the intrusion of the cameras.

Harry laughs as he returns my embrace, but I release him soon enough. I know that there are no cameras with us right now, but I'm still unable to act any more normal around Harry than I do when we're being filmed. None of the girls with us can suspect any partiality on Harry's part for the remainder of the show, so I'm still confined to acting in a way that I usually wouldn't, although maybe I'll be able to lessen the fake attitude just a bit.

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