chapter thirty-four

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Sage's POV

Today was the day I would be tested after training. I would lie if I said I wasn't nervous. I have learned a lot more through the weeks, life was getting back on track, and if I passed I would get the branding of the mafia. Not an actual brand but a tattoo, it was a symbol then a couple of words.

I walked into the room, and walked over to Liz "Why is everyone acting weird" she laughed "Sage you are fighting today, early admission I guess" Did everyone know, I thought it was more of a secret. "After training" she looked off "No, you fight in like thirty minutes, and it's against someone close to the boss" he never told me who I would be fighting.

"Sage ready for your big day" Scout was here jeez, was it that important? "Do you know who I am going against" he shook his head "Someone in the family thought" Goddammit "I will be okay" I mumbled under my breath "Look here comes Marco" I looked over, he walked up to me and smiles.

Placing a kiss on my hand more specifically my ring "Amore I apologize for the wait" he walked over to the matt. Me behind him, most people knew we were a thing at this point, plus he doesn't care.

Rezo walked through the door also "I am fighting Rezo" he laughed "No he is fighting someone else, we decided to get the high-ranked recruits" then walked in Luca, Lucia, Cayden, Elijah, Kole. "Okay let's get started if I call you came you will also being joining"

"Brianna and Lucia, Darius and Cayden, Kaleb and Kole, Luca and Ralph, Elizabeth and Rezo" Liz looked at me "Sir may I speak" she stood instance, he nodded "Sir, I am not high ranked, I think you mean Adria" he walked up to her "No you surpassed her, which mean you took her spot, therefore, you fight Rezo"

"Who will I be fighting Marc-Sir" he smirked "To make sure you get the best, you will fight me" Holy Fuck, to think he was crazy was absurd he was insane. He has never been beaten "The rules have changed for you at least since you all will be going against the best of the best, all you have to do is know them down. The people you face determine whether you pass or not"

Rezo took off his jacket, and shirt leaving only his slacks. "We fight last" Marco stated "We are the main event after all" I shot him a glare, like a face that basically says 'i am going to kill you'

To sum it up, Lucia didn't lose, but she passed Brianna. Only because she was smart about her moves. Cayden got knocked down so Darius won. Kaleb passed that fight, it was long. Luca got knocked down as well, he laughed when it happened, Rezo didn't get knocked down however Elizabeth passed she always got up and went forward, he said that she did well even if she didn't knock him down.

Marco was getting happy to FIGHT me, I am going to win. I refuse to lose. After the last fight which was Rezo, Marco got undressed and stepped on the mat "I love you, but I won't go easy on you" I laughed "Ready old man" I whispered to him. He laughed. I might get my shit rocked but I will hit him.

We stood on the opposite side, I focused in. Lucia showed me to watch the feet, always then the hands. I held my hands up, Marco walked over to the middle. He threw the first punch straight to my face, blocking it but he threw another to my stomach. Everyone felt that, I stumbled back and smirked. He wasn't going to see the satisfaction on my face.

I got up and made my way closer, I threw two solid hits to his stomach. Wrapped when in for a knee his hands blocked. He tripped me from where I stood, he got down his arm went back. I pushed his arm off by kicking him, throwing a punch to his face, landing it. I threw my other leg over his neck. Turning over I was planning to flip him until he got up and threw me on the floor.

The breath was knocked out of me, I rolled over as quick creating pace, I got up. Still no air, I changed, kicked him he pushed my leg down. He caught my other one, I kicked him in the side. He let go.

He came close to me this time, throwing punches left and right. Hitting me in the ribs, I head-butted him. Landing it, I went in for another punch. I kicked him back. I ran at him, no holding back, I put him in a corner, he landed many punches no doubt he broke a rib. I hit him with the back of my elbow. He avoided hitting me in the face as much as possible.

I forced his hand, he punched me. My whole head went to the side, I took my back leg and hit him. Kicking him in the stomach once again. I threw a punch, another and he blocked it. Knocking me on the ground "Amore just-" I got up whipping the blood, spitting out any in my mouth.

I held my hand up, my body was giving out. I could feel it, slowly. I refused to give up, He came close and aimed for my stomach. I dodge landing two blows to his stomach. I went on the other side, I hit him with a straight kick, he caught it, flipped me over, knocked the wind out of me again. "Amore you passed" he held up his hand, I smiled. "That was fun"

He helped me up and walked me over to a bench. "You know I was surprised you lasted that long" Rezo was so nice, I laid on the bench "Well since you guys passed congrats" Scout announced, everyone went to train we all were in a circle "Marco" I may have got my ass handed but I have the energy to kick her ass.

He walked over to me ignoring her, I pulled him close and kissed him. It was about time. He gave me my ring back and necklace, he put them in his jacket. "Here" He put it around my neck. "Now for your marks" I wanted to go last, for one reason.

Everyone got their mark in a different place, Darius got it on his forearm, Brianna got hers on her back shoulder, Liz got hers on her left side, Kaleb got his on his upper arm. Everyone headed to the locker room after to get their stuff. I got mine on my right side just like Marcos, I also got another tattoo. This made nine tattoos.

After we got 'marked' we all completed Omerta. That was that, I was officially in. From today on, I was done. I am no longer a recruiter, I am kind of sad. 

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