~ 6 - The (almost) confession ~

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After the first time we met, Wyatt always seemed to want to hang out. He called me every other day or so, asking if I was free. Which I usually was, I didn't have a lot to do, despite it being the summer holidays. And I had nothing better to do than to agree to meet him.

We'd normally just sit at the park or something, maybe get a milkshake or something to eat. He had a lot of questions, and most of them were about Lola. One particular time, we were sitting on a bench at the local park.

"So, would you ever consider telling her you like her?" Wyatt asked. It was about his fifteenth question that day.
"I don't know...probably not." I said, but really I was thinking I'd never ever tell her.
"Why not? Too scared?" He asked, jokingly. I shrugged.
"Come on, what's the worst that would happen?"
"Well, let's see." I began to count on my fingers. "She could hate me forever, I could loose my best friend, what else? Oh yeah, I could embarrass myself."
"Kai, you're overthinking this."
"No I'm not! Maybe you're underthinking it.
"That's not even a word." He informed me. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously though, I think you should tell her."
"And why's that?"
"Well look at the good possibilities: what if she likes you too?"
"Yeah right." I scoffed.
"You don't even think it's just a tiny bit possible?"
"Well, everything's possible." I saw Wyatt's excited face and sighed. "It's so unlikely that it's not even worth thinking about it."
"Okay, say she doesn't feel the same way."
"She doesn't."
"Don't you think it'd still be better to tell her?" Wyatt said, ignoring my negativity.
"I'm guessing you have a stupid reason for this too?"
"It's just better for her to know. And she'll stop hassling you about moving on from Aiden." He was right, I guess. And I definitely wanted her to shut up about finding a new boyfriend. I sighed. Wyatt looked at me hopefully.
"Here we go."
"I wanna wait for the right moment."
"Okay, okay. But you better not chicken out."
"I won't."


I stood next to Lola at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. This was it, I was about to confess my love for her. My eyes nervously searched the group, and darted over to the alleyway Wyatt was watching from. He gave me and encouraging nod. I sighed, took a deep breath and turned to Lola.
"Yeah?" Lola looked up at me, her green eyes sparkling.
"Umm, I have something to tell you." I began nervously.
"Okay, shoot." She instructed. I hesitated, trying to figure out the right in my head. Lola, clearing seeing my struggle, asked, "Kai, are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Come on, Kai. You can do it. I told myself. "Well, the thing is-" I was interrupted as Lola's phone began to ring.
"Sorry, one second." She fumbled around in her pocket and pulled out her phone. "It's Josh, I'd better get this. I'll be one moment." She answered the phone. "Hello? Hey Josh!" Continuing to talk to her boyfriend, she turned away. I rolled my eyes.
"Psst, Kai!" Wyatt hissed from the alley.
"What?" I replied, making sure my voice was low enough that Lola couldn't hear.
"What's going on?"
"She's on the phone to her boyfriend."
"Did you tell her?" He sounded hopeful.
"No. Not yet." I sighed. Wyatt looked disappointed.
"Well, tell her."
"I can't." I said, shaking my head. "It's too hard."

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