Chapter 8

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I wake the next morning without the slightest idea of what time it is. A quick glance to the clock on my wall shows it's nearly 11 AM- the latest I've slept in in a week and a half. Astrid did not come to wake me up, a producer did not come to wake me up, and unless you count Harry's sudden appearance last night, I've been undisturbed for the longest amount of time yet since coming on the show.

I slowly rise from bed and make my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and combing through my hair. I put on decent clothing and head downstairs, my stomach rumbling in the process. I decide to make myself breakfast and issue a quick greeting to a couple of the women sitting in the living room as I pass by.

They all smile at me kindly. I hope this means none of them know about Harry's surprise visit last night. If they did, surely they would ignore me or even confront me.

I waltz into the kitchen and, to my delight, find it deserted. I wonder where Kiana and Tanya are. After all, I consider them to be my closest friends out of the group of women here. I don't mind spending time with them, although I'm probably better off on my own right now anyway. I have too much to figure out in my own head to be of much use at conversation with others.

I pull out some eggs from the fridge and begin to warm a frying pan. I slice some bread, cutting it into thin strips, and let the eggs begin to cook. Just as I've deposited them along with the bread onto a plate, I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

I'm reminded of Harry's actions- he always seems to come up from behind. For a second, I do think it's him, but then I turn. Instead, I find I'm face to face with a producer.

"Hey, Harry said one of the girls gave this to him last night and said it belonged to you. I think you must have left it at the cocktail party and one of them picked it up." The producer approaches me with a small black bag, strings attached to the top where she holds it.

"I, um, I didn't- Wait... did you say Harry gave it to you?" I try to ask the producer nonchalantly. I know for a fact that I didn't leave anything at the party, especially not the bag that I'm being handed now- I've never seen it in my life. However, halfway through my denial I realized that the producer has been lied to. No other contestant had found the bag and given it to Harry. It's intended for me, it's not being given back to me.

"Yeah, he did." The producer responds, and thankfully, doesn't sound skeptical or suspicious of my slight hesitation.

"Oh, yeah, now I remember. I think I brought some makeup with me." I quickly make an excuse. The producer doesn't look bothered, no doubt having more important things to do.

"Alright, then. Here you go, take it." They say, outstretching their hand, eager for me to receive the bag. I grasp it quickly and the producer turns and scurries away without another word. I perch myself at the island in the kitchen and scarf down my breakfast with the bag on the counter beside me. It's too dangerous to open it here. If another girl comes in and decides to ask what it is, or where it's from, or decides to look in it, I'll be screwed.

I wonder to myself what it is. What could possibly be in here that Harry has risked telling a producer in order to get to me? I rack my brain, but can't think of a single thing. It was smart of Harry, lying like that, but I know that as soon as producers start getting suspicious it will be easy to see through the holes of his fabrication.

I elect to eat my breakfast quickly and run back upstairs to my room, the mysterious bag in hand. I take the long way around to the stairs, not wanting to risk the other girls seeing me with whatever Harry has inadvertently delivered. Maybe I left something in his hotel room? Not likely- if I had, he would have given it to me last night.

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