~ 14 - The breakdown ~

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In the end, I decided I would go to the party, even though I knew I'd regret it later.

Lola insisted on us both dressing up and splattering on makeup, despite my efforts against it. I looked ridiculous, but Lola somehow still managed to look gorgeous, even with a thick layer of makeup.

I had ditched my crutches for the night, I already looked like a clown and wasn't prepared to be hobbling along any more than I already was in the high heels I'd borrowed from Lola. I'd just have to sit down as much as I could. We stumbled through the door of Wyatt's house together, into a bustling crowd of drunk dancers. Dragging me through the chaos, Lola headed straight for the bar. She ordered two glasses of something with a fancy name I can't remember, and it tasted strongly alcoholic, and not good at all, but I downed mine in five seconds flat. Bad idea.

Lola jumped excitedly off of her stool, and I turned around to see Josh making his way over to us. He waved at Lola, and even from this distance I knew he was pretending he hadn't seen me. Great, this was just want I needed.

Josh, to my delight, greeted Lola with a kiss on the cheek. He was trying to intimidate me, and it annoyed the hell out of me. But what annoyed me even more is the fact that it was working. Now he can see me, I thought.

There was no point in me staying here, I left Lola with Josh's lanky arms wrapped around her, and headed off to find the bathroom. Five minutes later, I was leaning against a locked door, staring at the bleak white wall above the bathtub, tears streaming down my face.

This evening was going just perfectly. I hadn't even been here half and hour, and already I was completely drunk; Josh and Lola were most likely making out somewhere, forgetting I even existed, and I was locked in a bathroom with mascara running down my cheeks. Why did I even come?

For Lola, when she's off with her jerk of a boyfriend doing God knows what?
For Wyatt, when he has so many guests he wouldn't care if I showed up or not?
Or for myself, when I currently wishes I was anywhere but here?

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