Old Memories pt 3

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  I looked up from my seat, there they were. The looked older, obviously. Nick looked around the room before we spotted me, he poked the others and they wipped their head in his direction. I started to stand up and they started making their way towards me. Quickly, I was pulled into a hug by Nick. I was surprised that he was being so friendly. We haven't talked in ages. I wrapped my arms around him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

  We pulled away and looked at eachother. "It's really good to see you Y/N, we've missed you so much" Nick said to me. "I've missed you too" I said back. I turned my head to Chris, who was standing right beside Nick. He came closer and pulled me in. I wasn't surprised about this big though. Chris was always a hugger. I wrapped my hands around him, holding him tight, closing my eyes and rubbing his back. We pulled away from each other. Looking each other in the eyes and nodding.

I turned to look at Matt, he smiled at me. I've always had a special relationship with Matt he was always the first person to call when something good or bad happened. Maybe that was just because I had a crush on him. He pulled me into a big, he held on the tightest out of the 3. His hugs made me feel safe. Like nothing bad was going to happen. We hugged longer then the 3. We pulled away and I took a step back, smiling at all of them.

"I've missed you guys" I said to them, as tears were brimming to the surface of my eyes, I wipped my eyes before anything could spill out. "We've missed you too" Chris said to me. I smiled. "Let's get something to drink." Nick said smiling at all of them.

I got a black coffee, so did Nick and Matt while Chris got some sweet drink with every topping you could imagine, I'm glad their still the same people I knew them as in highschool. Once we sat down I asked them. "What's new" I asked picking up my coffee and taking a sip. "Where do we start" Matt said laughing, me letting out a giggle after him.

"Well after we moved to LA full time we had a good few couple of years, but it was stressful and tiring. We were always trying to find ways to make content more entertaining. But after a while our views and subscriber dropped, by them we were in our mid 20s and we wanted to put ourselves first, that's when we stopped doing YouTube." Nick said. "Enough with us though what's new with you." He added.

"Well after you guys moved I finally applied to college and got a degree in English." But after collage I met my husband and I had my daughter." I said picking up my coffee and taking a sip. "You have a daughter!" Chris said leaning his whole body more on the table to listen to me better. "Yeah, I do! She just turned 13" I said with a smile. The triplets all smile at me. "That's really great Y/N were really happy for you" Matt said with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"So is he cute?" Nick said. "What?" I asked confused. "The husband. Is he cute." Chris asks. "Oh yes, he has this dirty blonde hair that is always cut short-ish. He has bright blue eyes. And you won't believe this, he's 6'3" I said. They all gasp. "Do you have a photo" I pulled my phone out, me and him were my back ground, my turned my phone towards them. They all smile. "You looks really happy in that photo" Matt says. "It was our wedding day" I say, taking my phone away from their faces and back into my bag.

I may have looked happy in that photo, happier then usual. But all I was thinking about that day was if they triplets could've been their, if they would've come if I had invited them. But overall my wedding day was just stressful. I wanted everything to be perfect, so did my sister. She was my wedding planner. She was the one who had to calm be down before I walked down the aisle, I was having a terrible panic attacks.

We were all walking out of the coffee shop, Nick and I finished our coffee in the shop to we through them out in their, Matt and Chris still had theirs in hand. "I really hope we can do this again" I said to them. "I hope so too" Nick said. "We can give you our numbers so you can stay in contact with all of us." Chris implied, taking out his phone, handing it to me to put my number in. I put my number in, also changing the name to "Y/N😋". Matt handed me his phone, our hands brushing against each other. I held my head low while putting my number in to hide my blush.

I handed his phone back. "Well we really have to get going, but I'll text you later." Nick said to me. I nodded "bye guys" I said while turning away. "Later Y/N" Chris said to me.

Once I got back into the car, slamming my car door on the way in. I rested my head on the steering wheel. I didn't know what was going on. I though I was over Matt, it's been so long, but I was very in love with him. I took in a deep breath. This wasn't going to be good.

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