Road Trip Pt4

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Nicks POV:

"What are you talking about" I said shaking my head "well you know she's a bit bigger" Ali replied back to me "no she's not" Matt said. "Sorry for my mistake" Ali said back "can we move on"  she added.

"No I don't think we can" Chris said to her "she's not bigger, how could you even say that about a person, if anything she's small" Chris said squinting his eyes and shaking his head.

"Like I said sorry for my mistake" Ali said slowly, moving her head with the words. "I think we're done here" Matt said standing up. Me and Chris copying his action and walking towards Laura and Madi.

"Please I'm very sorry for saying that, can we continue the interview" Ali said jumping out of her chair and walking towards us.

"No sorry I don't think so" Laura said also getting out of her chair, Madi following. We all started walking out of the door, Ali staying in her spot, feet planted to the ground beneath her, staring back in shock.

"I wanna talk to someone about this" Laura said. She was mad, I could tell, I've never seen her like this. "I want to talk to her manager." She said still walking, us following behind.

We walked up to a desk, a tall girl with green eyes and red hair was sitting behind the desk, typing on her computer. "Hi can I talk to Ali Millers manager it's urgent" Laura said hovering over the desk. "Ok let me check his schedule" she paused "he has an opening in 30 minutes, are you ok to wait" she said. "Yes that will be fine" Laura replied back.
• • • •

"He's ready to see you know" the red headed girl said. Laura started to stand up "can I come" I said. Laura nodded her head. The others decided to wait for us. We walked into the office, it was old, outdated. it had old carpet that's worn down from the amount of times it's been stepped on, it smelled like cigarettes and coffee, it reminded me of the 80s.

"How can I help you?" He said removing his feet off of his desk, leaving a scuff. "I have an issue with one of your reporters, Ali Mills." Laura said while we both take a seat in the chairs. "Ah, Ali she's a trouble maker. What did she do now." He said leaning over his desk. "She body shamed a friend, I know that might not sound like a big deal but this would've been televised, on the internet. If I was in her shoes I wouldn't want anyone talking about me while I wasn't there" I said moving my hands while I talk.

"I understand that, I wouldn't want anyone talking about me either. I've been meaning to let go of Ali for a while now. Their had been many complaints about her and how she uses her words. This is the last straw" he said looking both of us in the eye. "So I guess we're done here" Laura said standing up.

We started walking out of the office before Laura turned around and said "delete the videos you got of the triplets please" she turned around and started walking out, me behind her.

We walked towards the others, Matt looked up from his phone. "How did it go" Matt said. "Good, let's just say Ali won't be talking about anyone's body for a while" she said smiling. "Let's go" Chris said. They all got up from their chair.  "Wait, I think Y/N went to the car, when we get in just let her cool off, give her some time." She said. We all nodded and started walking towards the door, by this time it was almost completely dark outside and it got colder.

The van doors opened, there she was. She looked like she was sleeping, I don't think she knows how bad everyone feels about what she said.

Hey y'all I'm back, sorry I'm not posing I have so much homework👎

Love you tho

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