Two Cards Full of Love (♡)

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I like writing fluff! Mainly because these two are so frickin cute. The fandom just had no smut atm so I had provide! But I'll be writing even more fluff soon!

Mr Plant sits in his bedroom, rereading the letters Argos sent him as his secret admirer. He smiles to himself.

At first, Mr Plant didn't really care much for Argos at first. Argos bothered him so much to the point where he gave up on not letting him in his void. Mr Plant strictly thought Argos was a nuisance, no matter how long he waited for Argos to arrive on Mondays for tea. Or how he wished he could embrace Argos before he left. He did think he would hate whatever was written in these cards.

He did. He swore he did.

But Mr Plant didn't, in fact he'd become attached to Argos. The gentle but loud sound of his voice, his work ethic. His face and his many eyes that constantly observed him whenever Argos looked the other way. The way Argos did his best to get Mr Plant out of the house. The way Argos instantly forgives him, it's all...—it's nice. It makes Mr Plant feel comforted, he decides.

It was something Mr Plant had tried to ignore. Something Mr Plant pushed to the back of his brain as he did most things. However, Mr Plant had failed to do that all Valentine's Day, every time he saw or heard the ad, he thought back to Argos. And he'd get all flustered, Mr Plant sort of liked the feeling now but hated it at first. So he took out the cards that he'd hid in his drawer yesterday. Mr Plant didn't like Valentine's Day anymore after his break up with Mr Flower so he hid all the cards he got this Valentine's Day away.

He grabs the card Argos has written for him. Mr Plant melts as he reads it. His petals stand up and shake a little. Argos is careful with his words, every detailed sentence makes Mr Plant stop for a little while to regain himself. Argos had decorated the letter in red ink. He remembered Mr Plant's favorite color. Mr Plants grin grows wider, his heart beats faster and he finds himself rereading every single line over and over again. Mr Plant notices another card from Argos.

He is quick to grab it, it's written in dark red ink this time. The way Argos writes is just so good . It draws Mr Plant in immediately so much that he even ignores the things that Argos shouldn't know about him. The things that Argos shouldn't have seen. The things Argus' should not know. The photo Argos should not have of him. All of it seemed to overwhelm Mr Plant but in the best way. Argos is sweet but sets a rather possessive tone in the second letter.

If Argos was completely obsessed with him, then that meant Argos would never leave him. No matter what.

Would he?

Mr Plant needed air, he decided. His heart beating fast as the feelings overwhelmed him, he needed to get outside. That should help.

Mr Plant leaves quickly, accidentally knocking over the cards he was reading.

Mr Plant went on a walk to clear his head but everything seemed to bring him back to the heart shop. So that's exactly where he ended up, the heart guy was young but not clever enough. Mr Plant had already thought of the perfect gift for Argos.

Meanwhile Argos is walking back to his void after seeing his cards knocked over. Perhaps Mr Plant had gone out with Mr Flower. Argos felt a couple tears run down his face, his heart ached, it clenched painfully inside him. Argos pulled his hair stressfully. There was nothing he could do to make the pain stop. It continued and it hurt Argos. Almost as if it wanted to kill him. He stopped for a second in an alleyway, just to hold his chest and focus on breathing correctly. Argos screamed all his pain out. It was wrong of him to assume this but it was the best option. After all Mr Plant rarely left his house, especially on holidays so why else would he have left?

Argos takes a step back.

He sits on the ground and buries his face on his knees.

Argos was a fool, for failing for someone who's heart was already taken. Mr Plant loved Mr Flower. The proof was there. Argos took a deep breath then wiped some tears off his eyes. He should go home, it was getting dark. Argos had work tomorrow, he needed to get himself together. Argos sighed before heading back to his void.

He should talk to his therapist, his therapist always made him feel okay.

Maybe he'd talk to him again.

Mr Plant had been waiting for Argos for an hour now. He was quite shocked to find out that Argos had not been home. In fact, it actually made him think about where Argos would go. Knowing Argos, he was probably still working at this time. Although Mr Plant was invading Argos' privacy, he was curious to know what actually was in Argos' spare room. Argos had told him to stay far away from it, Mr Plant never questioned that until now.

He turned the handle and opened the door.

Mr Plant was met with thousands of photos of himself. The entire room was covered with his photos, they littered the walls. A board was attached to one wall that had notes all over it, seemingly about Mr Plant. Some of Mr Plant eating, sleeping and even some of him sleep walking.

How had Argos gotten these photos? Sure he remembers Argos in his void that one time. That's the only time he ever caught Argos in his void and there were thousands of pictures. How good was Argos at stalking him? Is that why he feels that presence around his void sometimes? It all had started to make sense, well that's that. Mr Plant smiled to himself, Argos was definitely the one for him and now confirming that Argos would never leave him, it was just even better.

He heard the sound of approaching footsteps so he quickly closed the door and stood behind Argos in his living room. Argos placed flowers next to a table. Argos

leaned a bit on the kitchen counter. Argos sighed, he looked sad. The bags under his eyes were darker than usual, his eyes red. Was Argos crying? Mr Plant tapped on the kitchen counter and Argos jumped. Only to be faced with the person he was literally obsessed with.

"Oh! Mr Plant you're here! And you brought me a Valentines gift?" Argos asked

Mr Plant didn't like how Argos questioned that.

Who else could he have brought it for?

Mr Plant nodded.

Mr Plant handed Argos the heart.

Argos blushed and reached behind him and handed Mr Plant the flowers.

"Does this mean that we're more than friends?"

Mr Plant shrugged, if that's what Argos wanted to be with him. Mr Plant refused to tell himself that he wanted to date Argos. Argos' face immediately lit up, his skin glowing in the light and Mr Plant feels his face heat up. His hands move faster, Argos mentions that he'll be right back.

Mr Plant watches him go down the route to the shrine. Mr Plant lets out a breath of his own. He rubbed up the stem of the flower, if Mr Plant played his cards right then Argos would be his. That thought made his heart jump, Argos would be his to keep. He wouldn't ever have to worry about anyone taking Argos away from him. Soon Argos had returned and asked Mr Plant if he'd like to watch Tv with him.

Mr Plant agreed, sitting next to Argos. They agreed to finish the balloon man series. Argos eyed Mr Plant a couple times with a smile on his face. Mr Plant slowly reached for Argos' hand, grabbing it gently. Making Argos blush. Mr Plant thought it was a nice sight, he smiled too. Gently rubbing his thumb over Argos' hand. Argos leaned closer to him, laying his head on Mr Plant's shoulder. With his other hand, Mr Plant pulled Argos closer.

Wednesdays have become special to the two because that's when they first established their relationship. Mr Plant comes over every Wednesday now. Argos is always waiting for him and if Argos is out before Mr Plant arrives, sometimes Mr Plant will go to Argos shrine just to see it before Argos gets home.

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