chapter one

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Sage's POV


"I swear to christ's fucking mother if you don't hurry the fuck up. I'm going to leave your ass." This guy takes forever to do his hair and for what reason he will still be ugly. I hate living with my brother he is like a filthy animal but non less he can be awesome only when he cooks of course.

"Jeez... you should really shut up. It's not lady-like to curse" He gave me a small smirk and then flips me off walking out to my car of course. I mean we are going to the same place which would be our mom's house not too far like a 30-minute drive from our apartment. Which is rather cozy now that I think about it, we have lived here for a year together, surprisingly I haven't murdered him. We wanted to move out of state but stayed because of our mom... haha no. It was because we are two broke kids and it's cheaper to go to college in-state.

"Are you coming bum?"  he walks through the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I give a quick nod and we head to the car. The drive isn't too bad, not a lot of traffic. We turn on the radio and of course, this umpa lumpa takes the aux cord and plays his "Vibezz'' playlist. Then he sings really loud and uses his hand as a mike and sings to me looking like an idiot none the less I join in and now we look like two idiots who just got permission to drive on the highway.

When we get there we see our mom and Nic laughing like there's no tomorrow. I am happy for her, she found someone who makes her really happy, especially with her history with our dad... not the best track record. I looked at my brother knowing this would be our last 'family' dinner before he leaves.

We make our way in.. not knocking cause who really knocks? As we go in, our mom's face lights up. "Finally you two are here, I have been waiting all day, I feel like I never see my two babies anymore."  "Mom we are two grown adults, we are not babies anymore." Emilios smiles and is smacked "Don't say that you two will always be my babies." she walks toward us with the biggest hug, we smile with an apologetic look on our faces. We live close but our lives get busy so we only visit once a month, I know it's very sad but we text her every day especially after...

"Hellooooooo, earth to the idiot" Emilio states after waving his hand over my eyes. I am quick to smack him and he looks at me and smacks me back but harder. I was going to hit him once more when "STOP! You act like kids, Emilio never hit your sister, I raised you better than that and you don't hit your brother missy." She is scary when she gives us the try-it-again look. "Apologize" she states and we do so.

After we have a peaceful dinner, light-hearted jokes, and games. It's almost 10 o'clock at night, we start to wrap up washing the dishes while Emilio picks up the games. We are headed to the door where Nic and my mom are waiting for us.

"Bye Mom, I love you, we will try to visit more. It just gets so busy with college and working nights." 

"It's okay I know coming into town and being here makes you think about him, don't worry baby, come when you can, I love you honey" She gives me a smile and a big hug where she practically squeezes the life out of me. I turned to Nic " Bye Nic, it was good seeing you, but next time mark my words I will win, and there's no doubt about it." we both laughed "Ya okay Sage keep dreaming, hun." With that, we depart back home, walking down I hear Emilio scream about how he is going to cook next time and he gets in the car.

We look at each other and head off Emilio is now in his feelings, you could say he has had a little too much to drink. So he plays his "sad boy hrs" playlist singing his ass off with me just laughing and eventually gives in and starts singing as well.

As I park the car, we both get out Em almost busting his ass not once but twice. I help him out and he is raving about how he is going to beat up this guy who keeps talking shit at his job, I just laughed. I wouldn't doubt he could beat someone up, I mean he and I spare in the rings at the gym and he is really good no surprised. He has the reach and can throw a mad punch but I have the strategy so of course I always win.... Nah but it is 24-26. We have been punching bags for a long while like years but he goes up against other people and so do I. We both are good but still get the shit kicked out of us.

I unlock the door and lay him down, tuck him like he is a five-year-old, and give him some water. He has a tolerance for alcohol so I don't worry. I change out of my clothes and throw on some loose black shorts and an XXL shirt that is my dad's. I miss him. I play some music to distract my mind and it works. I lay down and as soon as I lay on my bed and passed out.


The first official chapter is here!

Really hope you enjoy it, this is my first book and time writing so bear with me

Let me know what yall think



people can changeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon