chapter fifteen

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Sage's POV

We drove to the party, I put a coat on to match my heels, and Loreili told me that I had to take it off when we got there. I just nodded, and we pulled up to a house with booming music. We both got out, people looking at us, headed in the house, more people looking. I spotted the boys playing beer pong, we caught their attention and their mouths dropped. Walking over to them "Wow you look really good" I didn't know what to say, so I nodded. Turned to Loreili "I going to get a drink, a lot of them" She laughed and I walked over. 

One shot turned into five, I wanted to dance so I dragged Loreili with me, we danced and everyone just watched. Deacon dragged her out because they were horn dogs. I felt someone touching me. Turning around I met with Oli and he was drunk. Really drunk. We danced, and he started getting handsy and it was weird, I pushed him away and walked to get something to drink. I took two more shots. My head was spinning, I knew this was a bad idea but I just wanted to have fun. I took another and another. I was ten drinks in, Oli walked over to me. "Sage come on let's dance" I walked past him, towards the door.

I was outside, it was cold but I couldn't feel it. I could hold my weight only for so long though. I pulled out my phone and called Loreili. "Hey um. I want to go, I um what's the word oh no wait, damn I can't remember" I laughed "Sage where are you" Oh no this wasn't Loreili this was Macro shit how is this possible "Oh you, hello amor I am home, well not home but at a house" he sighed "I will be there soon stay where you are, understand" I chuckled "No, I think I will walk home, wait how far is that like a mile woah that's not right, Oli" Someone threw their arm around me and it was Oli " Sage listen to me stay their" I hung up, looking at Oli, all you would hear is the wind

Breaking the silence "Sage you arrre pretty" I laughed "I want a dog, I think dogs are nice" he laughed "Dogs are nice, what about cats" We were on the ground lying down, looking up "OOooo hairless cats are cutes, what if I got one of those" he scoffed

"Do you want to die, those things will kill you because they are ugly"

"What, you're just hating cause they are precious, do you have a smoke"

"You know I don't like smoking, it's back look what happened to you're dad" he froze, aware of what he said. I sat up, got off the ground, and walked. Drunk me is a new version of fucked, so I kept walking. No clue where I was going. "Screw you Oli, that's not what happened" he walked over towards me and grabbed my arm "You're right it's not how he died, but he did die, why do always avoid people when they mention him" He was fueling my anger

"He is gone, why shut everyone out, even your brother"


"No, I have waited and waited for you, and then this-this guy comes in and takes you from me, I WAS THERE FOR YOU THOUGH EVERYTHING"

"I BELONG TO NO ONE, I am sorry if you thought I was interested that wasn't my intention, as for talking about my dad NEVER SPEAK OF HIM, NEVER"

"Your dad abused drugs, and drank his liver away, it was about time, HE WAS A NO SHOW, FOR HALF YOUR LIFE SAGE" I didn't know what to say, I told Oli about my dad and his past but to bring it up, tears started flowing, I was pissed.

"Shut the hell up NOW or so help me I will-"

"What hit me?"

That was the last straw, I didn't hold back, I lunged toward him, faking right and hitting him left. I didn't feel anything. I lunged but he caught me, I kicked him with my foot, and he hissed in pain. I stumbled back, taking off my shoes. Ran at him like a mad bull, with a target. I punched him over and over, he blocked a couple, he came at me but missed he was disorientated, him being drunk, he landed a couple of blows to my stomach. I threw my heel at him "You not worth it" I was walking away and he grabbed my arm. He pulled me, close to him, I turned around, and kicked his back leg, and him falling on the ground, I caught his arm and twisted it. "Never come near me again, next time I won't be so kind, as for this friendship, it's over, never call, text, or even dare come near me"

Walking back to the house, my makeup ruined, Lora and deacon standing there with Marco. They all looked at me, worried. Marco rushed over "What the fuck happened" Oli followed behind, I scolded him. They looked at him and he had a puffy eye and was bleeding. "Did he try- if he hurt you I swear" I looked at everyone "No he didn't try anything" I looked at Deacon "What happened" I just held my stomach, everything came out all the alcohol and my lunch. Marco held my hair back.

I caught my breath, feeling like absolute shit "Ask your friend, he is no longer mine" I looked at Marco who was furious, Oli approached us. "Sage, I am sorry, I didn't mean it" Marco grabbed him by the collar "Stop, he is irrelevant to me and a waste of time, save your apology for someone that gives a fuck" I put tugged on Marco, who let go.

Deacon stepped forward "Sage, Oli says a lot of dumb shit you know that better than anyone" I laughed "Of course you would defend him, silly me to think for once you would take my side" Loreili looked at me in pity " Ask him what he said, go head, he crossed a line I don't need people like him in my life, pathetic" Oli froze, I was done 

"Sage your no saint either, but that's why we are friends" Deacon finally spoke up "Fuck you" he just stared "Look stop pointing fingers, look at him you fucked him up over a couple of words" Marco shot them a look "Watch you next words, very carefully" Marco's hand was on my waist "Well I guess we are no longer friends then, I don't need you guys" I look at Loreili "You have been a friend Loreili, I hope we can still be that" Deacon gave a smug look at Loreili "Deacon is right we all say messed up things Sage, but you roughed it out" I scoffed "All of you can go fuck yourselves, to think I called any of you friends is pathetic" Deacon looks at me "Sage the only reason we were friend was because of Oli''

I just shrugged, Marco had enough. He threw a punch at Deacon, and then another one. "Marco enough, Stop" he was going at it again. I tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and stopped "You all are a bunch of micios, you never speak to her like that again, o ti metterò personalmente una pallottola in testa" (or I will personally put a bullet in your head) He got up, I started to walk away he caught me and carried me bridal style. 

"I can walk" he just put his hand to my face and wiped away my tears. "You shouldn't have to mi amore" We went to the car and he put me in, heading to my place the house slowly faded away. The drive was silent, I didn't want to talk, I just sat there replaying Oliver's words. 'He was a no-show' How dare he say that, my dad had a past but he tried to make up for it.  He is my dad, after all, he loved me right? Of course, he tried over and over. I mean Oli was half right I do push people away, but not my brother, I talked to him or tried. He moved cause he needed to be by himself, or was it cause of me? God, I hate this. 


Well that happened


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