The War of Love and Money

By AmelSmith

11.8K 1K 3.4K

A wealthy family fights for the inheritance when their grandfather decided Suddenly to write his will and giv... More

Characters Description
Cha-pter *1*
Cha-pter *3*
Cha-pter *4*
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Cha-pter *28*
The End

Cha-pter *2*

466 45 177
By AmelSmith

Today is that time of the year again When it's supposed to be a beautiful magical celebration, this Christmas was going, to be the best one in a long time for Yunlan carrying such an important deal with two of the biggest investigation units in the country. Sitting at his desk, Yunlan leaned his back against the chair, playing with a strand of his wavy hair.

"Did they call, yet?" Da Qing asked watching Yunlan's phone resting on his desk just in front of him. He was looking at it while impatiently waiting.

"No" He sighed.

"It's too early, let's just wait a little bit" Da Qing smiled to himself a little trying to improve Zhao Yunlan's mood.

"Boss!?" The look on Lin Jing's face who was holding a paper in his hand, didn't indicate goodness.

"What is it?" Yunlan asked curious to know.

"It's an email for breaking off the alliance contract with SID" Yunlan was never foretold that something like this on a day like today could happen. It simply ruined his life goals and expectations. Lifting, at length, his eyes, which had been resting on the floor, he said;

"What is the motif for terminating the contract?" While he was yet speaking, they heard a knock at the front door of the office. An elite man entered, Yunlan swiftly ran his eyes hurriedly scanning the new figure. As he always believed his instinct, this man was certainly a client.

"I've certainly seen him before" The detective who was standing from his chair, muttered to himself, not at first clearly comprehending the nature of the business of this man or anything related to him but he knew one thing, this man was here for a great deal that he was ready to welcome.

"Detective Zhao! My name is Zhu Xin Ci, I am the assistant and attorney of Mr. Shen Bai. You sure have heard about him?" What possessed Yunlan more than any other thing now was the word 'Shen' to trouble his peace of mind right now and build up a certain amount of excitement. His instinct never failed him. As he believed, he will forever be entangled with this family.

"Please come in" Zhao Yunlan seemed in a hurry to follow the man and show him to his private office. Soon they welcomed Mr. Shen Bai and politely greeted him. The first thing Xin Ci asked of Yunlan was to close the window-shutters and door-turning the key in the latter, and remaining inside alone without any of his team members involved in this.

"What I am about to say is extremely important and is a matter of death or life. I believe in your abilities as a smart detective and I Shen Bai need your help. I apologize for breaking your new partnership with Your new allies, but I want you to work on this case alone. I don't want any noise or attention around me. I have many enemies but my plan is one and I want it to succeed."

"I understand from that....." Yunlan was shortly cut midway by Mr. Bai.

"I want you to be my fake son, I will make you inherit all of my fortune in return, Let's investigate each of my family members aside with their partners, friends, deals movements and behaviour. I will introduce you as my heir, that is the only way to let you be inside of the house and be close to all of them" Entirely spacing out, and hidden from observation, Yunlan rearranged his thoughts, which seemed to be active on something else, take their own way.

He was soon entirely absorbed on the matter. Whatever were his thoughts, one thing would have been apparent to the observers. His ideas did not run in a quiet stream. Something disturbed their current, for his brow was knit, his compressed lips had a disturbed motion, and his hands moved uneasily. At the end of Mr. Bai's statement, Yunlan arose, not hurriedly, but with a deliberate motion, threw his arms behind him, bending forward, with his eyes cast down.

"This is the assignment contract for the inheritance and all properties in the name of Mr. Bai. There are some quotas allocated to members of his family, of course, in partnership. His daughter in law inherited her husband's share, which represents 30% of the entire inheritance, Shen Wei and Yezun have 20% of their share, while your share will be 50% of what gives you the right to manage and control the family business without troubles" Xin Ci finished his short explanation with a smile.

"Shen Wei Ah! Shen Wei! I am so eager to see you darling! Again" Yunlan smiled wickedly sure having an evil plan in head to revenge on that arrogant person who belittled him in front of people from high society.

After the discussion of the court plan drawn up by Mr. Bai. Zhao Yunlan quickly gave orders to his team to start investigations about the Shen family. The first one to start with was Shen Wei, who pierced Yunlan's heart without warning. He gave them his profile picture, few information related to him and asked them to dig the ground and find everything related to this man bad it was or good.


"Wang!" Called Lan Yi surprising the tired woman. Wang spoke little, and constantly wore a sad expression on her pale and beautiful face.

"What makes you this down and sad pretty girl? Being one of those tall, slim good looking women who always look well and act charmingly. And, indeed, you are undeniably charming with an actual physical grace. With your beauty you should smile very often" Lan Yi's voice was very low and musical, making Wang snapped back to reality forgetting about her troubles.

"Mother! I want a baby, it's been a long time now already and still nothing happened" Her voice showed a hint of disappointment and fear. She breathed harshly and soon felt uncomfortable and wanted to threw up. Wei came at that moment as his wife ran upstairs to their room while covering her mouth with both hands.

"Well do you think?...... Is she pregnant finally?" Wei did not pay attention to her question because he knows the effect of the medicine that he himself feeds to his wife so that she won't become pregnant of his child.

"Non of your business, better stay out of our life mother" Wei tensed up, he aggressively addressed her with his sharp tongue.

"I pity that girl with a beauty like hers, dark hair and eyes, elegant features and ivory skin faintly, she looks very lovely yet very sad. Why she should be, is a puzzle so hard to slove, as being the wife of a superlatively rich man can not necessarily bring her all the joys that money could buy. I wish she can see through you and see what kind of wicked person you are"

Wei was acting well and pretend he was treating his wife with kindness but it seemed not the case to a certain someone. Deep inside he did not care in the least. He had sacrificed his hapiness for the sake of satisfaction of his grandfather, or rather had been compelled to do so. He lived between them like an absent ghost, fulfilling his duties admirably, but apparently indifferent to every one and everything.

"Even if you pretend this is the life you want. We both know it's not Shen Wei Ah! You still didn't find the person who possesses the key to your heart" Said the lady in black sarcastically. Not wasting a chance to provoke him and shake his peace. Apparently her words weren't wrong but broke his heart to bleed. Wei ignored his stepmom and went to check on his wife.

"They say silence is a sign of contentment... He he he he..." Her laughter did not indicate innocence, but rather concealed her malice that stems from the core of her hatred towards him.

"Babe! Do you think I am finally pre......." Wang ran into his bosom with tears of joy. But Shen Wei refused to hear her words and interrupted her in an anxious and sharp tone.

"Let's go see a doctor, I think it's just False pregnancy like every time" Shen Wei whispered furiously, making Wang sighed, with a weary look, she dropped into the bed. Her husband was extremely cold and mean to her which taught her the value of silence and keep her pain and suffering inside.


Shen Bai was a tiny bit surprised when he arrived with his attorney and found that everyone else was already in the room waiting. Normally it took them several minutes of fighting and protesting to get everyone to gather together and be this silent and calm. The war between his family members never stopped or was postponed but today was a peculiar case that they were smiling and chatting obediently.

Shen Wei caught his grandfather's eyes and figured out that he had insisted on today's dinner for not a good reason. He must have been working on something very important and was about to blow up his surprise on this dinner. Everyone stood at his presence and bowed to him in appreciation and respect before he allowed them to sit again.

The first 10 minutes passed without any incident. Which was hopefully a good sign and nothing bad would happen so far or said to break the peace inside this mansion. But, it could also mean that it would explode later on at any moment. Yezun and Shen Wei had tried to give Xin Ci the Bat-glare but it did have no effect on him so they stopped and just sat there waiting like the others.

Their old man didn't allow anyone to eat yet their appetizers to get over with this dinner with as soon as possible human manner. Wei and Lan Yi kept arguing and glaring away at each other sending far deep messages. Soon Zhu Hong joined and placed a gift in front of everyone cheerfully wishing Merry Christmas to all the family. Her presence brought some relief as she was an elated person with great positive energy.

"Hello everyone!" After Zhao Yunlan finally joined wearing so classy and looked more handsome the impossible to avoid happened, Shen Wei tried to attack him, he stood up abruptly in a swift move unable to accept his presence. He pressed hard on Yunlan's wrist feeling big frustration and wanted to drag him out of the house thinking he came all this way just for him.

"Shen Wei! You are an idiot whom is unworthy to be here in my presence let alone live under the the same roof as me. Let him go" His old man said as he launched himself at Shen Wei ready to chase him out at any moment.

"Grandpa!" Shen Wei had shouted unable to contain his anger anymore. With a deadly glare, he was forced to get back to his seat and calmed down looking at Yunlan with profound hatred. It was at that moment that Zhu Xin Ci walked into the room carrying a black envelope and brought some documents out of it and he started distributing it to those present.

After few moments, they all could sense a disapproving gaze on them from the man who holds the biggest shares to control this house. He sighed while enjoying the looks on their faces. After stating that Zhao Yunlan had inherited his fortune being his Illegitimate child, Their compassion became insane, and none of them any longer controlled their thoughts, nor the words that they cast out of their tongue.

"You must be joking father," Said a quiet, silvery voice at the end of the table, and every one turned to look at Lady Lan Yi, who had spoken. She was the only who could speak freely and be respectfully listened to by Mr. Bai. As a rule, she spoke little, and constantly wore a confident expression on her pale and beautiful face.

"Before we see a DNA test and discuss this further. I will refuse this will and as well as your unfair decision" Lady Yi saw that all members here were all chattering loudly shouting their rejections aggressively so she needed to react politely and respectfully. The worried woman took her leave totally ignoring the rest she was reflecting on what Mr. Bai did.

"My spirit is positively wild and wayward," Said Zhao Yunlan with a desperate attempt to be happy inside this mess.

"Is anything bothering you my son? Please don't pay attention to their angry behaviour, they will soon come to accept you" Said old Shen pretending to be concerned.

"Well this can not compare to What I am feeling now father. I just found out that the man I considered my childhood friend has feelings for me, he just confessed. I feel disgusted at the same time I can't find the right way to reject him" Yunlan took a quick pause before he addressed Shen Wei with his broken fake tone.

"Can you believe that? He even was married once. How could he do this to his wife and family, people are really scary. One can not know what they are hiding" Shen Wei who was absent minded for a second shuddered and turned pale. He gritted his teeth, feeling very distressed.

"He sure knows!" Suddenly, a thought crossed his chaotic mind. Scared, he apologized to leave throwing the copy of the will on the ground and rushed into his room. Trembling with fear, he covered himslef under the duvet and wanted to cry but something was keeping him. He was remembering the words of Yunlan and most importantly his sly gaze that indicated the start of an endless revenge.

"Babe! Did you sleep already?" Wang came to check on him when it was already midnight. The dinner was over and everyone went back to their rooms including Yunlan who had been gifted the biggest bedroom of the previous master, Shen Wei's father. Learning that Wei froze. It was as if he had just been struck by lightning.

"Where are you going?" Wang shrieked. Wei rubbed his eyes and took a closer look at the door of his father's room that had been closed since his death and no one had ever stepped foot in it. Shen Wei knocked before the door was soon open, he couldn't escape it now. He was in the middle of it all. A half naked intruder using his father's room comfortably.


Shen Wei pushed Yunlan and walked inside slamming the door behind him. He tried to hit Yunlan with all his might but the latter blocked him holding his wrist and pulling him very close. Shen Wei looked very small against his tall figure. Yunlan circled him into a corner making him clenched his fists and holding his breath. There was no turning back now.

"Let me go.....Ahh....." Yunlan pressed on his wrist hard nearly breaking it. Wei leaned on his shoulder trying to hold his crier from the pain he was feeling.

"Shush... You came here on your own will. It's not my fault Shen Wei, not my fault" The unique smell the man had lingered at the tip of Yunlan's nose. It itched till his whole face was red with excitement and desire. Shen Wei instead glared at him as roaring,

"Let me go you asshole" Wei's request was being ignored, However, when Yunlan approached him even more, he knew that something was wrong with this man. There was something about that fragrance that made him want to get closer to him and wrap him in his amrs. Shen Wei's sent had broken through all his defenses. Suddenly, Yunlan's expression changed. Due to Wei's exotic perfume.

"You are so irresistible" Hearing that, Wei's body also softened against Yunlan's fresh smell and hot wet body. It was as if the perfume was playing them both along like puppets.

"Your strong smell! You set me up!" Yunlan held back his anger as he lost control over his body. Without another thought, he picked Shen Wei up and threw him on bed, wanting nothing more than to get closer to him.

"Stop it, what the hell are you doing" Shen Wei was terrified. However, Yunlan didn't want to listen to any of his nonsense anymore. Without another word, he kissed him hard. As soon as his lips touched Shen Wei, his body tensed. Sure enough, his lips tasted incredibly sweet just like he imagined it even more sweeter than a woman lipstick.

"Let go..." Wei sobbed as he punched him on the chest. He was a little strong, but the fragrance of Yunlan was much stronger and enhanced his arousal greatly making him feel weaker as a man. Yunlan only found himself leaning in a bit more as he ravaged him completely. Wei was so scared that his face had turned pale. Yunlan's touch against him sent an electric current through his whole body, turning him silent.

After a while Yunlan pulled away looking at the tempting beautiful man. Wei instead felt sore all over his body. He blinked wearily as he twisted and turned. However, when he saw the man beside him, he almost ripped out a scream. He gasped, covering his mouth. He couldn't believe being forced into kissing when he is a total top. Looking at Yunlan, his hand trembled as he reached out for the table lamp beside him. All he wanted was to hit Yunlan with it.

"Fuck" Yunlan jumped up and took the lamp from his hand when he fell on Wei's body, and their eyes met in a beautiful subconscious moment. The two felt a strong throbbing inside their chests, as if the inevitable meeting between their hearts took a certain acceptance.

"If I kissed you just now, was only to confirm something disgusting that is you. Being gay and married to a beautiful woman, living a fake life. Who are you lying to Shen Wei? Huh!........Your old man? Your poor wife? Or yourself?" Yunlan pulled away looking at the pale troubled beauty.

"What do you want from me? Why are you here?" He could at last force his lips to form a sentence.

"I am here to insult you as you insulted me a day before, at least I am a peasant like you called me. I don't chase after dicks like you. Remember this Shen Wei, you won't see me as kind as last time. I promise you"

The little love game will begin.

Next chapter will be hot and painful at the same time.

Get readyyyyyy

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