His Beta of Submission

By YOLOwriting101

241K 7.5K 3.1K

"Be mine." I flinch, my mind being brought back to reality. When I hear him say such a thing it instantly ma... More

twenty one
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forty six
forty seven


6.2K 233 89
By YOLOwriting101

I sat alone in the bathroom, my hands covering my face. They continued to tremble because I knew what was happening to Trenton. I couldn't watch it happen, but I couldn't and wouldn't stop it either.

My whole body felt like it wanted to break down. I already threw up twice from nerves and guilt. Why do I even feel this way?! He's done so much to Remi and me, and yet I don't want him getting hurt.

Why am I this way?

Can't I be a little bit vengeful? This is the time to get revenge. Except I hate it...

I felt myself getting nauseous again and I turn around, throwing up in the toilet again. Becoming sick again, I pull myself back from there once I flush the toilet.

Why...why am I sitting here?!

I need to think about it this way. I'm protecting Remi and he does love his father - he doesn't know what he's done because he's so innocent. It would kill me if something horrible happened to Trenton and I am at fault. I could've stopped it, but all I did was run and throw up my guilt.

That's when I wash my hands, running out of the bathroom with wet palms. I rush back to that same room and burst through the door.

Now I saw Ezra still pounding Trenton's face in. Trenton staggering back and tried swinging back, only for everyone to laugh when Ezra punched him in the gut. His body collapsing to the ground and I gasp fearfully.

"Ezra stop!" I shriek, and I saw him looking at me now. His knuckles along with the wrap were stained with Trenton's blood. When I did look at Trenton he was unrecognizable.

I felt like throwing up all over again...

"Why are you stopping me?" He growls at me, and I saw him stomp his foot onto Trenton's hand. Revealing only the tip of his index finger, I saw him pull out a knife. "I take the tip of his finger, the debt on his part is cleared. Yes?"

I look over my shoulder at that green-eyed man, and I saw him nod in enjoyment. This wasn't what I wanted! I saw Ezra crouch and the knife rest on Trenton's finger.

Except I suddenly found myself shoving Ezra away. I fell on my knees before Trenton and blocked him from everyone now. Looking over my shoulder at Trenton, he was so swollen and bloody...

He looked at me in shock to my actions, and was soon bowing his head in defeat it seemed.

"T-thank you... I don't deserve this."

"I'm not doing it for you." I whimper, and he looks back up at me. "You're Remi's father. He loves you Trenton - he needs us both. Why are you putting yourself into these situations?!"

I found myself crying again, and Trenton started crying as well.

"I don't know..."

I shook my head, facing forward and saw Ezra looking furious. His eyes flickered between Trenton and me, then he scoffed.

"Theo, I will ask you politely. Please move." Ezra tries to order me, but I stay my ground.

He sneers, crouching before me and his knife points at my throat. It begins to travel up and run over my lips, only for him to pull it back.

"You don't defend this trash because you want to? You're doing it for Remi's sake?" Ezra questions me.

"Of course. I also - in good conscience - can't let you do this to someone. I'd do this for anyone else too." I state to him truthfully.

Ezra sneers at me, and I see his hand slam down on something. When I hear Trenton cry out in pain, I looked down and saw Ezra's knife having cut the tip of his finger all the way through.

I found myself becoming sick and I gag, collapsing forward. He stops me from falling and I shove him away from me.

"Y-you're...crazy!" I cry, standing up as I saw everyone now. "You're all evil! G-get away from me!"

I ran out of that room, still hearing Trenton's shrieks behind me. I rushed down the escalator and tried running out of the building. I go for the door only to be rushed at by these guards.

My body was slammed against the ground and I whimper, feeling like my body was being crushed. They held me still as they bent my arms behind my back.

Just from be being on the floor like this and suffocating, along with all the stress today... I found my vision getting blurry.

Thank goodness, because I wanted to pass out. So that I could avoid all of this now. Just to get away from all of this for the moment being.


Gasping for air, I sit up quickly and look around where I could be. The last thing I remember was being in that evil building...and then being body slammed by Ezra's guards.

I rub the side of my neck, groaning at the soreness. I look around the room and come upon Ezra. He had his arms folded as he stared at me.

My lips went in a straight line, and I look away.

"That was some scene you pulled-."

"I didn't pull a scene! I was trying to do the right thing! You...you cut off Remi's father's fingertip! That's so-."

"Necessary." Ezra nodded, smiling as he stood up from his seat. "I was offended when you called me not only crazy, but evil. You know those types of things rarely happen."

"I don't care..." I whimper, bringing my knees to my chest. "Why are you trying to assure me? It makes no difference. I saw and know what you along with all those people what you're capable of... I can't stay with you anymore."

Ezra snorts, sitting on the edge of the bed near me. He looked very intrigued as he locks his eyes onto mine.

"You can't go anywhere. That contract was and is nonnegotiable. You will be with me for a very long time. What you saw was only the beginning of what could happen. I just am usually not the one handling such dirty business - truth be told. You are mine, so don't even think about running." Ezra explains to me, and soon smiled brightly. "So, are you hungry?"

I don't respond, I just go back to laying down. Had to stop myself from saying anything more. I wasn't in the mood to hear him get upset.

"Why aren't you thanking me? I did all of that for you, you know. He was very disrespectful to you and I wasn't okay with that. I know I haven't been around you for too long, but I know that in such a short period of time how much Remi means to you. You're an amazing parent and when Trenton tried to say otherwise...I kind of blew a fuse. Especially when he said at the expense of your pain and loss. You're too kind to have those words said to you. Hah..." Ezra sighs after saying all of that, his hands rubbing his face.

I looked at him...a little bit differently.

He got mad...for my sake?

I sit up now, my hair falling on my eyes. I could barely see him and I kind of liked it better this way.

"Even though...the ways you went about it were unorthodox and cruel, thank you." I say, and I grip his shirt with my fingers. "I am appreciative of someone even caring about what others have to say about me. I'm happy someone sees me in a good light besides my son."

It was silent for a bit, and I look up at him awkwardly. I saw his head lowered a bit and I let go now.

"Again, thank you-."

"Could you do something for me?" Ezra asks me, and I see him look up. His hands cradled my face, feeling my face warm up only to become cold from his fingers.

"Do...do what?"

I see Ezra sit on the bed, leaning against the headboard. I saw that he was hard and it was too obvious. It made me wonder what he was erect for.

"Come here." He pat his lap, and I become nervous. I crawl towards him as I straddle his legs. I watch his hand travel up my shirt and I flinch at his cold fingers.

They ran over my skin and I felt unusually...comforted. I lick my lips to try and calm my faltering mind. Could feel his cock press against my bottom and I flinch again. There was too much overstimulation.

"I was genuinely upset...when he said those things about you. It pissed me off. I wanted to see how far he'd go, but there came a point where I couldn't listen anymore." Ezra confesses to me, and I feel his hands rest on the low of my back.

I looked at him...a little bit more different the more he spoke.

"I know they aren't true, but I still was somehow offended. Because I feel like Remi should be with me right now. Not me...being beside you like I'm in some farce relationship." I tell him, and he grins at me.

"Why say farce?"

"We aren't together."

Ezra just looks up at me, soon beginning to lick his lips. He leaned towards my body until he was pressing a kiss to my chest. Made me shy, of course, at why he was being so gentle right now.

"Will you be able to make me come by your ass?" He questions me.

I look down, wondering how I'd be able to do such a thing. I'm not good at grinding...

"I don't think so." I confess, and he pats my hip.

"Just try. If it's you I'd come in no time - as long as I see your face." He confesses so easily, his thumb running over my lips. I close my eyes because I felt embarrassed- honestly.

Because I began to ground my bottom against his dick, seeing him sigh in relaxation. I avoided looking at him because I was more embarrassed than I realized. Just to grind against someone's dick was very lewd.

I start to grind a bit harder and I hear Ezra groan. I must've been doing something right because his cock was harder than before. Could feel it nestling itself between my bottom, and it made me more shy.

"Listen here, let me digress for a bit from the sex talk. You seem very adamant that you don't want to be in a relationship. Do you still feel that way?" He questions me, and I stop moving.

I stare down at him for a bit...wondering what he was trying to do. Why was he asking me these questions as if he has feelings for me?

"I feel that way even more especially after not only seeing you beat up Trenton, but cut off his finger as well. I don't want to be with anyone ever again...I don't want to feel that hurt and pain once more. I also don't want Remi suffering either." I state to him, and Ezra begins to sit up.

Now we both were close to one another face wise. He stared very intensely and I was about to move back until he pulled me back closer.

"I don't know if you realize this, but I have been very keen on having you for some time." He murmurs, and I don't say anything. "I first met you when I was rejected by my Mate. I ran away and you were the first one to offer me your food from some restaurant you came from. You didn't know it was me...so I believe that's why you were so quick to help. Ever since then, I've wanted you to myself; but that Trenton guy came up and I instantly knew you were together. Do you remember helping me at all?"

I stare at him in surprise because I've done that often before I had Remi. I used to give homeless people food or money if I had some on me. I don't do it anymore because of my situation, but once I get out of it I'll gladly do that again.

"I...I'm sorry, I don't. I did it so often that that particular event isn't poignant in my mind." I try telling him.

"It was night time, and...in your bag you had a burger that had chicken, lettuce, onions, barbecue sauce, tomatoes, and some white sauce I believe of some sort. There were fries too - a lot of them." He goes on to list what I had gotten back than and it was kind of starting to resonate with me.


I suddenly remember seeing someone trembling by himself, and it all started to come back to me.

_____five years ago____

I stood at a distance from the boy that was trembling on the ground. He was hugging his body and I couldn't see his face as he sat by himself in an isolated place.

I didn't understand why he was shaking like that because it was hot outside.

"Don't even think about helping that guy!" I heard Trenton whine as he rushed beside me.

"Why not?"

"Uh, he looks crazy. Look at him, I think he's on something. Don't risk it- hey!"

I start walking away from Trenton and go to the boy. Once I stood a little away from him, I squat a bit. That's when I rest my bag of food on the ground.

The boy peers up from under his arms, and had this completely broken yet disgusted look on his face. I don't know how that was possible, but he did it and had the facials to do so.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, and he doesn't respond. I clear my throat a bit, coming a little closer and I set my bag of food beside his leg. "I don't have any money on me at the moment, but I hope my food is enough."

I grin down at the guy, and his eyes widen a bit. I begin to see him move a bit until I'm pulled back.

"Theo that guy was about to attack you! He's an Alpha...I can tell." Trenton warns me, and his arm held me close to his body.

I saw the boy see such a thing and he looks away. He sat back down on the ground and took my food now. Beginning to eat the fries, I smile as I look at Trenton.

"I feel quite satisfied." I sigh happily, and he shook his head.

"How can you be? Now you lost your dinner." He whines to me again and I shrug.

"I can just get another, you know what? I want to try a new restaurant." I say, and we begin to walk away now.

As we began to walk away I look over my shoulder, seeing the boy looking at me too. I smile at him, causing him to grin back. Now I felt even more satisfied!

"Oh, what did you get on your physics midterm?" Trenton asks me, and I face back forward.

"That thing? I passed that easily! You?" I ask him back, and he looks away awkwardly. "I take that as a no."

I chuckle, smiling at him and how cute he was acting about it.

...I like Trenton way too much for my own good.


"I remember...but I can't be in a relationship with you." I tell him honestly, and he snickers. "What's so funny?"

"I assume it's because I cut off Trenton's fingertip?"

"It's a part of it, but it's not just you. I don't want to date anyone... I won't be able to commit to anyone if I'm being honest, Remi is more important." I say honestly, and he hugs my body.

I sit here silently as he hugs me, making me wonder what he was so drawn to. What is it about me that he likes besides the sex?

"I can understand you wanting to prioritize Remi, but is it wrong to want to be be with someone too? Remi likes me, isn't that good?" He asks me, and I look away. "You can't say it's not. He calls me 'cool man'."

"I don't think he knows your name." I chuckle at the thought of Remi not knowing his name, so 'cool man' was the next best option.

"Doesn't matter, I like when he calls me that. Most children are scared of me and infatuated with Xavion. Except now the roles are reversed, but perfectly so. It makes me want to be kind to Remi." Ezra tells me and I grin.

"Shouldn't you be kind to him anyway? He's a child."

"So? What if he was a brat? I hate brats." Ezra sneers, causing me to raise my eyebrow.

"You'd be mean to Remi if he was a brat?" I question him, and he shrugs. "I wouldn't allow that."

Ezra just purses his lips, thinking about it. I begin to feel his hands caress my back and I wondered if he was realizing he was doing so.

I didn't...know why he was being so sweet to me? Was he trying to get me to date him or trying to make up for cutting off Trenton's finger?

"I wonder how I would be to my future kids? If I was to have kids with someone..." He drifts, and I grin at him.

"I feel like you would be a good father to your kids. Probably even spoil them even. Trenton used to spoil Remi..." I go quiet for a little bit, and Ezra raises his eyebrow.

"I see... I think I've been inspired. Maybe I should go about this differently." Ezra murmurs, cradling his chin and thinking intently.

I watch him think until he looks up at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Do what?"

Ezra set me aside, getting off the bed as he smirks down at me. His hand grabbing his phone and I saw him beginning to call someone.

"You'll see."


See what? 🤔

Poor Trenton's fingertip though. 👀

It was bound to happen. 😐

It's the point that Theo feels obliged to protect Trenton- 😑

Because he's Remi's dad. 🤧

Nothing more, and nothing less. 👀

Or is it? 🥲

What'd you even think of Ezra's actions overall? 🤔

I think someone is starting to get a bigger soft spot... 😚

For someone. 😲

(it's pretty obvious you know) 🤡🥴

So, what'd you think? 🤔

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~ YOLO❤️

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