~ 10 - The crutches ~

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I'm pretty sure that it's any kids dream to have crutches, and it definitely sounds like fun, but when you actually have to use them, it isn't as fun as you might think.

I'd stayed in the hospital for a few days, and I was ready to leave and return to normality. The nurse had got me some crutches to use when I went home.

"How does it feel?" The nurse asked as I hobbled along on the crutches with the massive cast on my leg.
"They're okay." I replied. I stopped and turned to the nurse."Do I have to go home?" I asked him.
"Well, yes." He replied. "Your leg is healed enough for you to go back to normal, there's no reason for you to stay." I frowned. I wanted to go home, of course, I hated being in hospital. It was just that I didn't want to have to face Lola after what had happened.

I was assuming she'd found out by now, Josh wasn't exactly famous for keeping secrets. And she hadn't come to visit me in hospital, when normally I knew she would've, which meant she must be avoiding me. To be honest, I couldn't blame her, I don't know how I would react in her situation.

"Kai? Are you in there?" The nurse asked. I'd been thinking for too long, just staring into space.
"Yeah, yeah."
"So, the crutches are okay then?"
"They're fine."


I finally arrived back home, and mum helped me out of the car, and supported me as I stumbled over to the doorstep. As I stepped inside, I remembered that I'd have to go to school tomorow, and have to face Lola.

Maybe I could find a way out of it, pretend to be ill or something. I was kidding myself, of course, unless there was something seriously wrong with me, mum would never let me stay off school. Even my broken leg wouldn't be able to get me out of it, I'd just have to go. I'd have to see Lola eventually, of course, I guess it's better to get it over with.

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