9-11 कहानियाँ

टैग द्वारा परिष्कृत करें:

62 कहानियाँ

ffhjjgfd द्वारा Dear Mark...
Dear Mark...Person :] द्वारा
Mark has to leave his family to go to America for a job so his two kids, Jayden and Lucy, can go to college. after he leaves, his wife, Mary, writes him a letter, so he...
WHPA_01 द्वारा What Happened on 09/11/2001 And what was felt that fateful day
What Happened on 09/11/2001 And wh...The Wildehopps Protection Age... द्वारा
In remembrance of that fateful day in US history, I am posting this story. Its first chapter went up on both Wattpad and Archiveofourown.org on September 11, 2020. Subse...
Danny_loves_Linda द्वारा Can't Do It Without You
Can't Do It Without YouLindanny Supremacy द्वारा
"I can't do it without him, Mary. I just can't." After the frightful day of 9-11, Danny Reagan has confirmed a decision he and his wife were discussing. With...
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_KatTheReader_ द्वारा 09/11
09/11night goblin द्वारा
It's a true story from the perspective of a flight attendant during 9-11. What you will find is that during tragic times there are people there for you. Please share th...
emazingreads द्वारा September 11th, 2001
September 11th, 2001emazing द्वारा
The worst day in the history of the United States started out normally, a day like any other. That quickly changed for so many people during a time no one will ever forg...
MattCrowson द्वारा Sept 11th: An End To Innocence
Sept 11th: An End To InnocenceMatt Crowson द्वारा
Personal Narrative about Sept 11th Attacks
BronxCrusader द्वारा Paranoia ✓
Paranoia ✓L. A. Rivera द्वारा
Hunter is a young African American teen growing up in the "American war zone." Rashad is a 14 year old boy being recruited into a terrorist organization after...
ForeverWithoutHim द्वारा You're Not Alone
You're Not AloneForeverWithoutHim द्वारा
One Day. One massive life-changing event. New York, September 2001. AU Emison family one-shot.
netscaper113 द्वारा Purgatory
PurgatoryThomas Clarke द्वारा
A not-so-simple story about a group of friends that live in Brooklyn, and their trials and tribulations over the years. As the story begins at the beginning of the 21st...
Sarah_le_llama द्वारा A Tuesday We Will Never Forget
A Tuesday We Will Never Forget#NewsiesForever द्वारा
This is a short story I wrote for a young writer's competition, I hope you enjoy! This is also a short story about sensitive topics such as the horrible events that too...
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reedus_fever द्वारा When I Go (A Norman Reedus Love Story)
When I Go (A Norman Reedus Love St...Nickelbacker द्वारा
When Cassidy Meyers was 10 her world went spiraling out of control. She was diagnosed with stage 2 leukeima. She goes through the raidation and chemo to get red of it a...
Glove04 द्वारा 9/11 stole my life
9/11 stole my lifeGigi04 द्वारा
9/11 was a terrible time. This story is about a girl that was in 9/11. It is not true. But I just want you to know how many people were lost and hurt.
imatoster द्वारा 9-11 the real story
9-11 the real storyimatoster द्वारा
The true story of what happened that faithful day
A taxi driver notices the changes in Independence Boulevard since freedom was gained from Britain. A free-wheeling spirit spends his time gambling and engaging in riots...
CassieWheeler0 द्वारा The Last Ten
The Last TenCassie Wheeler द्वारा
This is a short story about a girl trapped in one of the Twin Towers, above the impact zone.
AlisonDeLuca द्वारा Waitress at the Morpheme Cafe
Waitress at the Morpheme CafeAlison DeLuca द्वारा
Scribbles sent in by morse code through the ether.
WriteJennyWrite द्वारा Tuesday
TuesdayWriteJennyWrite द्वारा
A glimpse into two lives, the moment before.
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