chapter twelve

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Sage's POV

Walking in they all had their back towards me, so I just decided to put my headphones in and sneak by them. Heading to the punching bags, dropping off my bag in the lockers. I wrapped up my hands that way I didn't hurt them too badly. I started slow, but all that I could think about was what was going on between me and Marco. Was there anything going on, I mean his brother did say that he liked me and not just as a one-night stand. Was it true though, could I trust him? Of Course not, he is a guy who kills people, fucks girls for fun, and doesn't care for anyone. How could I be so stupid, he just likes everyone else. He even admitted it.

"Hey Sage" tapping on my shoulders, just ignore them they will leave. "Sage" another voice appeared, I knew who exactly it was. Loreili and Oli. Deacon was sparring with a random guy. "That's my name" I turned around with a forced smile on my lips.

"Why haven't called me back, we were worried" Loreili had a remorseful face on, she knew something was up.

"Sorry guys, it's just been hectic for me lately." I gave them a light smile, I just wanted them to leave for a little

"We are heading to get smoothies after this you want to come?" I didn't really want to but they already knew that. I was going to go back to my empty apartment when I got home. "Yeah, sure" They both just smiled at me "Alright well after Deacon, Oli is going in then we are heading out" I just nodded my head and went to get a good workout.

After a little while, my body was burned out, I didn't even think I could make it to the car. They all walked over to me "Hey doll you ready" I just looked at them and sat on the floor. Oli held out his hand gesturing to grab it, and I did but it hurt like hell. "Are you okay" I just laughed "Yeah I just pushed myself a little too hard today." That was a lie I went overkill on purpose. Oli just smiled, putting my arm around him for support. We all headed to Oli's car to get the smoothies.

It was a very short drive, to say the least, in the car we blasted music and Oli attempted to sing which just led to me turning off the music. When we got there, we were met with Deacon and Lorille waiting for us. Like a gentleman, Oli got out of the car and opened my door while helping me out. We all walked inside ordering our drinks. I had got a banana-strawberry smoothie, and Deacon & Oli both got fruit blends. Lorille got a Nutella shake with a donut on the side. Which I happily took bites out of. 

The guys went into their conversation, Lorille just stared then we both turned "What's next for the famous Sage" I just laughed, she studied infashion and Deacon studied business. "You know more school, more debt" she just laughed "What's next for you and Deacon" she was quick to respond "Well we were talking and decided we were going to move in together, and since my internship is next, he is going to look for one close by." I was stunned, I mean I know they have dated for a while but moving in together is a step. " I know it is soon, but I really do love him, and he makes me happy..." I just was confused as to why she was explaining herself, I mean I already knew it. "If that's what makes you happy then go for it, I am happy for both of you." She hugged me.

"So, when is the infamous Sage going to be ready to mingle" I just stared at her for a second, I don't think love is for me, I have been in relationships, I know very surprising. I was with this guy before my dad passed and he treated me well, for the first few months, always wanted more though, insisted on being my 'first'. Now that I look back on it he was a piece of shit though, once we fucked he left me, I was only there for a fuck all those months down the drain. 

Then well my dad died. Now there is Marco who is great but like all guys just want to fuck, and he will leave. All the words that come out of his mouth I want to believe him but how can I? Everyone leaves at least for me, but what if this was a turning point? Could I take that chance?

I just smiled "Oh no, no mingling for me, working will suffice." she knew the answer "I know you don't like talking about past things, but I am always here" I just nodded my head and finished my drink. The guys turned to us and smiled. "This weekend all of us. Party together, everyone is going" I just shook my head. They pleaded for a while and I finally caved in "When" they all smiled "Wow clubbing and now a party, Sage who are you" I laughed "Second thought I am going to- Saturday and around eleven we will pick you up" I just nodded looking at my phone. My eyes widened, I had to be at work in less than 45 minutes. "Guys. Work, I am going to be late. Hurry your ass out, Oli take me home" he smiled and nodded. I ran inside changed quickly and he dropped me off.

I ran inside barely on time, clocked in, and started. I mostly ran errands around the building, grabbed a coffee, and dropped it off to superiors. I did scut work just cause I was almost late,  I can't wait to quit. I will not miss this place. I had most of everything done and was now on paperwork. It took literal hours before I finished, people needed to update these shit folders. Barely any information, people would just pile it on and on. I just needed to put it in this last folder and I was heading out. Clocking out felt a little too nice, I was going to take the bus as always but I was met with a surprise. Behold Oliver standing on his phone. He was a great friend, he liked me a long time ago but I rejected him, I never felt sparks or anything. He was like a brother and he knew that. 

"Oli what are you doing here" he gave me a cheeky smile

"I figured the least I could do is pick you up since I didn't that one night" he let out a slight chuckle, I then remembered that was the day I was met with my car thief Marco. A smile appeared on my lips.

"Come one, hurry before I leave" I gave him the finger and hoped in

"What are your plans tonight" I shrugged

"I know for sure I am going to get some pizza and probably rewatch the Harry Potter series" he smiled, it was something we did once. We would watch movies when our brother would be out partying but tell our parents 'they were watching us'

"Is this your way of telling me that you are joining?" he nodded. I didn't mind his company, honestly, it felt nice having someone there. I still have some PTSD from coming home to my apartment trashed.

We finally reached my apartment, he parked in my spot seeing as I couldn't. He got out and as always opened up my door for me. We head up the stairs finishing the song "Hey there Deliah". We were close to my door, laughing because we were so off-key, we both were like little kids. Opening my door, Oli walked in after me. I dropped my keys, and my face dropped. "Jesus what the fuck, ever heard of calling" he chuckled "I did but it seems you don't like to answer." Oli just stood there, and Marco just clenched his jaw. There was an intense volent vibe going on, I didn't know how to feel.

"Who is this, amor" looking at Oli who was also staring Marco down, pulled me against his side. Marco got up and put his hand around my waist pulling me close to him. "Watch your hands with her ragazzino." His hands were clenched, and both of them looked like they were ready to kill each other. I pushed Marcos's arm "Everyone calm down, Oli this is Marco, Marco this is Oli" he looked at me "Oliver" I gave a sheepish smile. "Breaking into someone's apartment isn't normal," Oli said. Marco chuckled "I didn't, I have a key" Olis's eyes widened, and I stood there shocked.

They stood toe to toe. "Sure you didn't steal it" Marco was about to punch him. "OOKAY look yes I gave him my key, he is my... boyfriend" Marco finished my sentence, "Is that true Sage, you never mentioned him" I was shocked, Marcos's hand found its way back to my waist, I stood there. "Umm.. well not exactly" What the hell am I supposed to say he is a guy I saved from being killed. Not to mention he stole my car and to top it off he killed people. "Oli you can go, thank you for dropping me off but there are things that need to be worked out" he just stood there stone-cold, he looked hurt. "I don't trust him Sage" Oli was getting protective "It's okay, I am fine" I smiled at him and he headed out. Close to the door he looked back, I gave him a nod and he left. 



how will sage explain this to her friends? 


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