Chapter 7

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This ones not as long, and a little more mature than the others have been, so fair warning! x

Hope you enjoy, L


Finally, the producers lead us downstairs. I lag behind the rest of the girls as they all chatter amongst themselves. I know if I lead the pack I'll be expected to talk with them but, honestly, I don't have the strength right now. As everyone rounds a corner to exit the building, I fall even further behind.

Suddenly, from a little ways down the hallway, I hear an almost aggressive shout, stopping me in my tracks. Somebody sounds angry, although not in a threatening way- in fact, they sound more frustrated than anything, just like me.

I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I'm curious. It must be the producers talking to each other and I wonder if I know more about what's going on behind the scenes if I'll be able to earn myself a more secure spot on the show. I back up towards the voices so I can just make out what they're saying. Unfortunately, I don't recognize either of them.

"-Can't you please just do this one thing for me- it's important!"

"I'm not supposed to- it's against the rules. If it gets out you've done what you're thinking of doing, the show might as well be over." Another hostile voice responds.

"You don't understand- I won't be longer than an hour or two! I know you know how to cover my tracks." The first voice counters. I have no idea what they're talking about and begin to get anxious. If I'm caught listening to this conversation, I'll be in trouble- I have a feeling these words are not meant for my ears.

"I really don't know if I can do this- We're not supposed to let favourit-"

"Let me put it like this- If you don't do this for me, you won't have a job anymore. I'll tell main office what you did." The first voice cuts off the second again. I wonder what they're talking about, but can barely make out what either of them are saying anymore as I start to move away. I know the other producers will be looking for me if I don't catch up to the group soon.

As I round the corner I hear the voices once more, now faint- "Okay, okay. I'll make it happen. Tonight." —Is the last that I catch.

I hurry out of the building and am ushered into the limo with the rest of the women, all of which are blissfully ignorant. I strain my neck and try to peer out the window, hoping to see the two faceless voices come walking around the corner and through the glass doors of the building, but I'm disappointed to find that no one does.

I sit in silence as we drive home, mulling over all I've been given to think about. What did the first voice want? Why were they so adamant about getting it? They sounded distressed, but more hopeful than anything. I can't even begin to imagine what they could want, especially on a show like this. I could tell it was two men talking, but there are so many male producers and camera men and executives walking around set all the time, I have no idea who either of them were- I was too far away.

And what dirt did the first voice have on the second? What had the second voice done that could threaten the security of their job? And how did the first voice know about it?

I'm more confused than ever as we arrive back at the mansion, but happy that at least I have something else to think about besides Harry and his dumb behaviour.

I try to shut my brain off as I head straight upstairs to my room, knowing that there's no chance of me figuring out at all what I heard transpire just 20 minutes ago. I retreat to my bathroom and strip before stepping into the shower and letting the steam engulf me. I slowly and luxuriously wash my hair, comb through it, and take care of the rest of my body. I let the hot water soothe my tense muscles for a couple minutes, but soon enough turn it off- I'm not used to wasting water in such a way.

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