Peter Parker Oneshots

By Lovergirl11223344

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Peter Parker's life is pretty crazy More

In which Peter has a brother, and is British Part 1
In which Peter has a brother, and is British part 2
Peter Lokison part 1
Peter Parker: the Deaf spider
Peter Lokison part 2
In which Peter has a brother and is British pt. 3
In which Peter has a brother and is British pt. 4
He's who's godson?
He's who's godson? part 2
His who's godson??? Part 3
Peter Parker; Trainee of S.H.I.E.L.D pt. 1
3 Times Peter's ADHD Got the Best of Him
5 Times Peter Had an Asthma Attack In Front of People (Part 1)
Peter Parker Goes Back in Time After Endgame
Rouges Meeting; Peter Stark, Tony's... Brother?
He's who's Godson? PART 4
Genius Brains and Hard Decisions

Plane Crash Memories

5.3K 132 32
By Lovergirl11223344

~On the plane to Germany, Peter thinks back to his parent's crash~

Also, as i'm re-reading the comics, i'm starting to remember some details that i forgotten before... why has basically the whole fandom completely forgotten that Happy married Pepper??? t w i c e???? (this oneshot has nothing to do with that, but i had to ask it-)

Peter took a seat in the chair across from the one in which Happy was seated in, as he nervously looked around the plane

"i-is it supposed to be making that noise?" Peter asked, eyes darting around the private jet, as a rumbling sound took over the once quiet jet

Happy just spared him an annoyed glance, "Yes."

This didn't make Peter any more comfortable though. He fidgeted around in his seat, and played nervously with the bracelet he was wearing

Before he could ask Happy another question, the plane started taking off

peter was flung back in his seat as the plane was driving quickly, gaining speed

He quickly did up his seatbelt, despite Happy's assurance that he didnt need it

Peter squeezed his eyes shut, trying to look at anything other than the window. He was just about to open his eyes, when the plane started lifting off the ground and into the air

As the jet shook, Peter gripped onto the handle on his seat, so hard that he could have sworn he heard a creak, even though he was trying to hold back

"H-happy?" Peter stuttered out, looking over to the man with wide, nervous eyes

"What?" The man asked, glaring at the kid, "is this important? i'm trying to sleep, kid"

"just", Peter took a breath, "is the plane supposed to be sha-shaking like this?"

Happy softened his glare, only by a bit, but not as harsh as before, "Why? is this your first time flying?"

Peter jumped in his seat as he felt the plane give off another jolt, "i-i mean yeah, but thats not why i'm asking"

Happy just huffed out an annoyed sigh, "If thats all you're going to give me kid, i cant really help you ou-"

"myparentsdiedonaplanecrash", Peter cut the man off, as though saying the words faster would make them any better. His anxiety getting the best of him as he nervously awaited the man's response

"yeah, you're going to have to slow down there kid" Happy spoke, trying to piece together what peter had just spat out

Peter closed his eyes for a moment, trying to not think about the flying box they were in, "my parents di-died in a plane crash"



absolute silence 



Peter's head snapped up to look at Happy, who was staring back at peter with slightly widened eyes

Peter just gave the man a shaky nod, and closed his eyes again, hoping more than anything that this would be over soon

Peter heard Happy's voice speak up from in front of him, "darnit tony..." Happy mumbled out, deciding to not curse in front of the kid

Peter opened his eyes again, to be met with Happy, who had walked over to the seat next to him, and was sitting down

once he sat down, he rested an awkward hand on Peter's shoulder 

"alright kid, i'm not the best at speaking to kids, and i know this must be hard for you.", Happy paused for a bit, considering his next few words, "But Tony is the type of person who goes for 'all or nothing'. If it isn't the best of the best, he wont have it. The same goes for the people he hires. The pilots' he hired for this plane are the best in the country. You have nothing to worry about"

Peter let out a shaky breath, and tried to look Happy in the eyes

Once he met is eyes, Happy continued, "Airplanes are the worst when they take off. Now that we're in the air, you don't feel anything, do you?"

Peter thought on this, Happy was right... he hadn't felt anything for the past minute or two, "no, i- i havent"

The man nodded in response, "see? you'll be fine."

Peter just wrapped his arms around himself, trying to look away from Happy

Happy frowned, "here i have an idea"

Peter watched happy stand up, and walk back to his chair, before grabbing something out of his bag, and bringing it back over to Peter

As Peter took it, he realized it was an ipad

"watch a movie, listen to music, or whatever else teenagers these days do", Happy shrugged, "distract yourself, it'll help"

Peter simply nodded, unlocking the ipad, and clicking play on the movie the phantom menace

he looked back up to see Happy once again trying to sleep on the chair across from him

"Happy?" peter spoke, seeing if the man were awake

"hm" The man grunted out, tiredly

"thank you"

"whatever kid"

A/N: Im bored today (i mean i have school, but i don't want to do it), so this may not be the only chapter uploaded today. I hope you enjoyed!

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