Shrine (♡)

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A little somethin fluffy for you guys!! The formattings a lil strange because I just copy pasted it off my tumblr lmaoo.

"Theres the bathroom on the left and oh! On the other side is my shrine of you!"

Mr Plant stops dead in his tracks. He turns around and pokes Argos, a sign for him to repeat it again.

"Oh. I've never mentioned the shrine?"

Mr Plant shook his head. Mr Plant never really questioned why Argos was always coming out of that room when he visited. He just assumed it was his bedroom... He's not exactly an expert on the layout of Argos' void since Argos prefers to be at his more often.

"Here! I'll show you it." Argos grabs his hand, gently pulling Mr Plant along. If this were anybody else, Mr Plant probably would've knocked them out by now. But then again, Argos isn't just another void member.

Besides Argos seems excited, what's the worst that could happen?

A lot honestly. But Mr Plant being Mr Plant couldn't deny an opportunity to make his boyfriend happy.

When Argos opens the door, the room is dimly lit. There's two candles burning, making the room smell like oranges. It isn't that strange considering that it's Mr Plant's favorite smell and favorite food. He does admire how accurate it is. Argos seems oddly proud of it, his smiling growing as he watches Mr Plant explore the room. When Mr Plant actually observes the shrine, its a bit...considering. Mr Plant jumps a bit in shock when he sees just how many photos there are of him. They cover the walls, some being him eating, some being him sleeping and others being him cleaning up crime scenes. Each date is labeled...correctly. The date, the time and the place. There's a desk underneath the largest photo of him. The heart right next to it. Speaking of hearts, there's a large one on that big photo of him and it smells faintly of blood. There's also a doll of him, along with matches and an oddly cute knife. Their pet rock, Tack is happily sleeping on the desk. They look well fed, which is the least unsurprising thing in the room.

On the right of the desk, there's a book. A large one in fact, it looks big enough to be a dictionary. Under that book, there's several more. He opens a few and to his surprise its affirmations. Argos was manifesting him?? Mr Plant shakes his head, he looks at the most recent book, confused as to why Argos wrote this. Mr Plant has never understood manifestation. (It seems to have worked for Argos because Mr Plant loves him a lot...) Most importantly, how often did Argos write in this? He looks back at Argos and points to the book.

"Oh! That's where I do my daily ritual!"

Mr Plant knows better not to ask about it. He does it anyway. Pointing to the book again.

"Do you want me to show you Mr Plant?"

Mr Plant nods.


Mr Plant immediately regrets it once he sees Argos pick up the knife. He cuts a small wound in the middle of his hand, using the blood to retrace the heart on the large photo of him. He does it shamelessly, humming to myself as if Mr Plant wasn't there. Argos pulls out a bandaid from his pocket and places it gently on the wound. Next, he picks up a pen and begins writing in the book. To Mr Plants surprise, Argos writes incredibly fast, within 30 minutes, he's got three pages filled.

Mr Plant taps Argos' shoulder.

"Normally I write about ten pages a day!"

Mr Plant slowly grabs Argos' bandaged hand, taking the pen out of the other one. He gives his boyfriend a hug before pointing to the door.

"Do you want to watch Tv Mr Plant?"

He shakes his head and points once more.

"Ohhh...You want us to go for a walk outside!"

Mr Plant nods and squeezes Argos' hand gently. Argos closes the book, gives Tack (their pet) a pat before he happily skips out of the room. After he leaves, Mr Plant pockets the knife, he doesn't like that part of the ritual. Mr Plant sighs, he'll talk to Argos about it later.

Mr Plant pulls out his phone, getting a few photos of the shrine before leaving the shrine. Argos is happily waiting at the door for him and Mr Plant smiles. He grabs Argos' hand once again and they leave his void as Argos rambles about how Tack keeps racing around his room at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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