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"here, your breakfast" I said, placing down a tray with a glass of juice and a plate with dish.

"I dont eat junk food like this, plus, maybe u put some poison or anything like that" He hissed me and looked away after shot me a glare.

"you are so arrogant for someone who just a 'bit' rich. I bet you wouldn't even breathe in, the smell of this dish if u live in a castle" I scoffed and stood up.

"I will leave this here, eat it if u want to and dont if u dont want" I sighed and walked away. "why dont you just kill me? It will be the best for you" Dad smirked.

I turned away, walking toward the door but stopped when heard him saying that.

"Because u might be useful..." i said with a normal tone and ended with other few words, more to whispering to myself. "besides, you are my dad..."
He can't hear me.

I clenched my fist and walked out from the room, going downstairs. "How is he?" Namjoon asked.

"As usual" i answered and sat down onto the couch. Mom and Daeun just finished eating then sat down, joining me in the living room.

"what is happening.. Actually?" Mom asked, worried about it. "Dad is planning to take one of us, or should i say, me. Because my friend jinyoung told me dad used jinyoung to get closer to me"

"and he accept it?" Mom asked

"No" i shook my head "but i can't fully trust him for now" I placed my hand on my nape, thinking if i should believe Jinyoung or not.

"Yesterday, what happened to him? He's bleeding badly overa his body" Daeun spoke up. "Dad told them to finish him up, but Jinyoung and I came at the right time and saved him. That's when Jinyoung explained everything"

"Talking about Jinyoung, where is he?" Namjoon put up a question, caught my attention.

"no idea.."



"and he accept it?" On my way inside the house, i heard Ahyoung's mom asked, as i secretly hid by the wall and eavesdropped them.

"No" Ahyoung answered.

"but i can't fully trust him for now" My eyes widened when i heard her saying that

She's.. still won't trust me completely.

My heart breaks into pieces when she said it, after what i've done, she still won't put her trust on me

I gritted my teeth and walked away from there "As expected, i should've be along with the other side"



"It's late, no sign of Jinyoung" I shook my head, telling Namjoon about the bad news. We tried to call Jinyoung but no one answers.

"It's okay, go to sleep. I will take care of your dad" Namjoon sighed, worried about Jinyoung.

"Could it possibly, that Jinyoung were attacked by dad's people?"

"I guess so, but i bet he is okay. Dont worry, go to sleep. Tomorrow they might come because it's been a whole day already" He gave me a simple smile but it didn't last long.

I just nodded and walked into the room where Daeun and mom were as i lied down, trying to get a sleep but can't. My heart beated so fast, i wonder why..

While i was sleeping, i heard someone broke into our house. My eyes shot opened and sat up, telling Daeun and Mom to be quiet, hiding. When i was about to get out to check, mom grabbed my hand, telling me to stay.

"I can't, Namjoon is alone" my expression showed how worried i was "i will be okay, dont worry" I whispered and forced mom to let go of my hand

By tiptoeing, i walked to the door and peeked to the outside. My eyes went large when i saw Namjoon was lying on his stomach, ready to shoot anyone who will attack him.

But unfortunately, when i was peeking, someone sneaked out behind Namjoon and about to hurt him but i jumped out, defending Namjoon.

The enemy was about to stab me with a sharp tool but be stopped by a voice.

"That's enough, dont harm her"

that voice..

I turned around and saw Jinyoung, standing there with a woman by his side. The woman is Dad's new wife.

"J-Jinyoung. What are u doing??"

He smiled to me and changed his gaze to the enemy behind me as the smile's gone

"Tie her up, bring her along. Go to the third room, he is in there. Dont harm that girl, also that guy. Just tie them up" Jinyoung commanded and they did as he told.  "How could you!!" A drop of tear fell from my cheek, as our plan was ruined.

His eyebrows narrowed

"Shut up!!" He looked down and shouted. "Get her out from my sight, it's disturbing me"

Hacker (BTS K.N.J) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now