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As soon as i've done with my part time job for tonight, quickly i took off my apron and cap before i bid my goodbye to the others then ran out to the outside.

"Sorry Namjoon" i panted hard. He looked down to his handwatch. "Im sorry you are waiting me so late" I smiled nervously.

"How many days you've worked here?" He asked. "Two days, i cluding today"

"Today im here, yesterday is just yiur luck. You see the street to your home is empty and quiet. Do you get it?"

I looked up to him for a moment before i formed a smile. "You are.. worried about me?"

"Yes of course i am" He groaned and pulled me closer by placing his arm around my neck. "Can we go to your house? im afraid that im wanted right now"

"You are always wanted, you said that before" Im smiled plainly. "Well yes, but this time someone really is searching out for me" He laughed a bit and we rode his car to go to my house.

As soon as we arrived, i knocked the door and Daeun answered it. Once she opened the door, her jaw dropped a bit when she saw Namjoon.

She was ashamed of him because he was there when we caught her staying with her drug addict friends.

"Why is he here?" Daeun asked. "He need to discuss something with me" I smiled and tapped her shoulder. "Dont worry, he is a nice guy"

Namjoon bowed when he saw my mom "Nice to meet you, im Namjoon, Ahyoung's friend" He introduced himself before stepping into the house.

"Oh so you are the one who walked Ahyoung home that night. Thank you so much dear" Mom tapped his arm because he was tall and can't reach his shoulder.

"Have u eaten?"


We both looked at each other as i mouthed him "You haven't?" He shook his head "Nope"

"It's okay, i will make something for you. Wait for a while"

Both of us sat down at the dining table while watching the tv. I stood up, excusing myself to help mom because he might be awkward staying there alone.

"so.. just a friend?" Mom asked in sudden. I stopped from stirring the soup and looked at her. "Really?" I asked with an annoyed smile.

"It's not like that, dont u want to be in a relationship?" Mom asked. "Why are u asking me these type of questions?"

"Because he looks like a nice match to you"

"Hold on mom. You've seen him only for once and you describe him that way already" I laughed.

"Have u ever heard of instinct?"

I shut my mouth and nodded with a straight line of lips. "That's what im saying" Mom laughed.

After we've finished cooking, All of us say down at the dining table except for Daeun. She went up to do her homeworks, plus she already had her dinner.

"So where are u working?" Mom asked directly.

"Mom! This is not an interview, he is not going to marry me"

"Will" He coughed while said it like nothing. Mom didn't hear it but i did. To be sure, i asked him again. "What did u say?"

"I mean someone will be in that place in future" Namjoon drank his soup and smiled cheerfully to me. "O..kay. You are acting weird"

"This is delicious aunty" Namjoon smiled and ate other dishes and the rice. "Just call me mom" Mom flapped her hand once, acting like a shy person.

"Mom!" My eyebrows narrowed while looking at her and laughed a bit in the end. I love to see her this way, she is.. more cheerful now.

"It reminds me of my mother"

"Are u living separately with her? Why dont u pay her a visit, that way it could ease a bit"

"I pay her a visit once a week. But it can't make me stop missing her"

"Once a week? That's a rare thing for someone working like you. But why?" Mom asked while i ate the rice.

"Because she's no longer here, i can only visit her grave"

I stopped eating and slowly looked at mom She was shocked but later smiled weakly to Namjoon. "It's okay, since u are a friend with Ahyoung, anytime u want to taste my cooking, come here. Right ahyoung?"

"Y-yes" I nodded slowly.


"Im so full" I sat down on the floor and lied down for a moment. "You already ate at the restaurant where u work, and then you ate at your house. Aren't u afraid of gaining weight"

"Shut up, food is life"

I sat up properly and Namjoon sat next to me then he took out his case as he placed it onto the round table in front of us and turned it on.

"So u have no family.. anymore?" I asked a direct question. "Im the only child in the family, my mom passed away"



"Namjoon, what's the matter?"

"He lied to mom and went to married someone else. One day while both of us on the way home from the hospital, we saw dad walked there by the street with a woman and a child"

I gasped and speechless.

"M-maybe there's a misunderstanding"

"I thought so. I kept on convincing mom it's not like what we saw. But one day, mom asked dad directly since he always come home late"

"and what did he say?"

"It's the truth, he has another family"

Hacker (BTS K.N.J) [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang