chapter twenty-five

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Marco POV

I hated leaving her outside with him, he hurt her not only physically but mentally. They do need to talk it out, dì ciò di cui hanno bisogno (Say what they need) is something my mom would always tell me when I would give my input. 

"She knows what she is doing" he brother or brothers, they both care about her a lot and are a family. "Si lo se" (Yes I know) Emilio her real brother, and Luke next to him "You make her happy" I nodded "I guess this is the part where we give you the 'talk'" they both laughed

"Look Sage and relationships were never good, especially with her Co- look don't hurt her, if your not serious then walk away now because it would hurt her less" I walked over to both of them. They were a little shorter but had muscle, they could honestly make good men if they were with me. "I will never let her go, or leave, she can be a lot but she wouldn't be Sage if she wasn't" We shook hands, and they walked away. She was walking back so I decided to open the door.

"Be careful, as much as I love her she is self-destructive, she will try to mess things up because she thinks she doesn't deserve good things"  Emilio patted me on the shoulder. Walking away.

"Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but I am willing to risk it because he makes me feel something that has been dead for so long, he makes me want to be alive, stay alive" Those words hit hard, she felt the same way as I did even if she didn't admit it, I could see the hurt in her eyes letting him go.

 God this woman always had me on my feet, she was a fighter, stubborn as hell but that is Sage for you. I walked over, she turned and ran into me, she knew it was me and stood there. She was hurt, we stood there exchanged words and then they called us back in.

Dinner was ready, it smelled so good. "Is Oliver joining us?" She and her mom were a lot alike. "No, not anytime soon" Her mom nodded, she didn't ask questions.

We sat down, Sage next to me, Emilio at the head of the table, Nicoles at the other side, and in front were her mom and Luke. We laughed and joked, they reminded me of my family, we had dinner every night. Mama hates when we are late, so we get smacked that woman was something else.

 "I can't believe you are graduating" Sage smiled stuffing her face in the food. "So when is it, we didn't come down here for nothing" She was a little confused "Next weekend, you guys are coming" They all nodded "You really think we are going to miss it, mi mija so big" Sage smiled "Well this is perfect you and Marcos family can meet each other" She didn't think things through. I mean it wasn't a bad idea "What about the graduation party?" Yeah, Emberlyn wanted to throw one for Sage. She looked at me "I was thinking we could have dinner at our house, then we can throw a small party there too if that's okay with everyone." Sage nodded "Well that saves me a lot of time, I don't mean to intrude but could I help plan, I want to help" You could tell her mom was a little hurt.

"Our?" shit I forgot that she didn't tell them. "Sage, can we stay at the apartment mom's house is great but I prefer my own space." Fuck, the place was cleaned up, no more blood or bullet holes. I think. "Uhm I actually am staying with Marco" Well at least she is honest "So the place is all yours" Everyone look at me "WHAT" I stood up "SIT" Her mom can be very scary too "You're pregnant aren't you"

 Sage burst out laughing "No" she gave Emilio a serious look "Mama calm down she is old enough if you try anything I will personally break every bone in your body" I smirked as if he could. We finished eating Sage and Emilio walked off, they were close, and relied on each other. They also had this weird intuition like me and Rezo. 

They had this thing as they did earlier, she would look at him and he understood. He backed her up no matter what. Loyalty. 

Sage pulled me aside "I told him" She didn't commit Omerta so I wouldn't have to hurt anyone. "Fuck Sage" she looked confused "Not that you are the fucking head of a Mafia you idiot" She hit me upside the head, I waited for her to go on, 

"I told him, some guys came after me because of stuff and that you helped me" God "He will figure it out" Confused but okay "We are close, practically twins, we know each other better, we are a team and well he will figure it out with one look. He is onto you" I couldn't kill him, he guessed it Sage would hate me if I killed him "He is going back to his apartment after my graduation, don't worry" She walked away, what the hell is going on?

My hands are on my face when both of them approach me "Marco" Emilio spoke "I trust you to protect her no matter what?" I nodded "Over your life" This woman had me whipped, it's only been a couple of weeks, but I am blunt I won't neglect how I feel. She made me feel something too, happy I guess, I don't know the word for it, the only people I am 'nice' to were my family, until her. I would have my occasional hook-ups but not with her. "Yes" he looked at me, to see if I would hesitate, but no I would put her life before mine as I would family.

We all make our way back to the living room, where everyone is just sitting and laughing. It reminded me of my family, well on some nights. Sage patted the seat next to her singing to sit down which I did.

 We began playing games charades, uno, scrabble, and monopoly. Everyone was quite competitive, we were drinking so I guess that didn't help, Sage was on her fourth rum coke, but at the point where she was just drinking rum. It was almost 10:30 pm, the drive was long and we probably wouldn't get there till midnight.

I looked at Sage who got the memo, she stood up a little wobbly the game just ended "We will have to do this more often, me and Marco have to go it's getting a little late" Her mom stood up and hugged me, she loosened up after Emilio talked with her. "I will go up and get those spare keys" She walked up, holding the railing. "It was nice meeting you Marco" he gave me a firm handshake "Likewise" I walked to the door waiting for Sage.

Her brothers pulled her in a hug, squeezing her I could tell she still was hurt from her face, even though she tried to play it off. "We have to get going bye ma, bye Nic" he gave her a small hug and we walked out, her brothers following us. "Sage" we both turned around "Put some ice on that" That is just weird, I mean she did suck at hiding it so it's fair.

"I told you weirdo" Shaking my head, I opened the door where she almost ate shit. Placed her in the car, and sat beside her. We drove off, my hand resting on her thigh which she just held, putting her other hand on it.

Walking into the house, everyone was basically asleep. We both walked up to my room which I guess was ours. Rezo approached me "We have a problem" for fucks sake. 

"Head to bed I will be there in a little" She was exhausted so she walked her happy ass to the room. Rezo and I walked in the other direction into my office, Luca and Lucia were standing there geared up. My days off were officially gone.

"Explain" They filled me in, the Americans broke into one of our warehouses, and stole a shit ton of drugs, maybe $5 million worth.

"Figlio di puttana" (Son of a bitch) I growled, they will pay with their lives. "Have you located it" Rezo gave me a nod and pulled up to their warehouse which was maybe 5 hours from her. It's not like I sleep anyway. "Everything ready to go" They all nodded "Muoviamoci!" (let's move)

Today is going to be a long day. We got in our cars, one car in front, one in the back. We were in the middle just in case someone tried to attack us. We were on the move, they all looked at me. 



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