Scale - Tsukishima Kei

By NoMo17

28.8K 731 690

Hi so this was supposed to be a really short story, like 10-15 chapters short, but I ended up elongating it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chaper 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- Bonus Chapter

Chapter 9

1.1K 39 74
By NoMo17

"Tsukishima let me have it!" I grin, reaching my arm up, trying to reach the card in his hand. Apparently, the volleyball team gave him something to give to me.

"You have to work for it." He teases. I put a hand on his chest, giggling as I jump for the card. He's so damn tall.

Oh, but I have an idea.

I double over, my face twisting to one of pain.

"Ow." I cry, and Tsukishima quickly stops, bending down at my level, his face full of worry.

"Are you okay? You said you weren't in pain anymore, why did you lie?" He guides me to my bed and sits me down. He puts the card down and lifts my face. "Do you want something? I can run to the store, maybe I should go down to get Advil?"

"No, it's fine. I just- I really want..." I look up at him, pouting. "this card!" I quickly grab it, putting it behind my back, laughing. He stares at me in shock for a minute before crossing his arms.

"I thought you were serious." He glares at me.

"It's been like, 2 and a half weeks. I'm just about back to normal." I smile, extending my arm and poking his side. "Don't be mad at me."

"Yeah, yeah. Just open the card." He rolls his eyes.

I put the card in front of me, opening the envelope and pulling out the actual card inside. The front is blank, but I open it and a small picture falls out. There's a bunch of writing on it, so I decide to read it first.

"Yucchan! I hope you're doing better! Come visit us soon :)
- Hinata Shōyō"

"Get better

"Hi Yuna-San!
I hope you're doing well. You're strong, so I know you'll heal quickly!
-Sugawara Kōshi"

"Hello Yuna-Sam,
Are you well? Text me if you need anything at all, or even just a friend (:
~ Azumane Asahi"

I smile, continuing to read each of the Karasuno Boys Volleyball Team's messages. When I'm finished, I look at the photo that fell out. It's of them, holding their fists up like they're fighting, hosting bright smiles on all of their faces. All except Tsukishima, who's just standing there. A sweet laugh escapes my lips, and I look up at him.

"This is really cute. You should have smiled, you look miserable. Don't like me?" I tease, and a red tint covers the tips of his ears.

"The pose was silly. I would never do that." He scoffs. I stand up, setting the card on my desk and getting some tape from my drawer. I roll some of it, and press it to the back of the picture, then position it on my wall.

"Tadaa!" I gesture to it, smiling.

"Sorry the card is a little late, everyone kept forgetting because of our games. I kept telling them, but..." He trails off, and I sit on the bed again.

"It's fine. I'm happy that they sent something at all. Though... you didn't write anything in the card." I pout, and he chuckles.

"Do I really have to though?" He tilts his head. He gets on his knees, crawling to me and essentially forcing me to lay down on my back as he hovers over me. "You're so different now." He mumbles, looking at me.

"Oh? How so? I have been working out since the bruising has gone down." I smile up at him and he laughs.

"That's not what I meant. You just... you're the complete opposite of a month ago. You look at me when we talk, you're not soft spoken with me anymore- which I'm grateful for because I like hearing your voice- you're not gluing your eyes to the floor, you smile a lot, you laugh a lot..." He bites his lip, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "You just seem so happy now. I like seeing you like this. Your attitude rubs off on me."

I reach up, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and give him a small smile.

"I have been in better spirits lately. Who knew not going to school can make such a big difference?" I chuckle a little bit. "I just feel like I'm in a dream, you know? I don't have to worry about giving the wrong person the 'wrong look', or accidentally bumping into someone. I can just be here, safe, at home. Even though my mom went back to work, and you went back to school...I don't feel lonely. You text me when you get the chance to, Asahi-Senpai and I have also had a few conversations. Life is nice right now." I say, in a daze.

"I'm glad you made another friend. I'm also happy your mental health seems to be getting better. You haven't had a panic attack in a while either. That's good." He nods.

"Yeah...this is a nice dream. One I don't ever want to wake up from." I grin up at him, and he sends me a small, gentle smile.

"We're not going anywhere." He reassures before pressing his lips against mine.

I'm very grateful for Tsukishima. In these past couple of weeks he's come almost everyday, after practice or games. At the beginning, he used to talk about his games as if it was a bother, but now it seems like slowly, he's talking more excitedly about them. He always represses his emotions, so it's easy to see the slight change in his demeanor. I'm glad he's enjoying the sport more and more.

I feel him tilt his head, deepening the kiss even further. I smile at that before parting my lips and slipping my tongue into his mouth.

On the days he comes, we do this too. Not every time, but most of the times. Though, usually it only takes up a small part of the night. We also study, talk about our days, talk about volleyball, watch movies, talk about dinosaurs...I think it's really cute that big, tough guy like Tsukishima is a nerd for dinosaurs.

"Hey..." He pulls away, both of our breathing slightly heavier than before. "What time are your parents coming home?"

"They're both on a two day business trip. They left today, so they won't be home." I say, and I see him bite his lip. He looks nervous.

"Oh, that's nice..." He trails off.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, I just- I was thinking...never mind." He groans.

"What is it? It's okay, you can tell me." I put a hand on his cheek. He stares at me for a moment, his cheeks burning red.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to...if we could...uh- you know. Do it." He sputters and I stare up at him confused. He looks away, clearing his throat.

"Do what?" I ask, and he closes his eyes for a second.

"It. Do you want to do it? With me?" He mumbles and I rack my brain for what 'it' could possibly be. I've never been asked that before. Did we establish a word for 'it' and I just don't remember? Did I hit my head...?

"Tsukishima-Kun, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what it-"

"Sex! Jesus, I'm asking if you want to have sex." He exclaims, groaning. "It's like I'm talking to a 5 year old." He mutters right after.

"AH!" I scream for no reason, putting my hands over my face as I turn red as well. Sex? What is going on in this man's head? "I've never heard anyone say do 'it', I-I'm sorry." I turn my head, burying it my pillow.

"Don't apologize. Sorry I asked." He says blankly and I quickly look up at him. Is he mad? He doesn't look mad... embarrassed?

"I-Is that...what you want to do?" I ask quietly, feeling nervous. He doesn't respond, but his cheeks burn brighter. He pulls away from hovering over me, and sits on the bed. "You're dirty!" I exclaim and he looks at me, shocked.

"I-I..." He doesn't know what to say. I bite my lip, scooting closer to him, dangling my legs off the bed.

"You're being serious...aren't you?" I ask quietly.

"Just forget about it." He grumbles.

"Please answer."

"...yes." He says and I bite my lip.

"I don't...I've never done that before. I don't think it'll be enjoyable for you. I thought guys like to see a pretty, skinny girl under them. I'm the opposite of that if you haven't noticed. I'm not experienced either, so it's double the disappointment." I ramble.

"If you care about someone's looks, and only that, it's pure lust. I don't care how you look, I've said it so many times. You're so pretty to me. Even if you were 400lbs, my mind wouldn't change." He takes both my hands in his and I look up at him. His eyes are soft, like a pool of warm liquid. "It'll be my first time too."

Tsukishima's first time? Why would he want that with me?

"I thought your first time is supposed to be with someone special...?" I frown and he chuckles, cupping my cheek.

"I think you're pretty special." He says quietly, and my eyes widen.

We're not even dating...I don't think. We haven't put a label on whatever is going on between us. We're friends, that's for sure.

"Will...will it make you happy?" I ask, looking at him with big eyes.

"Only if you're happy as well. I don't want to do it if you're not comfortable." He says seriously and I blush. Looking away, I'm about to agree but then gasp when I realize something horrible.

"Oh my god, no." I respond, looking at him in horror. "I can't. I have to take my clothes off!" He stares at me for a moment, and I know he's mentally debating whether or not I'm serious.

"Um..." He blinks.

"I'm not- I don't want you to see my body. It's gross, and ugly. I want to say yes, but I haven't even looked in the mirror for god knows how long. You know I don't have a flat stomach, right?" I ramble again. He sighs, squeezing my hands for a moment.

"I'm not worried about that. But it's okay. We can wait." He leans forward and places a kiss on my temple.

"Ah, wait!" I look at him, nervousness filling my entire body. "I have to keep my shirt on." I bite my lip.

"Your shirt?" He tilts his head and I nod quickly.

"I don't want you to see me from here up." I motion from the bottom of my stomach, to my chest. My face is so hot, I can't imagine how red I am...

"That's fine." He says quickly. "Are you sure though? I don't want you to agree unless you're 110% sure." He frowns and I nod.

"I'm sure."

He gives me a small smile, before kissing me.

Everything...goes so fast. I don't even get the chance to comprehend everything fully. The next thing I'm aware of, is Tsukishima laying in between my legs, trailing kisses on my thighs.

"You know how I said you were disgusting? But not in the way you thought?" He mumbles against my skin, and I prop myself up on my elbows, looking down at him.

"Is this really the appropriate time to have this conversation...?" I ask, and he meets my eyes.

"Yes. I'll tell you why now." He squeezes a handful of my thighs, and his eyes turn dark. "Everyday you teased me with these. At school of all places. Your skirt always seemed like it was too short, but it's just because your legs are fairly long." He finds a place on my thighs, and gently bites the skin.

"You're so mean, teasing me like that." He mumbles and I take a shaky breath. Why is this hot...? "You knew what you were doing, didn't you? You did it on purpose?"

"I-I didn't." I say weakly. "I was just wearing my uniform." I quickly shut my mouth, suppressing a moan as he trails kisses further up.

"Liar. You just wanted to tease me at school. How disgusting." He says, and then finally presses his lips to the area I've been wanting him most.

My eyes roll to the back of my head, and I lay back down as his tongue works wonders.


"I'm tired." I mumble, snuggling into Tsukishima's chest.

"I know. Are you okay?" He asks, playing with my wet hair.

After we got done, I took a shower and made him take one in the guest bathroom. So now we lay in my bed, me in a new shirt and a pair of shorts, and him in his shirt as well as boxers.

"Mhm." I hum. "I feel kind of sore though."

"It'll go away soon." He reassures me, and I nod.

"Can you spend the night?" I ask, looking up at him. He leans forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead and giving me a nod.

"I already texted my mom before I got in the shower." He says and I smile tiredly at him.

"Thank you." I close my eyes, and he wraps his arms tighter around me.

"Goodnight" He says.

"Goodnight." I mumble.

"Hey, wait." He calls out, and I look up at him through hooded eyes. The moonlight from my window illuminates his face and I can see an amused expression rests on it. "If you weren't ready, or claimed to not have thought about doing this before...why were you shaved down there?"

My face burns red and I'm suddenly thankful that he can't see me.

Girls can shave without the intention of doing something dirty! Though...I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about doing something dirty with him.

Ah man, he got me.

"Well, why did you have a condom?" I counter, and he goes quiet for a moment.


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