~ 8 - The hospital room ~

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When I woke up I was lying in a hospital ward, my mum and Hayden stood at the end of my bed, and a nurse behind them.
"Kai, you're awake!" My mum exclaimed, and she rushed to my side.
"Wha- what happened?" I asked, confused. The nurse explained that I had been hit by a car. It hadn't been going very fast, so I wasn't badly injured, but my leg was broken and I was having surgery on it the next day. The nurse kept saying how lucky I was, but lying in the hospital bed, I didn't feel very lucky.

My family stayed for an hour or so, but Hayden got bored after a while so mum drove him home. Being in hospital was pretty boring, there wasn't a lot to do. I wondered if the others were still at the restaurant, if they knew I was here. I wasn't wondering long, though, as the door to the ward opened and a nurse came in.
"You've got a visitor." She told me as she walked over. Then the door opened again, and this time it was Wyatt. I wasn't exactly happy to see him. He unfortunately didn't seem to notice how annoyed I was, and came and sat down next to me. The nurse exited the ward again, leaving us in an awrkward silence. For a couple of minutes, neither of us said anything, but then my anger boiled over the edge.

"What were you thinking!?" I exclaimed, apparently a little too loudly, as everyone in the ward looked over at me.
"I'm sorry, okay." Wyatt responded, once everyone had looked away again. "I didn't mean to tell him."
"You still said it!"
"And I'm really, really sorry. I wish I hadn't said it. If I could go back and stop myself, I would."
"But you can't." I said bluntly.
"No." Wyatt sighed. "I'm so sorry."
"I know. But sorry doesn't change anything." We sat in silence for another few minutes. "Does Lola know?"
"I don't know. I left the restaurant to try and find you as soon as I realized you'd gone. I went to your house and your parents told me what happened, so I came here."
"Why did you come here?"
"I wanted to say sorry."
"Well you've done that, so you can leave."
"And I wanted to talk to you, I wanted to put things right." Wyatt paused, I assumed he was waiting for me to respond, but I said nothing. He continued. "You mean a lot to me, we're such good friends and I don't wanna lose that."
"I thought we were good friends too."
"We are good friends, Kai."
"I'm not so sure now. I really thought that I could trust you." I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. "I told you my deepest secret, something that I've never told anyone else before. I trusted you," I paused to wipe away another tear, "and you betrayed me. I don't think I can ever forgive you for that.

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