Request page! + Headcannons

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Guys, I'm happy to share that requests are open. I'm kinda running out of ideas lmao. Ask for anything, nsfw, fluff, I'm here for it.

Thanks for reading, now have a few headcannons I worked my ass off on.


-Argos' room was decorated with stars when he lived alone in his void. When he moved in with Mr Plant, they both decorated their void with things they liked.  Mr Plant chose stars, they happily remind him of his boyfriend. Argos chose flowers similar to Mr Plant, he loves thinking of his boyfriends pretty face. 

- Sometimes they go on double dates with Mr Mushroom and The Clouds!

-Mr Plant fidgets like crazy and sometimes in public Argos will notice it and try to calm him down.  

-Mr Plant goes CRAZY for FERTILLIZER, its basically zaza for plants. 

-It makes his petals point upward. 

-One day, he tried it on his own and killed TWO CHIPMUNKS, FIVE RATS, AND SEVEN BIRDS.  Argos makes sure he does NOT have it often.

-Sometimes Argos will bring home some for a special day. That can mean two things (If I put the ~, you'd think something different)

-Mr Plant likes to bask in sunlight, it's actually necessary so that his petals can stay healthy.

-Mr Plant commonly eats seeds, Its like a natural vitamin. 

-Argos sings Mr Plant his favorite songs because he's just sweet like that. 

-Mr Plant loves taking Argos on walks. He also takes Argos sight-seeing, he loves the glit in his eyes when he sees something cool or when he jumps up and down says "Mr Plant look over here!". Mr Plant loves it a lot. 

-Argos openly takes photos of Mr Plant now that their in the same void. There's no shame behind it anymore, Mr Plant could be casually eating an orange when he hears the click of a camera. 

-Mr Plant doesn't like the feeling of being watched. He'll stand still and wiggle his hands faster and faster till it goes away. Now, he knows its Argos but he still can't help but hate the feeling.

-Argos has his shrine in a room that Mr Plant can access, Mr Plant has seen the shrine, of course. Every time he comes back it grows bigger, one day, he caught Argos doing some type of ritual. He feels flattered by the shrine but is confused about the ritual part. He's never  went through the book on the table.

-Mr Plant loves when Argos takes control/is angry (not at him of course), rather it be him yelling at someone or killing them, Mr Plant LOVES IT. However, Argos can scare Mr Plant if the anger is directed towards him.

-Mr Plant is Argos' pretty princess, discord kitten, simp, whatever you call it. He just really  loves when he boyfriend touches him. He loves kisses, hug and words of affirmation. Mr Plant runs off of Argos' praise, it means so much to him.

He was very touched-starved before meeting Argos.

-Argos loves seeing movement in the other. Mr Plant could stand up and pick up a book and Argos would HAVE  to record it.

-Mr Plants hands are rather big, and warm. Argos told me himself.

-Sometimes Mr Plant can shut down if things are just too much for him to handle. He'll stay still, fidget (oh look theres my name!) and stare. Argos will either comfort him or give him space. 

-Argos doesn't understand Mr Plants obsession with old black and white horror movies. He'll watch them with his boyfriend anyway. 

-Mr Plant is an obvious horror fan. Argos isn't too much of a fan. 

-Argos bakes for Mr Plant a lot! Mr Plant really  likes the muffins Argos makes.

-Mr Plant is really good with knives, he can cut carrots faster than the blink of an eye. Argos has a bit of trouble holding the knife steady. 

-Argos can move his eyes in different directions, all at once or just one separate eye. 

-If you touched his many eyes, Argos wouldn't feel a thing. His sensitive nerves aren't really connected to his eyes.

-If Mr Plant were to cut himself accidently, Argos would lap up the blood in a heartbeat.  There's always been something about Mr Plants blood that Argos can't  resist....

If you're stopping here, thanks for reading!



-Mr Plant has and will continue to tie Argos up. Their both really into bondage.

-Argos loves when Mr Plant traces down every curve of his body, it makes him feel special. 

-Mr Plant has a praise kink because why wouldn't he? 

-Most of their kinks are consensual. (and safely acted out)

-Argos is really into Mr Plant using him. He loves seeing Mr Plant as a higher being compared to himself. Mr Plant wouldn't be surprised if Argos had a heavy degration kink. (Its debatable..)

-Argos loves worshipping Mr Plant.   

-Mr Plant is obsessed with Argos' thighs. 

-He loves being between them and adores when Argos squeeze's his face between them. Sometimes Argos forgets hes even down there--

-Argos loves seeing Mr Plant dressed up in lingerie, he is obsessed with it.

-He'll buy all sorts of lingerie for his boyfriend. 

-Mr Plant also loves Argos in lingerie. He doesn't understand why Argos likes it on him so much. 

-If anything, Mr Plant will wear it for his boyfriend. 

-Aftercare is a must

-Argos loves cuddling after sex, Mr Plant just likes being close to Argos. 

-Sometimes Mr Plant will get nudes from Argos when working. 

-He'll promise to get Argos back later.

-Argos gets flustered easily. 

-Mr Plant taking off his shirt kills him every time. 

-He just really  loves Mr Plants chest. 

-He'll bury his face in it, kiss it, nuzzle it, you name  it.  

-Argos loves when Mr Plant pulls his hair, shoves him down or pins him.

-He likes feeling vulnerable compared to Mr Plant, its a huge turn-on for him. 

-Mr Plant sometimes leaves bruises him where he was gripping Argos' skin a bit too hard. He kisses them after. 

-They bot snap photos of each other sometimes during intercourse, it depends on who's dominate at the moment.

-They are switches!

-Although Mr Plant tops most of the time, he loves bottoming too!

-Argos bites Mr Plant often, again, he really likes the taste of the others blood.


I'm gonna end it here, hope yall liked these!

(1030 words)

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