Captivating (♡✰)

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Mr Plant didn't question Argos when he asked him to go camping specifically at void 241. He just simply nodded. Mr Plant never genuinely questioned Argos about anything. It was just something Mr Plant didn't do. Maybe it's because he enjoyed spending time with his lover either way. Although he could see something was up with Argos, Mr Plant decided not to dwell much on it. Argos always had those moments where he could be very determined. Most were when Argos asked Mr Plant out on dates, Mr Plant never refused. Something about Argos was just different somehow, Argos understood Mr Plant and Mr Plant understood Argos. Argos wasn't a burden to be around.

So even on days Mr Plant didn't want to be seen, Argos was always an exception. Argos made those days better for Mr Plant. Argos calmed Mr Plant down simply with his presence. Argos made him hate being in the void less. Argos made him hate children less. Argos made his heart beat faster. Argos had the same morbidity trait as him. In conclusion, Mr Plant loved his boyfriend. So much that he instantly agreed to go camping with him as he did most things.

Argos seemed very excited when they first got to their camping site. Mr Plant didn't really mind being outside much but it wasn't desirable. So when Argos said he'd go look for firewood it wasn't unusual to Mr Plant as Argos liked being outside more than him. Mr Plant didn't enjoy nature unless he was alone. But, he'd throw that aside for Argos. The part that confused Mr Plant was when Argos had seemed rather defensive about bringing his camera. Again, Mr Plant shrugged it off. Argos was always protective of his camera. Argos' carried it almost everywhere.

Only Mr Plant knew what camera held, Argos was a stalker. Argos wasn't proud of it and oftentimes apologized to Mr Plant for it. However, Mr Plant encouraged the idea, he liked the thought of Argos' obsession. That way, Argos would never leave Mr Plant. Plus, Mr Plant liked the attention. He was flattered every time he saw Argos shrine. In fact, once Mr Plant had sex with him right in front of it. That's when Argos stopped hiding his obsession and with the encouragement form his lover, it only grew stronger. It's not like Argos wanted to kidnap or keep Mr Plant, he didn't want anything like that. All he wanted was Mr Plants heart and he had it now.

Nobody would or even could take that away from him.

Mr Plant reached out for Argos, gently grabbing his wrist and bringing his lover in for a kiss. Argos immediately accepted it, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck. After a short while Argos pulled away, a blush coated his face as he panted. Mr Plant stared love struck as he glanced at his lover, his hands moving faster than usual.

"I'll be back soon" Argos said, winking at Mr Plant before heading through the forest. Mr Plant frowned as he watched Argos leave. He had gotten fairly attached to Argos so it took a toll on his mood whenever Argos left him. Although Argos would be coming back. Mr Plant took a deep breath before getting started on the tent. He spent most of the time building it as the tent was pretty large. Mr Plant personally liked to build things, Argos had given him a box of legos once, sparking his interest with building. Argos was also on the creative side, Argos liked to create artwork and he was pretty good at it too.

It wasn't long before Mr Plant had finished setting up the tent. His anxiety was gnawing at him though, it was dark outside and Argos hadn't come back yet. Mr Plants hands nervously wriggled together as he paced back and forth around the campsite. Thankfully, Mr Plant didn't have to worry for long before his boyfriend came back. Except, he was accompanied by a strange looking monster.

"Oh, Mr Plant. I found a friend, you don't mind if they join us for camping do you?" Argos said smiling

Mr Plant shrugged, he'd seen worse sights. The monster was nothing new to Mr Plant. It's just that Mr Plant hadn't ever seen such a monster in person before. The monster wasn't harming him or his boyfriend so Mr Plant didn't have a problem with it. Argos asked the monster to wait around the campsite while they got prepared. The monster sat on one of the large logs.

Obsession (Mr Plant x Argos)Where stories live. Discover now