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7 months ago

Sage's POV

I love my family with all my heart, I would die for each one of them or trade places with them if needed. I was at that point, I had answered the call, it was from Emilio I had thought nothing of it seeing as he was probably going to tell me about his day or ask me what I wanted to eat. He kept calling so I decided to finally answer.

"Hospital..... Dad, hurry Sage please"

"Emilio, what's going on?"

"It's dad he had a stroke and the doctor... they don't, just get down here"

"I'll be here"

My heart instantly dropped, trying to see if this was some sick joke or something but it wasn't. It was all true, I rushed out of class running to my car, no explanation to anyone just ran. I was speeding straight to the hospital.

I ran in and saw Emilio, his eyes were puffy and his face was all red. That's when it really hit me I am going to lose the one person in this fucked up world that was on my side, no hate to my mom it's just not the same. He saw me and walked over, and I didn't even have to look at him knowing that my dad is dead, I saw it in him. My body froze, the doctor came up asking if we wanted to see him.

I stood there looking at his lifeless body, he was hooked up to machines and the doctor was explaining that he was brain dead, they asked me what we wanted to do.

"I-i.." I just stood there not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to decide now, you do this at another time" The doctor looked at me with pity, I hated it.

"No. He is dead, unplug him."

"Are you sure"

"Sage, we don't have to do this right now, we can wait" Emilio pleaded, I could see the pain in his eyes. I was devastated, but even more angry for some reason, why me? Why now? That's all I could think about. I looked at Emilio and I lost it. "HE IS DEAD EMILIO. Gone. He will never recover, he's gone and there's nothing we can do, he left us once again. Unplug him, he would not want this'' I was at my breaking point, we signed the papers and that was that. At that moment my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest.

 I left and went to my car not knowing where to go at this point. My dad wasn't the best man in his early years, but he changed, it took a while but he did it, and when everything was going well, and then he died. That was is, no changing it he is dead.  I not only lost my dad but I lost my best friend.

I went to my apartment and locked myself in there. Days passed and I didn't have an appetite to eat, all I could see was his lifeless body in my head over and over again. It was after weeks of sulking that I decided that I would never depend on someone else, I would hold my own.


Not the official chapter but I hope you enjoy it.



people can changeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ