~ 15 - The truth ~

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I wiped my tears, unlocked the door and stepped out onto the landing. Dodging huddles of drunk teenagers, I made my way down the stairs and out the front door.

I had decided it would be best to just go home. No-one wanted me here, and I wasn't having a great time. Unfortunately, as I made my way out, I noticed the two people I did not want to bump into. The two people that had ruined my life.

Josh and Wyatt were sitting on the bottom step, each with a glass of beer in their hand. I snuck around then, but one of them must've noticed me, because Wyatt jumped up from the step and ran down the gravel driveway after me.

"Kai, wait!" He called. I sighed and turned to face him. "You're leaving already? When did you get here?"
"I can't be here." I replied.
"What? Why?"
"You know why."
"Is this cos of...Lola?" He asked, and Josh's ears spiked up at the sound of her name.
"What do you think? Of course it is." I told him. Josh stood up and walked over to us.

"I didn't tell her, just so you know. She overheard it too."
"Yeah. She was right behind you when you ran out of the restaurant. She followed you out and chased after you." He added. I was so confused. I started at him, shocked, as I tried to figure everything out in my mind.
"It's true." Wyatt confirmed. "After you got hit, she came rushing back, grabbed her stuff and went to the hospital."
"But she never visited me in hospital."
"I know. When I went to see you, she was still sitting in the waiting room." Wyatt told me, and Josh nodded in agreement.
"She said she was trying to find the courage to speak to you. She didn't know what to say." This was too much information at once, I could feel my head getting dizzy.
"I- I need to sit down." I staggered over to the steps.
"Kai, are you okay?" Wyatt asked. "You look really pale."
"I'm fine. I just need some time to process everything, that's all."
"You want me to leave you alone?"
"No, you can stay." I said, and I genuinely didn't mind. I guess I'd kind of grown to enjoy his company. He was a good friend, I suppose. He'd made a mistake, it happens, I was more willing to forgive him not, not entirely, but more than before.

And maybe Josh wasn't so bad either. He hadn't told Lola, like I thought he had, and he hadn't actually done anything wrong.

I still couldn't get my head around what I'd just been told. Lola had chased after me? And she came to the hospital, what did that mean? Did she like me too? She wanted to talk to me, what did she want to say? She'd said she just wanted to be friends, but now I wasn't so sure if she meant it or not. I was so confused. Nothing made sense.

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