Wrapped Around My Finger (♡✰)

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Argos has constantly been leading Mr Plant on but acts like he doesn't know a thing about it. It pisses Mr Plant off and soon he's had enough of it and takes action. Argos has to face the consequences of his own actions.

I have school in a couple hours.

I should be asleep.

I am not asleep.

Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Argos was pacing back and forth around his room. He didn't think he'd actually make Mr Plant angry. Argos just wanted to tease him a bit. At first, he thought that Mr Plant either wouldn't notice or care. It's not like they were dating or anything. But, Argos had always been interested in Mr Plant. Mr Plant knew that and Argos knew that he knew that. Mr Plant just wouldn't give him the chance to get close. Always shutting him out. Mr Plant was still stuck up on Mr Flower and he wouldn't let Argos pull him out of it. Argos had gotten tired of it. Argos hated to play dirty but if Mr Plant didn't take an interest in him then Argos would make him. By the time Argos was done with him, Mr Flower would be the last thing on his mind. This went on for an entire two weeks.

Argos slowly started to dress in more revealing outfits, shorts that showed off his thighs. Shirts that clung tightly to his slender frame. Argos made sure to grow out his hair. He would start randomly touching Mr Plant, sitting closer to Mr Plant and even whispering in his ear. It was enough to make Mr Plant stare but not enough for Mr Plant to prove that Argos had purposely been trying to lead him on. And that made Mr Plant furious so much to the point that he had kissed Argos.

It wasn't a chaste kiss, it was a rough one. At that point they were just making out. But what made him angry was that Argos pulled away as soon as felt Mr Plant getting hard. Argos waved to Mr Plant, winked at him then left. Mr Plant sat in shock, but he couldn't for long to the ache of his hard on. Mr Plant unbuckled his pants then furiously jerked himself off. Argos did this multiple times too, always leaving Mr Plant hard. Argos even sat on Mr Plants lap one time and grinded into him. Mr Plant was completely caught off guard by it. Mr Plant had gotten just a short taste of what I'd be like to fuck Argos. However, Argos left shortly after before any of them could finish. Argos watched Mr Plant jerk off each and every time through a hole in his void then Argos would head off home to finish himself.

Well Argos did that yesterday, today he had sent Mr Plant a nude then ignored any remaining texts after. A couple minutes after that, he sent a video of him riding a dildo. That had really done it for Mr Plant, Argos watched every text without opening it. Some were angry and others were questioning. They both knew that Argos was seeing the texts though. Mr Plant was sexually frustrated, Mr Plant wanted Argos so bad . Mr Plant was not a beggar, he was a chooser. Argos should've known that.

Mr Plant: Argos.

Mr Plant: You've been nothing but a tease for the last two weeks. You're pissing me off, you know that?

Mr Plant: I know you're reading my messages Argos.

Mr Plant: Respond.

Mr Plant: Stop ignoring me Argos.

Mr Plant: Answer me Argos.

Mr Plant: I'm coming over soon.

Mr Plant: Be prepared for when I get there.

Mr Plant: I swear I'm gonna fuck the absolute shit out of you. That stunt you pulled yesterday, I'm gonna get you back for it. So don't be surprised.

Mr Plant: I bet you like the thought of me pinning you on the ground and having you like nothing more than a common whore huh?

Obsession (Mr Plant x Argos)Where stories live. Discover now