Quiet Waters (Fem. Percy x Yo...

By PokemonDestiny

431K 9.6K 2.3K

Percy Jackson meets Young justice after the Giant War which I seriously have an issue but I like writing thes... More



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By PokemonDestiny

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

One, two- And I just broke the punching bag.  Great.

Untethered chains swung, happy to be free of the weight of the bag. Their gentle rattling was the only noise in the training room, and even that silenced after a time. I sighed and looked at my hands, at the torn bloody skin. There are cameras in here too, so I guess that means goodbye to being able to heal this. 

Honestly, I don't understand why I'm still staying here. Gabe's been dealt with. There's no reason for me to not move back in with Diana, unless...she doesn't want me? She doesn't want to share her apartment with someone who can't protect themselves, much less someone who can't protect others. 

My gaze travelled to the fallen bag before being torn away. I don't know where they keep replacements. Besides, it'll be bad enough once they notice my knuckles, when not it they aren't idiots. I'm not planning on getting myself into a situation where I'll have to explain why I kept going, why I kept punching a bag despite being hurt. 

There wasn't a good answer.

Even in my head, I couldn't come up with one. Where's my reasoning? Why do I want to keep fighting? Why do I keep pushing myself to be better when I never can? 

No amount of training is going to change the past, and if I couldn't protect them, how could I think about protecting these kids? Demigods at least have things to help. We're stronger, faster, more durable. The only people here who fit that are Kaldur and Connor, and Connor is literally a clone of Superman. 

And yet, there's no use trying to protect them. Even with those abilities, if they're with me, they're going to run into someone, or something, that can kill them. If there's one thing I learned in the Titan War, it's that invulnerability doesn't make you indestructible. My back pressed to the cool stone of the wall and I slid down, letting my head rest on one hand. Everyone around me dies or gets hurt, and these kids didn't sign up for that. They didn't know the risk they would be put in when Diana brought me here.

One of the strongest demigods in generations, born to fulfill a prophecy and then another, with a bounty on their head. I've killed Titans and giants and monsters, I'm pretty sure if the Pit has Tartarus's Most Wanted I've been featured on at least five episodes. 

Canines dug into the inside of my lip as I stared out at the room. There's really only one thing I can do. Well, two, but I'm not really into the whole offing myself idea at the moment. Although, in all fairness, with what I'm going to do? There's a pretty high chance of me dying. 

Rising to my feet, I walked out and headed towards my bedroom. Hands shoved in my pockets, it was hard to not cry out as the material pushed and tugged on the exposed flesh. I didn't pass anyone, and no one came to knock on my door about the property destruction. Good, I think. Either they haven't noticed or they did and they don't care. 

Which the second would become all the more concerning considering the blood most definitely left o the floor. And the bag. And quite possibly the wall. 

Drawers hung open and clothes were strewn across my bed. Riptide sat comfortably in my pocket, and baggies of ambrosia and a flask of nectar found itself alongside a bag of drachmas. I didn't need all of my clothes, but you can bet I raided the bathroom. 

Huh, honestly feels like I'm leaving a hotel.

Shampoo and soap disappeared, along with the med kit and everything under the sink. With my bag pulled over my shoulders, and a final sigh, I opened my door. Every ounce of stealth training I'd ever had came out at the moment, letting me sneak out of the Cave without noticing me.

Probably would've been harder had there actually been anyone in the Cave.

The sun brushed my cheeks, only metaphorical thankfully. Fighting Apollo would only end up hindering me. I snorted. If I was running away from Dad's I wouldn't fight him solely to spite Dad. Actually, I would still fight him. Don't need to get pregnant with a demigod legacy combo anytime soon. Or ever.

Chilled air settled around me, attempting to seep into my bones only to be rebuked by my body's resistance to it. I don't know how long I walked, or how far. None of that mattered. The only thing that did was I was putting distance between me and them.  They wouldn't get hurt. Diana wouldn't have to deal with me.

I wouldn't have to deal with all of Canary's questions

All the poking and prodding to try to figure out why I don't talk. Trying to make me face what I seem to be afraid of. I can't fault her on that, I guess. When the patient doesn't communicate it's hard to do any sort of therapy requiring that. Doesn't change the fact I'm annoyed with Diana for telling her some of the things that bother me.

I know I'm fucked up, thank you very much, I don't need to be reminded of just how much. 

Stars twinkled overhead, seen only through breaks in the canopy of the forest I had wandered into at some point and isn't that concerning? To have no idea of when I entered it? If there had been monsters, I'd be dead. Shaking my head to clear that thought away, I stuck two fingers in my mouth as I entered a clearing and whistled.

Hey Boss! Blackjack's voice was loud even before he landed on inky black wings. Where we going today?

Rocks dug into my knees. My hands fumbled, and I was once again reminded of my bloody knuckles. Hasty letters in the dirt spelled 'Dealer's choice'.

Got it, Boss. 

As I climbed onto his back and wrapped my hands in his mane, a smile tugged at my lips. No more worrying. I'm free.

Merry Christmas

or Happy Dec 25

I have stuff to do

See yah

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