chapter forty-seven

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Sage's POV


I smiled "I was looking for Lorilli but I guess this is killing two birds with one stone" I laughed, he just stood there "Who is at th-Sage" and there is Deacon.

I got nervous, but I kept reminding myself I have been through worse. "Come- in" he opened the door "That is what I say idiot" he slapped Oli. I guess old habits never die. Oli I kept calling him, it just came out.

I walked in, it was homey. I still had this stuff in my hands, I stood there "You can put that there" Deacon pointed to the chair "Oli can you help me in the kitchen" they both went. It was obvious I was welcome. Lorilli came out, surprised. I just smiled.

"I know this out of the blue, so I can come back. Here" I wrote down my number, began walking out "Oh and your stuff is in that box, I will be right back I have grabbed Oli's" I went to my car and grabbed it, walking back in and setting it down. "Bye"

"Wait, no. It was a surprise but stay please." I turned and smiled "Okay" she brought me to the living room, we both sat down "So you got married" she smiled.

"Yea, I am happy about it." I just nodded, this is weird. "I am going to grab some snacks. Want anything" I shook my head. After a little, they all came out. Oli sat next to me. Deacon and Lorilli "Sage, how have you been" I smiled "I am doing good, hit a patch but happy"

We made conversation, talked about things strangers did. "Is it me or is this awkward" they all looked at me "Always know how to be honest" Lorailli laughed "Look Sage I never apologized for what I said I am sorry" I smiled

"Deacon it's okay, it's all in the past, let bygones be bygones" he smiled "So does this mean we are all good" I laughed "We have been good for a while" My phone rang "Let me take this" I stepped out.


"Sage where are you"

"I am safe, I assure you."

"I can track you, you know that" I laughed

"I am serious" "I know"

"I am just dropping off some stuff at Deacon and Lorilli. I will be home shortly." I hung up

"Sorry, Marco was a little worried." They just nodded "You two are still together" I nodded "Thick and thin" They all got up and gave me a hug "You look good Sage, you look better. Happy and healthy that all we wanted" I smiled

After we talked about everything, that went on in their life. Lorelli is pregnant, that's why they all were getting together. She was truly happy, they all were. Oli told me about his girlfriend, he thinks she is the one. Deacon was doing great for himself and his family.

I knew in the line of my business this would be the only time I could talk to them. I can't risk their lives, they still were important to me even if we had a falling out. We all hear a knock, Oli got up and went to the door. "Finally" it was a girl. She was pretty, brunette with green and brown eyes.

"I want you to meet Sage my friend" she smiled, she looked like a bitch though, I stood up "Sage, nice to meet you" she shook her head and shook my hand. It was around 6 pm. "Well guys this is where I leave, this was nice" I took my number from where Lorilli sat it down.

"We should do this again" I smiled "Yea one day" They all gave me a hug. I grabbed my stuff and left. Not looking back, I had to let them go for the best. I walked towards my car, got in, and left.

I drove to my apartment, once again. I missed it, a lot more than I let on. Pulling in and parking. I went back up, opened the door with my spare. I turned on the lights, there was Marco sitting down.

"Figured you would be here" I just set my keys down "What happen to you today" he shook his head "Nothing" god he was a pain "If you're going to keep this act up, closing yourself off. Then I can't help" I took his hand "Marco, let me help"

"You could've got hurt, Sage I am scared out of my mind. It was my fault you got shot, I took you there and you almost died." he blamed himself "You wrote me a letter, you even though you would die and yet you went. You were willing to leave me. I promised to never leave, you were not supposed to leave either"

"Marco I- No Sage" he stood up "I can't lose you, I am in love with you. You CAN'T LEAVE" a tear came out of my eye "Marco, I wrote you that because I wanted you to know how much you helped me, how much I loved you. I didn't know if I was going to die or not, I took the possibility but you could've died too. We both took the chance, we are in this together Marco. I need you to trust me to know I will always come back"

I stood up and practically threw myself over him. "I love you Marco, and I am sorry but it wasn't your fault. I had the training, I was ready and you knew deep down I would go either way. I am here now, with you" I cupped his face and kissed him

"I promise never to leave you Marco" he kissed me back "Loving you drives me crazy, but I love every minute of it" he laughed "I love you too Sage, I promise to never leave" I smiled, I don't think I could ever leave him. It was never an option in my book, this was it for me and I couldn't be happier.

We continued to kiss, it was passionate and addictive. Clothes were thrown everywhere. "Jump" I wrapped my legs around him. He walked over to my bed and laid me down. We had a lot of quality time together. He was gentle because I was still healing but everything was perfect.

We laid down, I was worn out. "You can train if you want to, just promise you it will be slow" I smiled "Really" he nodded. I snuggled into him, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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