Chapter 12

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The next morning we're boarding the plane to France. I can barely see straight I'm so tired and subsequently sleep for the entire flight. I find that we've arrived in Paris in no time and although all the other girls talk about the gruelling trip, all I remember are sweet dreams of green eyes and brown curls.

We settle into our hotel rooms soundly enough and Tanya, Kiana and I find a space that sleeps three, perfect for our combination. I wonder if it will be easy to get them out of the room while we're here- I wouldn't want Harry showing up unannounced just to be greeted by the two of them as well as myself.

Once we've unpacked and I've taken yet another nap, a date card is delivered to our doorstep.

"Charlotte, lets get to know each other better." The card reads. I can't believe it. I've been picked for the one-on-one date. Every girl congratulates me and claps as I'm handed the card, but I don't miss the jealous stares aimed in my direction. I can't blame them-

I was given two dates last week, as well as a group date rose. Now I've been given the first one-on-one in Paris. I'm not faring well in the women's eyes, but I don't know what else I can do at this point. Harry needs to calm down on his end- I've already made every excuse imaginable for him.

I take the card with a grain of salt, but can't help the smile on my face. Spending the day alone with Harry in Paris doesn't sound too bad at all, even if we do have to be in front of the cameras the entire time. I've found that Harry and I can still find a way to do what we want even if we are being filmed.

I walk away from the living room, where most of the girls are assembled now, and head off to my bathroom to get ready. I apply some make-up and select a short, red, flowy dress adorned with small white polkadots from my suitcase. The straps are thin, but two extra pieces of sleeve come down to rest on either side of my shoulders. It's one of the few dresses I've been able to find that doesn't reach down past my knees without being adjusted.

I slip on a pair of white converse and curl my hair before heading back out. The girls eye me enviously as I greet a producer by the front door, who leads me out of the apartment for my date.

I wonder what we'll be doing and if Harry and I will get another chance to be alone. I doubt it- there are no other girls with us to distract the cameras, but I feel as if exploring the city with Harry might be enjoyable whether cameras are with us or not.

For one, I no longer have to act like I enjoy his presence. Last week, when I hated Harry, it was hard to even look at him. The week before, I didn't really know him. Now, I'm acquainted well enough with him to enjoy his company without having to fake it, although the romance bits still may be a little tough to pull off.

I like when he kisses me and I certainly like when he does other things to me, but I'm just not good with relationships. Never have been, never will be. I'd rather have a friendship with benefits on the side rather than have to be committed to an entire romantic relationship. However, I know that's not a possibility while I'm on this show. So, although the necessity has significantly lessened, I will still have to put on an act more or less while I'm around Harry. My mind drifts back to the other night when he promised never to lie to me. I want to be able to say the same thing, but I know that's just not realistic. I push the thought out of my mind.

I'm escorted around the block by the producer and wait in front of a large building with revolving doors and a plush interior I can just glimpse through the windows. I can't help but admire the detailed architecture that seems to cover every building down the street, a welcome change from the harsh modern landscape I've become accustomed to in New York and LA.

I wait for another 5 minutes, a producer standing wordlessly next to me. A quick glance in their direction shows me they're consumed by their phone and can't be bothered in the least by my presence. I continue to marvel at the buildings surrounding me before I feel two large hands on my shoulders.

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