Bite marks

By bex101118

6.1K 305 58

I struggled and lashed out at him hoping to cause some, any damage at all that might allow me to escape, ins... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 12

192 11 1
By bex101118

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"You ready?" Alex asked looking down at me as we had just walked up to the front door of the pack house.

"Nope .... But let's get it over with ." I said with a sigh. I felt like my mum should be hear with me, still thinking of my mum,  Alex reached out for the door handle.

He opened the door and I was hit with the smell of ..... food?

"What's that smell?" I asked looking up at him. He grinned and grabbed my hand and led me to a room we went down corridor after corridor, I had got lost at the amount of times we turned corners and through ballrooms.

He opened the double doors, and sat at the table in the middle of the room was the alpha and Luna with waiters drifting around them. The food smelt great and I suddenly felt uncomfortable wearing my onzie .

"If I had have known it was going to be a formal thing ...... I would at least have put some Jeans and a top on." I whisper shouted at him but he was already dragging me to the long table in the middle of the room.

He laughed at my red face as we walked down to the end of the table were the alpha and Luna were seated. I smiled at both of them as Alex pulled out a seat for me to sit in. I sat down next to the Luna and opposite the alpha. Alex was sat next to his father leaving me without him next to me.

The Luna gave me a smile and I returned one . the alpha just starred at me blankly. I didn't know whether he was disappointed , disgusted or just tired.

"Good evening ." I said hopefully to stop the awkward silence. I looked to Alex for help but he just smiled at me.

His father mumbled a good evening and his mother just nodded her head. After a long,  long line of awkward silence and a lot of glancing at each other, the food was served.

The starter was a prawn cocktail. I was amazed at how perfect it looked but also couldn't help but think how late it was and how I was supposed to eat a lot of food at night when all I wanted to do was go to bed, my stomach groaned in anticipation for the feast to come.

"How many courses is this may I ask?" I said in the most politest way I could unconsciously resting a hand protectively over my stomach.

"It is a 5 course meal." Alex chirped in with a grin. He probably new what I was thinking . I was so dead . there Is no way I am going to be able to eat a 5 course meal at like 2 in the morning.

We had ,had the prawn cocktail, carrot and coriander soup and was in to the main meal. We had received a plate of pasta with a tomato source and there was a piece of parsley on the top. I was just looking at it in horror. How was I supposed to eat pasta now!

"Is something wrong?" The Luna asked as she looked at me and then my food.

" it's.....just...errrrm...that I .......errm." I stuttered a bit until finally my ' mate' decided to help.

"Mother maybe we should talk about the whole 'mate' thing now ?" He suggested and I was so relived that I wasn't been looked at by everyone now. But I also wasn't happy that we had to talk about us. I picked up my glass of wine and decided that I should just drink my embarrassment away.

"Ahh yes about that." The alpha started." When will you two be thinking of mating?" He asked like it was a normal thing to asked.

I chocked on my drink and was having a coughing fit, I was not expecting him to be so abruptly about it."mating?" I asked while trying to stop coughing. I felt like I had just breathed in fire, my lungs were burning from the wine.

"Yes .... Mating." Alex said also like it was normal. I scowled at him because I new he was enjoying this.

"Maybe we should start of with an more appropriate question?" The Luna asked as she gave me an apologetic look.

"Fine ..... But we will be coming back to that question later." The alpha said.

"I'm looking forward to it." I mumbled in a sarcastic tone. I placed the wine back on the table and picked up my fork suddenly wanting to continue the awkward silence.

"How long have you known you were mates? " asked the Luna giving me a quick glance before turning to Alex. He hesitated a bit before answering the question.

"When it was Minnie's birthday." He said looking down at his hands and then at me.

They all looked at me and I looked at my pasta. "It was my birthday and me and my friend wanted to go out to a club and then I bumped into Alex and well..... we found out we were mates." I said in a mumble while looking at my hands. I was uncomfortable lying to them.

Know body said anything for a while as they all looked at me.

"When do you want to be married, you and Alex ?" The alpha said again like it was normal. I blushed a little and looked down again.

"I haven't really thought about it." I said with all honesty.

"Well we have time now so think about it." I was a little startled at his sudden irritation in his voice. I looked to Alex and he shrugged and carried on eating.

" Well maybe of years?" I said questioning myself.

I looked to Alex to make sure the answer was right. But he was cringing and I guessed I had said something wrong.

"A couple of years !? ...... Do you not love my son?! .......... Do you not want to married him?!" He raised his voice at me and I couldn't help cowering a bit. I looked up to his red face and then back down again.

"We haven't spent much time together and I would like to......"

"So what ... You are mates you are supposed to love each other." I was starting to get annoyed at him now. He can not tell me who I can and can not marry. that is my decision .

" I just wanted a life before I got married." I said gritting my teeth and biting my lip to stop myself from shouting at him.

"Your life is with your mate !" He stated and I couldn't quite understand why he was so angry about me wanting to have a life before marrying.

I stood up so annoyed that my fists were clenched. I stood for a couple of seconds as they all looked shocked at my sudden movement. I stomped over to the door and walked out of the room. I didn't really know were I was going but I was following my scent from when we walked in.

I could tell that Alex had followed me because I could hear him. I burst through the front door and breathed in a deep breath and stood for a second.

I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turned round. Alex stood in front of me a look of guilt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry about that ..... He can get a little irritated when he doesn't get what he wants." He said lifting my chin up so that I was looking at him.

"A little like someone I know ." I said a little laugh in my voice. I was usually a happy person and I did get annoyed a lot ,but I found that punching something is a good way to release it.

He chuckled and looked deep in to my eyes. He was moving closer and I wasn't sure what he was doing until his lips were on mine and my eyes closed. It felt right. It was a soft kiss and it made me feel warm inside. He deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue in to my mouth as I moaned in delight. I didn't object to it because it felt so good. I had never kissed anyone in my life and this was........ amazing.

We were kissing for what felt like forever. All my previous anger was gone and was replaced by pure pleasure. I broke the kiss because I needed air and if I didn't get it then I would have passed out.

I looked him in the eye and smiled "I have to go , I'm tired and I just want to go to bed." I told him the truth and he smirked.

"Me too." He said as he picked me up and carried me back in to the house . I struggled and protested but it didn't work. We had entered a large room that was dark blue. The room had a massive bed in front of us as we walk in , a set of draws in the right side and some other furniture. There were 3 other doors in the room . one of them was a bathroom , one of them was a walk in wardrobe and the last one was a door to an adjoining bedroom.

I was still protesting that he put me down as he carried me in to the room. He chuckled again and the vibrations passed through my body and sent a shiver down my spine.

He placed me on the bed with his eyes dark with lust.

He took a step back as I sat crossed legged on the bed. I was about to get of the bed when he growled. I looked at him confused as he was watching me with a little smile. I carried on slowly getting of the bed and his growl got louder. I found it hilarious so I kept sliding of the bed. When I was about to fully get of the bed his voice broke in to my head.

- you dare get of the bed and i swear I will put you back there myself.-

"Is that a threat ?" I said in a joking tone.

He chuckled at me and then went all serious again. I crept a bit more off the bed and he instantly growled again. This time i jumped of the bed and laughed at his face.

"Oh that's it ." he said stalking towards me with a grin. I laughed again as I ran away from him. I was heading for one of the doors and opened it . unlucky for me it was the walk in wardrobe and I groaned turning around to exit.

I walked straight in to Alex's chest and fell back. I looked up at his grinning face and I crawled back with a slight smile on mine. I couldn't help it , it was to cute his face when he grinned.

" Look I just want to go to bed now ." I said looking up at him.

"So do I ." he said with the same grin on.

He came closer and I crawled back until I hit the wall. I was starting to think he wasn't joking now and it was starting to worry me . I new he would be possessive but not this possessive.

"OK  we both want the same thing ..... So I'm just going to ...." I stood up but was cut of when I was pinned against the wall.

My face was inches away from his and he was going to kiss me. I wanted to kiss him too , but I wanted to sleep more .

"Please just let me go home. I really want to go to bed." I said in a stern voice all smiles gone.

"But we haven't finished yet." He said with a smirk. He stroked his hand against my face and leaned closer. I managed to get one of my hands free from his grip and I pushed him away from me.

"What is your problem , I'm going home." I said walking away. My hand was grabbed and I was pulled in to a hard chest. He was holding my waste and his chest was pressing against my back. My heart rate increased and I was starting to get annoyed . my wolf was enjoying the attention, but it was forced and we both felt a little trapped, but the mate bond was so powerful I could feel my body reacting to him even though my mind wasn't.

"Let go ..... I want to go home!" I shouted at him while pulling away.

"Why don't you stay hear or is my father right ....... Do you not want me?"

"Not when you are acting like this ... NO!" I shouted back at him , I was now pissed of and tired and that was never a good combination for me.

I pulled and pulled on his arm that was latching on to my wrist,  his growls were getting louder,  I could tell he was getting impatient.  I kept pulling though desperate to get away.

He pushed away from me sharply like I had just shot him with a gun,  he grabbed hold of the bed post and turned his face to the floor.

"you should leave,  quick before I lose control again. "... It was silent in the room,  I stood perfectly still scared I would shock him back in to his weird self and be trapped again.

"go! " he didn't have to say anything else as I practically sprinted out of his room and to the front door.

-"I'm sorry ... I ...I didn't mean to be like that its just ..... I get these times when I'm not in control and it is my wolf that is controlling me , I'm sorry did I hurt you ?"- He asked through the mind link,  even in his mind I could tell he was struggling to stay sane.

-"No you didn't."- I said with a stern voice with tears pricking at my eyes.

He didn't say anything else...

I felt hurt and a little sorry for him, I know that wasn't him but I am still so angry I just needed to get away for a little while. Too much has happened today and I am so exhausted.


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