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im just really happy to have gotten this far :)
Seriously, you guys are amazing, over 20 favorites and 2k readers?? Thank you all for reading my work, it means a lot to me and I hope you guys continue to read my work! Thank all of you!!!

- Fidget


(quick reminder that Argos is trans in most of my stories!)

Choke me. Choke me. Harder.

Argos followed silently, making not one sound that could possibly signal he was there. He watched as Mr Plant punched Mr Puzzle making him land on his back. Mr Puzzle screamed a slur at Mr Plant but Mr Plant could care less at the time. He held Mr Puzzle there, thinking about what method he should use to kill him. His hands went straight for Mr Puzzles' throat. Argos breath hitches and he quickly pulls out his camera, setting it on record. Mr Puzzle sputtered and coughed. It was a hard sight to watch.

But something about it made Argos' heart beat faster. Faster than it should've.


After the murder of an unfortunate person, Argos discovers that he gets off from the thought of being choked by Mr Plant.


t was a normal day in the void, Mr Plant had just gone to the store. He needed more oranges, however the previous store had run out. Much to Mr Plants dismay. So trotted off to the nearby grocery store instead of his usual store. He found the oranges there and went over to the cash register. Mr Plant is mute so he usually uses sign language. The cashier named Mr Puzzle however laughed at Mr Plant mocking his use of sign language. It pissed Mr Plant off, therefore he grabbed the guy and dragged him over to the back room. Mr Puzzle struggled but it was no use as Mr Plant was fairly strong.

Argos followed silently, making not one sound that could possibly signal he was there. He watched as Mr Plant punched Mr Puzzle making him land on his back. Mr Puzzle screamed a slur at Mr Plant but Mr Plant could care less at the time. He held Mr Puzzle there, thinking about what method he should use to kill him. His hands went straight for Mr Puzzles' throat. Argos breath hitches and he quickly pulls out his camera, setting it on record. Mr Puzzle sputtered and coughed. It was a hard sight to watch.

But something about it made Argos' heart beat faster. Faster than it should've. It was wrong to get off to a murder but Argos reached his hands down into his underwear either way. Argos rubbed over his clit. Mr Plant removed his hands off of Mr Puzzle after two minutes, holding him down as he got only a couple seconds of oxygen before choking him again. Strangely Argos had wished that it was him and not Mr Puzzle. Argos somehow jealous of Mr Puzzle, Argos had to look away.

Why couldn't that be him? Suddenly the sight wasn't hot anymore as his jealousy increased. He slipped his hands out of his underwear, Argos wasn't in the mood anymore. Thankfully Mr Plant had gotten bored of Mr Puzzle and soon snapped his neck. Argos stopped recording. Making sure to save the footage. It's likely he wouldn't need it. Argos wasn't actually sure if he wanted to save it now considering that it was Mr Puzzle being choked and not him. Argos saved it anyway, what did he have to lose? Mr Plant cleaned up the body then simply left. Argos followed him out but quickly went back home.

When he got home, he set his camera on his table, sadly making his way back to his room.

Although Argso felt it was stupid, he ended up crying about it. In fact, he cried for a couple hours. His own thoughts ruined his entire day. What Mr Plant was doing wasn't sexual at all. It was out of complete rage, Argos knew that of course. The bags under his eyes had only got darker as he stressed even more. It's just that Argos wished that Mr Plant loved him back . What if Mr Plant had a special love interest that he did that too?

Obsession (Mr Plant x Argos)Where stories live. Discover now