chapter forty-one

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Sage's POV

We drove to the other base, the girls and men that were with us were taken to our house to be treated. The drive was around 15 minutes, we were rushing.

I had reloaded and was ready. As soon as we stepped out Luca came to us. "Lucia is still up top, there are just a lot of men" We nodded our heads. They were holding up inside, so we went through the back and side "On my go" we held the position "Now" bursting through doors, Lucia was heading out the way.

Brianna and I were still together. Liz was with Kole. There were a lot of bodies. The only downside is I was going in blind. I shot and reloaded. There was this guy, he looked familiar. I got closer. He was the guy I hit with my car. He saw me and immediately knew.

He came towards me. Shooting and missing, I shot people in front of me. We met each other "You" I threw my knife hitting him in the shoulder. He threw a punch, I slid, taking out another gun. I shot him in the leg.

He turned, pulling out his. I was on the floor, he shot. Turn as quickly as possible. It grazed my side and it hurt like a bitch. He came closer, my gun was out of my hand and he was over my body. I kicked him. He fired another shot. Grazing my arm. I reached for my other gun and shot.

He fell to the floor. I got up holding my side, I kept ongoing. The graze was not deep but deep enough. I wrapped it with some cloth, and I ripped off my shirt. We cleared out rooms, people are on the floor.

Our men, their men. After clearing downstairs, people were looking for their leader. We went upstairs. There was an armory like ours. Bri grabbed ammo and shrugged.

We ended up close to the office. We figured why not search around. Men already but at the same time, they were being shot at.

I continued even though I was bleeding, I was with Brianna when we cleared out of the office. We went to the conference rooms. Nothing.

We saw another office on the opposite side, "When we get done with these" she nodded "Marriage?" I look at her "Yea I would hope so" she laughed "I want to fall in love" I smiled "You will"

"Who knew we would become friends" I chuckled "Yea, you were a real bitch I used to call you and Adria the bitchy bunch" she laughed "We were"

"What about kids?" I looked "Marco wanted seven or more, we compromised six" she laughed "You?" she smiled "Just two on girl one boy" the comms went on "Can you two focus" we smiled "We are shut up"

Everything was clear, we headed to the big office. We figured it was the bosses. There was no one, we were walking out when a gun went off. I turned and fired. Brianna was falling on the floor. She got hit, on the side.

I looked to see who shot, it was their leader. "You killed her, you bastard" he laughed "You are Sage" I nodded my gun pointed at him. He pulled out another gun. I fired before he shot. He was dead.

"Bri hold on okay?" she smiled "You still have things to do, people to love, kids." she just looked at me "You wanted how many two right what were their names"

"Leo and Aurora" I picked her up, "Then stay awake please" I carried her, I walked down. Liz spotted me, her face dropped

"She is not dead, get her in the car" she nodded. "Sage your bleeding" I focused my eyes and shot "Don't let your guard down, it was a while ago I am fine." I ripped her some of her shit and stuffed the wound "I am out Sage" Fuck. How did this go wrong?

"We are heading outside, Brianna got hit" I turned on comms again "Sage there are people outside" Marco stated "No shit, I have a gun for a reason" I realized I had two left.

"You grab her, I will cover" she nodded. I looked around and spotted a gun and grabbed it taking out the clip. Adding the rest of their bullets to mine. "Let's go" I had three knives left, I threw a knife, one hitting people in front of us.

Walking out shooting two of them. I saw Lucia who spotted me and walked over. We were approaching the car, we were in an open field. I walked behind. "Sage" I looked over. There was a man laying down, holding his stomach.

I lowered my gun, "Look don't hurt them okay" he turned the gun to me, he was angry "You took our home" he was bleeding, shot in his stomach. "No, they did not, I took you home. ME" he pointed it to them still.

"No she, her I saw her shooting, my brother" He was in pain "You should all die" he was close to pulling the trigger "NO, Look point it at me. I gave the orders" he looked and shot.

I pushed them out the way, it hit me on the side. "SAGE" I fell. I heard another gunshot, it was Lucia shooting the guy. "Hey get up come on. Stop playing" I smiled "I am okay get Brianna to the infirmary"

"Sage is down, repeat Sage is down. She was shot." Lucia stood over me "Sage it's okay we are going to leave right now. I need you to get up okay" I felt loose "GET BRIANNA IN THE CAR ELIZABETH WE NEED TO GO" Lucia was screaming for once. 

All I could feel was coldness, with everyone yelling it eventually faded. It was just me and my thoughts, I closed my eyes and all I could see was Marco. There were four kids, three boys and one girl, I smiled at the thought of them. My eyes opened when I started to cough, tasting metallic taste, this was it. I was at peace, I am going to miss Marco that all I could think about. My dad came into my head, with his soft smile inviting me in for a hug. "I am glad you are happy mija, he was always going to have my blessing." I hugged him back and thats when everything went dark.

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