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By Mana_Bear

14.4K 444 209

๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ถ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ค: ๐˜ด๐˜บ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ฑ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฒ๐˜ถ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜บ โ€ ๐—ฃ๐—Ÿ๐—˜๐—”๐—ฆ๐—˜... More

Here's the deal, fam
~Character Information~
Chapter One ~ The Entrance Exam
Chapter Two ~ The Sky After It Rained
Chapter Three ~ Lay off, Idiot
Chapter Four ~ To Clear My Mind
Chapter Five ~ No Doubt About That
Chapter Six ~ Cmon, Shoto! Think!
Chapter Seven ~ It Was Me
Chapter Eight ~ Candycane?
Chapter Nine ~ Like You Said
Chapter Ten ~ What I Enjoy About You
Chapter Eleven ~ You Better Not
Chapter Twelve ~ Midoriya's Secret
Chapter Thirteen ~ I'll Still Be There
Chapter Fourteen ~ Not Anymore
Chapter Fifteen ~ Just Get Rest
Chapter Sixteen ~ We're Here
Chapter Seventeen ~ Akiara!
Small Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen ~ I Wish I Could Take The Pain For You
Am I Obsessed--
Akiara Saki
Chapter Nineteen ~ Will Not Be Defeated
Chapter Twenty ~ Because I Was Looking
Chapter Twenty-One ~ He Said I Could Come
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ She Could Have Died
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ The Frost Winged Villain
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ It's Just A Competition
New Chapter Coming Soon Sorry
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Even If You Asked Him To
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ How Dare You
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ But What If I Want You To Win?
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ I'm Respecting Her Wishes!
!!Christmas Special!!
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Couldn't Possibly Be Good
Chapter Thirty ~ We Shouldn't Be On The Same Team
Chapter Thirty One ~ Teasing
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ My Sister is a Psycho
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Thank You
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ What Did She Say?
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ I Know They're Your Favorite
Chapter Thirty-Six ~ What's Going On?
Why Do I Still Have Notifications Of People Reading This
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ The "Stomach Bug"
Not An Update :D (is it ever??)

~ Bonus Chapter ~

165 10 12
By Mana_Bear

Hey weebs! Alrighty, so a little background on this chappie. 

This bonus chapter takes place when they are now living in the dorms, and I kind of avoided something about the dorms that happens later in my book, but that doesn't really matter for this bonus thingamajig.

Akiara's POV

"And then-- And then my dad said-- 'MOMO! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY FAVORITE TEA!"

It wasn't that funny of a story, but I laughed anyways.

The girls; Mina, Ochaco, Momo, Tsu, Hagakure, Jiro and I had just gotten done shopping at the mall, and we were currently walking up the last few steps to the door of our Dorm. My arms were full of bags, which had all sorts of clothing in it (which were all generously paid for by Momo, who said I could use a few more outfits).

The door to the Dorm swung open quickly and then was shut almost immediately after, and out came a very annoyed, tired and irritated Mr Aizawa. "Girls. Finally. Maybe you seven can help." All of us stopped laughing, and serious looks were plastered on our faces at Aizawa's expression of distress.

"Mr Aizawa?" Ochaco asked. "What's wrong?"

Aizawa took a deep breath before explaining, "When you left to go shopping earlier today, a villain attacked the Dorm."

I gasped, and the rest of the girls followed suit. "A villain?!" I exclaimed, "Are the boys hurt? Is everyone alright?"

"Oh, they're fine." Aizawa pinched the top of his nose as he grumbled, "They're at the top of their spirits actually, and it's so annoying."

"What quirk did the villain have?" Mina asked.

Aizawa sighed. "The ability to change somebody's age."

We were all silent for a moment, until Momo spoke up. "So they're all either really old, or really young?"

"The latter." He answered, walking past us. "I am so done with them, it's your turn to babysit."

I gave all the girls a worried glance before we opened the door, and stepped through.

It was absolute chaos.

Over in the kitchen, a toddler-sized Tokoyami was at the foot of the refrigerator, crying over raw eggs that were splattered all over the ground. He caressed one of the broken eggshells as tears escaped his eyes. Above him, Ojiro was swinging from cupboard to cupboard with his tail. On one of the couches, Koda and Sato were playing patty-cake and giggling silently. On the other side of the large area, baby Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were tackling each other and saying things like "haha! I am the manliest man!" or "you are weak! Mwahahaha!"

An --even smaller than usual-- Mineta was bouncing back and forth on his weird... sticky balls. (A/N: Okay, that's the weirdest thing ever to type.) He had a goofy grin on his face and was doing his weird "heh-heh-heh" laugh over and over again. Aoyama was studying his reflection in an over-polished dinner plate, striking poses to himself. Shoji had collapsed inside his multiple arms in a corner of the kitchen, and was crying softly.

The only thing that really caught me by surprise were two things:

Bakugou was marching throughout the room, Midoriya close behind. Bakugou was repeating the same thing in a loud yell: "FORWARD MARCH AND HERE WE GO! MEMBERS OF THE AGENCY OF BAKUGOU!" He paused before shouting to Midoriya, "SOUND OFF!" And Midoriya would answer with, "One, two!" and that would continue for a while.

And the other thing, was that I didn't see Todoroki or Iida right away. In fact, I didn't see them at all.

"Holy macaroni..." I was the first one to say something, all of us in total shock.

"What is going on here?" Tsu said, putting a finger on her chin. "It's absolute chaos."

I was about to answer, when I heard a high-pitched voice say, "Akiawa!!!" I pivoted on my feet, to see the cutest, most adorable scene I have ever set my eyes on.

A baby Todoroki, with wide, sparkling eyes and a real smile on his face, was holding one of his hands out to me like someone who wanted to reach the sky. His hair was still split half-in-half, same with his heterochromatic eyes. He also had a little chubbiness to his cheeks. His other hand was attached to Iida's, who was getting dragged behind him as he sniffled, wiping away a tear under his glasses.

(Like this picture below, except just Iida and Todoroki in the frame. I THINK ITS SO CUTE I CAN'T EVEN FUNCTION CORRECTLY OMGGGG. Like seriously, guys. Look at this picture for a long minute and imagine Todoroki saying this in a cute little toddler voice: "Akiawa! Akiawa!")

"Akiawa!" Todoroki said again, this time letting go of Iida's hand (much to Iida's discomfort), and now holding both his hands out toward me, waddling forward on his little feet.

The girls around me screamed like pterodactyls, saying things like, "Awwwww!" or "That's so adorable!" or "Cuteeee!"

My heart instantly melted at this sight, kind of like when you see the cutest puppy in existence.

Todoroki continued to waddle over to me, continuing to say my name in his toddler-like voice. "Akiawa! Akiawa!" He finally made it to me, and threw himself into my arms, hugging me around the neck. I dropped my shopping bags and wrapped my arms around his small frame and stood up, spinning around with a huge smile on my face. Todoroki giggled like a maniac, and again, the girls made comments on how adorable this was, which I really couldn't disagree with.

I readjusted Todoroki, so that he was sitting on one of my arms, my other hand coming around to rest on the small of his back, keeping him upright.

"Akiara," Ochaco commented, a gleam in her eyes. "That was the most adorable thing I've ever seen."

I laughed. "I know right! I can hardly contain my heart right now."

Baby Todoroki titled his head at me. "Yow laf is pwetty, Akiawa!" I smiled again. Todoroki's eyes were wide with adoration as he put both his hands on each of my cheeks, and then threw them around my neck in another hug. He buried his face in my hair and giggled uncontrollably.

"I'm so jealous, Akiara!" Momo squealed, and the rest of the girls did the same.

I tried to contain my pterodactyl screeches when Todoroki pulled away from the hug and gave me the biggest grin I had ever seen reach his face.

A loud crash and then a mouthful of cries was heard from the kitchen, and Hagakure yelped. "Oh my goodness! Ojiro just fell off one of the cupboards," Then she ran over to him. "Ah! Hey, you alright Ojiro?"

Ochaco spotted Bakugou beating Midoriya to a pulp, and she scurried over, ripping the Pomeranian off of the bushy-haired boy, who hid behind Ochaco's legs.

Tsu went over to comfort the crying Iida, who gratefully accepted a warm hug from her.

Mina walked into the kitchen and helped Tokoyami clean up the broken eggs, and comforted him and Shoji as they cried for no evident reason.

Baby Kaminari, who had gotten a bear onesie out of thin air, attached himself to Jiro's leg, giving her a huge smile. "Jiro! Jiro! Come pway heewos wif me!" Jiro gave in and ran along with the little boy.

Momo tore Sero off of Kirishima, and chased the black-haired boy as he swung from the ceiling with his tape. "Sero! Sero, be careful!"

Kirishima waddled over to my feet, and with tears in his eyes, he spread out his hands, "Akiawa! I wanna be pick up too! Todowoki isn't fair!"

I raised an eyebrow and crouched down to his eye level, Todoroki still in my arms. "How is he not fair?"

Kirishima pouted. "Cuz--cuz he get to be pick up! I wanna be pick up too! I wanna be taw and manwy!" (GUYS. AGAIN, LOOK AT THE PICTURE ABOVE AND IMAGINE HIM SAYING THIS IN A BABY VOICE ITS SO FREAKING ADORABLE I CAN'T--)

I giggled again, gaining a satisfied grin from Todoroki as he stared at my face. "All right, I'll pick you up, too."

"Reawy?!" Kirisihima smiled uncontrollably, and I scooped him up in my other arm, so I had him in one and Todoroki in the other.

Todoroki scowled at Kirishima and clutched onto my pale blue shirt, cuddling against my shoulder. "Akiawa mine." He pouted his bottom lip and gave Kirishima a raspberry.

My eyes sparkled as I glanced from Todoroki to Kirishima. Todoroki still had a somewhat-menacing stare, and he was holding onto me like he'd never let go.

Kirishima folded his arms. "Fine then!" He then grinned, "Akiawa is yow grillfwend! Akiawa is yow grillfwend!" He chanted that a few more times, laughing and laughing. Todoroki's face was a bit red, but he just buried his face into my shoulder again and started crying.

My heart broke in half when I heard his sobs. He looked up into my eyes and said, "Akiawa! Kiwishima is being a meanie!"

I scowled at Kirishima. "That wasn't very nice, Kiri."

His face fell. "Sowwie, Akiawa."

"No, you apologize to Todoroki." I said sternly, shaking my head.

Kirishima grimly frowned at Todoroki. "Sowwie, To'owroki."

The heterochromatic-eyed boy continued crying in response, which then made Kirishima start crying, so I was now holding two little boys who were sobbing into my shoulders.

I sighed and called out for some help. "Momo?"

Momo came walking over, Sero in her arms. "That's absolutely adorable, Akiara." She commented, pointing to the two boys in my arms.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. "Can you take Kirishima and ask him to play with Sero for a little while? I'm going to try to calm Todoroki down." Momo gladly took Kirishima into her other arm, and Sero immediately cheered the red-haired toddler up, grins on their faces as Momo took them off to play.

I returned my free hand to Todoroki's back, and I carried him over to the couch. I sat down and placed him in my lap as he still clutched onto my shirt, his silent tears soaking through the fabric.

"Hey, hey." I whispered, cuddling him closer to me. "Relax, it's okay. Kirishima was just teasing, it's alright." I continued mumbling comforting things into his ear, and he eventually fell asleep in my arms. 


I can't even contain my squeals as I picture all of these baby boys. I mean, I can totally picture Todoroki waddling up to Akiara like that, and I can totally picture him clutching onto her shirt and saying "Akiawa mine."

Anyone else think this was so adorable?


Just me?

Alrighty then.


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