Chapter 19

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It's been a while heyyy!.... I'm not sure how long will it take to post another chapter after this one but I'll try as much as I can

Alex's POV

I made my way to Jason who was waiting for me at the jet's door whilst typing something on his phone, I couldn't help but think of Winter. Damn I already miss but I'm sure that if I'm able to finish this contract with this company in two weeks, I will be able to surprise her by coming early.

"You've said enough goodbyes?" I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his comment

"There's no such thing as 'enough goodbyes' especially with the person you love Jason"

"When did you turn all wise and shit Alex?"

"I was but I just never showed it often" I said as we made our way to our seats after greeting the staff members

"Well that's new but anyways here comes three weeks of not getting enough sleep" that made me feel a little empathetic of his feelings and thoughts because I knew how he felt about this whole situation and worse during the festive holidays.

"I know dear friend and I'm atleast hoping that we could finish getting this contract in a week and the rest of the things the following week, then we get back there a week early and spend the holidays with out loved ones" I mumble a 'thank you' to the hostess as she hands me a glass of wine and to Jason as well.

"Well then I do hope we can get this done within two weeks early" we drink our wines as we converse about the little things until I decide to sleep for the rest of the flight in my bedroom. We arrive at dawn and decide to go to the hotel to sleep off the jet-leg since I didn't really sleep after the events of yesterday, the moment I was in my suite I took off my shoes and changed into more comfortable clothes and the moment my head hit the pillow I let sleep take over me.

I woke up with the sun hitting in my face as I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the sudden bright light, I moved to the other side of the bed and took my phone from the nightstand and was welcomed with heartfelt message from my baby, and I couldn't help but smile.

'Heyy baby.. I know you're prolly sleeping from the jet-leg but as soon as you see this reply as soon you can. I hope you arrived safely and I miss you so much already. I love you <3'

'Hey my love I just woke up and I arrived safely, I miss you too more than you know and I love you too ❤😚' seen. And just like that my phone instantly rang showing Winter's ID, a smile crept to my face as I answered revealing a hot looking Winter and damn its too early for me to be horny when she's not around.


"Hey princesse, how are you feeling?"

"I'm still feeling sleepy but I had to eventually wake up coz I have to move to my parent's house while I work here"

"I'm assuming you booked a hotel when you arrived?" 

"Yes, Jesus I slept that long it's already 1pm!?!" that earned a laugh from Winter as her hair looks a little wet indicating she that she just came out of the shower.

"Yea? Its around 11 here different time zones and getting ready to work from home" 

"Oh yeah the twins are still at your place, how are they I miss them so much"

"They're alright they have been asking about you these past few days shame you couldn't see them yesterday since it was past they're bedtime"

"Oh right, btw your hair looks kinda wet did you come out of the shower? Looks like you slept in than usual today"

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