~ 17 - The End ~

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So I guess everything kind of worked out in the end.

Things with Wyatt were back to normal, we were friends again. I should've listened to him in the first place.

And I guess you could say I was alright with Josh. He wasn't so bad after all, I realized I had no reason to hate him. I turned out to be the one who stole Lola from him.

And, best of all, Lola and I were together. After all the years I'd been in love with her, I couldn't believe she'd felt the same way. All this time, and neither of us had had the courage to tell the other.

"You're welcome." Wyatt said. I was sitting next to him on the front steps, having just told him about mine and Lola's kiss.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"You're welcome." He repeated. "You guys wouldn't be together without my help."
"That's not true-"
"It is. You know it is." He sat back on his hands and stared out across the driveway. "Congrats, though. I'm happy for you guys."
"Thanks. I guess." I replied. "There's something I still can't figure out."
"And what's that?" Wyatt asked, without looking up from the driveway.
"You." I told him, and then he did look up.
"I don't know if anyone can." He responded vaguely, leaving me wondering what he meant. I stopped thinking about it soon, when Lola came over and sat down next to me. She put an arm around me and leant her head on my shoulder.
"Hey." Lola said softly.
"Hey." I whispered back, slipping my hand round her waist. Wyatt stood up and winked at me as he headed back inside.

I smiled. Everything had fallen perfectly into place.

For now.

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