Chapter 17

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I'm sorry for the wait I've been absolutely swamped at school! I hope you enjoy!




The next morning I awake to a familiar presence. As my eyelids slowly rise and I take in my surroundings, I find it's morning- although I can tell it's still very early from the weak light just managing to push through the thin material of the curtains. However, I don't pay the light much attention.

Instead, I focus upon the heavy arm draped around my waist and the firm body pressed to mine from behind. For a moment, I'm confused. Who the hell is in bed with me? I can't seem to remember, and the feeling of lying with someone in bed like this is completely foreign to me. I've never let a hookup stay at my house overnight, much less been held in such a way before.

My disorientation continues for a split second before I glance down at the limb protectively guarding my stomach. I see tattoos- a lot of them- and suddenly I remember. I remember everything. Harry is in bed with me.

I try to shift around to face him, but find my twin bed is too small to make such a manoeuvre. I settle for watching his hand rise and fall with my every breath, and the steady movements of his chest against my back. He's really here, I'm not dreaming, and I don't know exactly how to feel.

I find, to my great dismay, that I slept more soundly last night than I have in years. Usually I'm awoken by nightmares multiple times a night, or restlessly shift for hours on end before finally falling unconscious. Last night, none of these hindrances occurred. Instead I feel relaxed, rested, and safe. This bodes well for Harry- it proves that at least my body likes having him around, but what about my mind? I recall all the information he revealed last night. It appears, for the time being, that Harry did not lie to me about seeing the other women. However, he has entrusted the security of our relationship to a producer, who at any moment could expose our affair and have me kicked off the show and publicly shamed. How can I trust him knowing he believes our secret will lay safe with the enemy?

I sigh and realize that Harry can't stay in this room for much longer. To be honest, I'm surprised he still remains even now. If any girls were to walk in and catch him, the show would be over. I wonder at how he will even leave the apartment without being spotted.

All of the sudden I feel uncomfortable in his arms. Just a second ago I felt more secure than ever before, but now with all of last nights conflicts present once again in my mind, I need time away from Harry to determine my exact feelings.

I reach my hand up and grab Harry's arm, shaking it lightly.

"Harry?" I half question-half whisper. I don't want any other women hearing me. It takes a few seconds, but eventually I hear a low groan from Harry and he's sucking in a sharp breath.

"Mornin'." He coo's into my ear, tightening his grip around me. I guess that he must think that since I let him sleep with me, I've completely forgiven him. Sure, I'm not mad anymore, but I seriously doubt his judgement skills and have no idea if I should trust him.

"Good morning." I respond, attempting to sound warm but failing to mask the curtness beneath my tone. My thoughts seem to be transferring to my voice, but the last thing I need right now is another fight with Harry.

"How'd you sleep?" Harry croaks, seeming to nestle further into me instead of getting up out of bed. My body yearns for him to remain, but my mind knows he must go before he's caught.

"Fine." I lie. I'm definitely not going to tell him that I slept wonderfully. Not right now. He'll get the wrong impression. Harry seems to pull away at my passive response, but does not remove his arm.

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