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I woke up as usual but i was still annoyed and angry toward Namjoon. Im sorry but i didn't expect that to be happen, can i really trust him?

Yes or not?

"Hey" Someone approached me from the back and sat down in front of me when it was lunch. I stop drinking the mineral water and looked up to him. "Hey" I replied.

"You seem disturbed. What happened?" Jinyoung put down his lunch and startes to eat.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips and i bit my bread as i munched it. "Nothing" i shook my head "Can u at least ask something else. It bothers me to think about it" i laughed awkwardly and looked down worriedly.

"Okay, let's talk about.. can i be your bestfriend?"

My gaze changed to him "Excuse me?"

"I want to be your bestfriend, staying with u makes me comfortable" He gave me a kind smile, a smile that he is rarely put on.

"Are u sure? I mean, im not that kind of girly person. My attitude is a bit--"

"I know" He cut me off. "So how, can we?"

"Yeah if u want to" i nodded.

We shared lot of things after that, and filled our lunch break with chats while eating.

It's fun to know him, to be friend with him.


After school, we decided to go home together. He wants to send me which is so kind of him.

But as soon as we walked out from the school compound, a family guy be seen. "What are u doing here?"

"What are u doing with him?"

"He has a name, it's Jinyoung. He wants to walk me home. Why?" I asked. "I need to discuss with you something" Namjoon spoke up and pulled my hand.

"He wants to go home with me, it's rude to cancel it in a blink of an eye" I hissed Namjoon, looking at his weord actions.

"Fine. Just do what u want, meet me at your house then" Namjoon spoke and left right at the moment, without saying anything or looking back at me.

A groan escaped my lips as i looked up to Jinyoung. "Sorry about that"

"Who is he actually?" Jinyoung asked. "Namjoon"

"No i mean, who is he to you?"

I gulped, i was speechless. Namjoon is nobody to me, but to be honest, i have some kind of feelings toward him.

But now..

"Let's just go home" I smiled and we both went home as we talked about each other again, making us closer.

As soon as i stepped into the house, i saw Namjoon was there in the living room, talking with my sister.

"Oh she is here now, i will go upstairs" Daeun spoke to Namjoon and he jut nodded with a smile "Thank you for the drink"

Once Daeun went upstairs, i stood there looking at him.

"What is it" i asked.

"About the money, i will transfer it back to you once i can. Don't worry about it"

"Dont worry?" i repeated. "Do u know how much the amount you took from my mom?"

"I didn't take it, it's automatically transferred into my account"

"Dont worry, pft" i mocked him. "Yes, there is another thing u need to be worried about. I assume that your dad is making a plan of something, please be aware of it. He knew about the transferring and will take actions of it'

"How did u know??"

"I was snoking with my friends on the roof and saw three men entered your dad's office, discussing about something"

"It's normal, my dad has lots of workmates"

"Not this one. Trust me. Please, beware of surroundings. Even the close one, u can't trust them"

"How funny is it that you are right. I can't trust you anymore"

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