chapter seven

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Sages POV

Waking up was the worst thing there is. I hate mornings, just another miserable day, and people's bullshit to put up with. I took my phone off the charger with missed calls from Oli and Lorile, our group chat was blown up asking where I was, if I was dead, and my favorite If I slept with that hottie. I decided to facetime them, and they didn't answer. I really do wonder why I have friends sometimes. Getting out of bed finally with little to no motivation, I brush my teeth and start making the coffee. I wait for it to finish, and check my emails.

When there's a knock at the door. Walking towards it hesitantly, peeping through the door, and seeing the three stooges. Opening it someone lunges at me "Loreili, jeez are you trying to kill me" She let me go and let out a chuckle "I was worried about you, why didn't you answer the phone" I just rolled my eyes waiting for Oli to tell them that he left me at the club which he did. He got a slap upside the head from Loreili.

"Let's go for brunch, it can be our first independent act now that we are done with college" Today just wasn't the day, I felt more down than usual, and I should have been excited I am graduating in a couple of weeks but all I could feel was numb knowing that he won't be there, and neither will my brother since his worked and can't get out of it and neither my mom nor Nic are coming because it was around their anniversary and they were going to the Bahamas. My mom offered to stay but I told her to go, and that she would be there when I graduate medical school.

"I am okay guys, I have a busy day as it is" I lied "Are you sure?" they all gave me unsure looks "Yea go, have fun" giving them a reassuring smile "Okay" One by one they left. I don't know what it was about today but I was on an emotional roller coaster. I decided to go out instead of sulking over my feelings.

 I heard a knock again assuming one of the weirdos forgot something. I opened it. My face was really confused, "Do you need something" I snapped "Hey princess, how are you today?" I just looked at him"I'm fine, why are you here?" he gave me a cheeky smile "We need to talk" He pushed past me, I just stood there and was really angry. "Come in why don't you?" I said sarcastically slamming the door as I walked towards him, he was sitting on the couch.

"The night you helped me, I had something on me and it seems I can't find it, it's a flash drive and it's in a covering, have you seen it?" seriously he really is accusing me of stealing. I don't have enough energy to argue or put up a fight. "No, but if I see it I'll give you a call" he looked at me confused I guess he thought I would yell out something. "Ah yes I forgot you had my number" he scratched his head, he was about to say something but then closed his mouth. "Okay well you can go now, I have errands to run" he gave me a smirk.

"How about I take you, today is my day off and I still owe you a car" I was surprised, by what came out of his mouth. I glared at him "No I'm okay, I would rather walk or ride the bus or something" he let out a chuckle "I don't take no for an answer, I insist after all I do still owe you"

"You don't owe me anything, I will be fine so please go" I knew I was probably going to stay home and watch TV or something. "Well if not come to dinner with me, it will be fun and I most definitely owe you Sage" The way my name sounded when he said it made my heart flutter a little. It wouldn't be a bad idea I mean it's the least he could do. "No, I am okay busy day and all" "It's either dinner or running errands you tell me" He was really persistent, it was annoying. "Neither, now leave" he just sat there "Dinner it is, pick you up at seven sharp" With that, he got up and headed towards the door without another word. Leaving me here stunned, he really just did that wow.

After a little I just decided to go, I mean he didn't give me a choice which pissed me off. I wonder what thing he lost he said it was a flash drive, it seemed really important I guess I'll have to look out for it, just in case. I got a call from Loreili. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I felt like an empty vessel. It wasn't just my dad passing but things that led up to me being this person. I mean when I was little after the divorce he would stop showing, and my mom worked so it was me and Emilio, we would be with our cousins or unc- anyway, the point is I am fucked up in the head bad, I had bad experiences with depression but yet I am still here even when everyone abandoned me. It is whatever, I just don't know anymore I put everyone's needs before my own and it gets me nowhere every time. 

It was around 1 p.m. finishing up cleaning and taking a shower after. I got out and headed for my bed, leaving my music to play. I plugged in my phone and set an alarm for 5:30 so I could wake up and get somewhat ready. Before that I texted him asking if it was fancy or if I could wear jeans. He specifically said NOT to wear jeans, and that it was somewhat fancy. After I decided to sleep instead of letting my mind overthink itself.

My alarm was loud and obnoxious, I wanted nothing more than to throw it, but the last time I did that it broke so I just switched it off and got up. For some reason, I felt nervous. Was this considered a date, but it wasn't he asked because I helped him that's all. I still wanted to look somewhat pretty so I went to my closet and took out whatever dresses I could find, leaving me with two. Both blue, one silk the other well I don't know what it was but they were given to me by my mom. I never wore dresses so they mainly stayed in my closet. Paired it with black heels which I occasionally wear to family dinners or other occasions.

I took the dress, set it down, and worked on my makeup, putting a little of everything on and then some gloss. After I just brushed my hair and straightened it well the pieces that were crumbled on because of my nap. It was almost seven, I darted to the dress, put it on and the heels. Right as I did there was a knock. 

I grabbed my black trench coat and headed to the door. When I opened the door he looked at me up and down "We will talk later" and hung up the phone "You look beautiful tonight, Sage" This was the first time I actually went out with someone other than a friend, it was weird. "Don't look too bad yourself Marco" He looked better than that, he was wearing a suit that sculpted his body. His eyes popped out as always, they were so beautiful. He stands there basically eye-fucking me, I mean I know I don't always dress up but it was just something I threw on. "Are you done?" he gave me a smirk "Done what?" he is acting like I am stupid "Are you done eye-fucking me?" I snapped, he was surprised and so was I, I'm not usually this aggressive but being around him, I felt the need to "Uh come on let's go, reservations won't last forever" I nodded headed out him following, we walked towards his car and he opened it for me, I slid in buckling up, he closed the door and did the same thing. 


Hope you enjoy this chapter

I have been swamped, but here it is. 

Next chapter coming soon 



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