[✔] HELLEVATOR    ──    chanl...


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elevators aren't meant to lead to alternate dimensions. Más



390 23 11

        TWO DAYS LATER, FELIX was finally hustling everyone down towards the same spot that he had taken Chan many days before, only this time it was for a completely different reason.

Strapped to Jeongin and Jisung's backs were long swords, as if they were going to use them. Felix's excuse for this was just in case, though, Chan didn't really buy it.

Seungmin had a large bag looped around his shoulders, holding what they thought they would need. Chan was unaware that Seungmin was able to carry such things- but, really, he couldn't say he doubted him, either.

The two of them still hadn't made up from days prior- which, really, wasn't the best thing to be thinking about. Seungmin's arm was now bandaged, though he often took the bandaid off to apply some form of ointment that Jeongin had given him. But because Seungmin wasn't talking to Chan, neither was Jeongin.

Chan held onto his own bag- equipped with changes of clothes if it were going to be needed, as well as variations of medical supplies that Chan couldn't see the need for.

Now they were all climbing- yes, climbing -down the ledge that Felix led them to, other than Seungmin and Hyunjin. Even Felix was climbing down the steep ledge.

Peering over the edge, Chan slowly threw one of his legs over and allowed himself to find a slot in the rocks to place his foot, only to do the same for his other foot. This repeated- even when rocks threatened to fall from beneath his feet -and eventually, he reached the bottom, letting out a huff in relief as he dropped himself to the ground after Jisung had moved out of his way.

"We walk until the sun begins to set. I don't think we can stand to lose anything with how long it's taken already."

No one argued with him, instead, they all followed him into the thickly wooded area.

Chan couldn't help but look around nervously. The last time he was in a similar situation, someone had been watching them. He was worried for that same fate- being followed, then being chased.

He feared getting separated from the others, being separated from Felix.

Chan knew that Felix could defend himself, that he knew how to use his powers to his advantage but Chan still couldn't help but be worried. Felix was strong physically, yes- even mentally, but he was still so, so small.

Of course, Felix used the other opponents weight to his advantage just like he did his own ability: he would use their weight against them. And Chan was amazed at how well he was able to manipulate the situation, but that didn't mean he was going to be able to get away with it.

A part of him also worried for the others. Minho was the same way as Felix; lanky, very thin and built of little muscle. His abilities had nothing other than the ability to grow a set of claws on each hand, manipulate his shape so that he was a feline. He learned that Minho, regardless of his choices, always came out on the leaner side.

It was never something like a tiger; nothing like a lion. It was always something thin, something like a cheetah. And, although they were fast, Chan knew that Minho's muscle composition could easily end him in the wrong spot.

He wasn't so worried about Changbin; hell, he wasn't even worried about Jeongin. His worry went towards those who were thinner, who's muscles were less defined, those who showed struggles- just as Chan had -with the physical combat.

He was even worried about Hyunjin, and Hyunjin was among one of the few he shouldn't have been worried about considering how fast he was able to move, how agile he was.

He couldn't protect all of them; he already knew this much. But what was bothering him, scaring him the most, was the fact he probably couldn't protect Felix if it came down to it.

Seungmin's words kept coming back to him, over and over again. He wasn't strong enough to fend anyone off away from Felix, not unless he was pressed far too over the ledge.

It would essentially be inevitable, though, he didn't know how often said anger would work or if it would allow him to stand out longer and maintain his body temperature.

Chan bit down on his bottom lip, drawing in a deep breath as his eyes flew over each of the members again.

He could see Seungmin trembling, despite Jeongin's hand looped around his elbow to try and provide him comfort.

Felix was walking ahead, his head turning every so often as he made sure that no one was at their sides.

Hyunjin was walking beside a large canine- which was Changbin -with his hand resting on the canine's collar. Where Changbin suddenly got a collar, Chan didn't know. But he didn't think it was really important at the moment.

Jisung and Minho were walking side by side, their shoulders brushing and their hands held together. They probably looked the least worried at that moment- the least shaken by the situation.

He wished he could feel so at ease the way they were. He was sure that they were somehow telling each other that it was going to be okay- but Chan also knew that, no matter what was going to go down, neither of them were going to let anything happen to the other.

It was that way with each pair. Jeongin wouldn't let anyone hurt Seungmin, and Seungmin wouldn't let anyone hurt Jeongin- or anyone else for that matter.

Hyunjin was thin, but he wouldn't let anyone hurt Changbin. And Changbin- as a dog the size of a miniature pony and then some -wouldn't let anyone get to Hyunjin.

They wanted to hide their relationship from everyone else, sure: but they weren't exactly good at it.

That really left Felix, walking ahead with no one to calm his nerves. Chan was walking in the back, having said that it was for safety purposes just in case someone had tried to jump at them from behind.

Chan rolled his lips between his teeth and turned his head to look over his shoulder.

Leaves rustled above him, and his head immediately shot up, and he stopped. Everyone else stopped as well, turning to look at the sky as well.

Then, a large feather fell from the leaves. Felix held out a hand and caught it in his palm, a little smile tugging at his lips before he turned to look at the sky again.

"Felix," canine-Changbin muttered, "What exactly does that mean."

The phoenix's smile turned into a grin, and he looked at Chan, before he looked over his shoulder. "It means we have help."

"I wasn't told about any help," Seungmin muttered.

Just then, a person emerged from one of the bushes, followed by a tiny kiwi-bird, as well as another pair of people.

"Would you look at that," Felix laughed softly, "Jeonghan and his little posse came to help save a place they had never been."

Jeonghan smiled softly, holding out his arm and a large hawk-like bird swooped down over their heads and landed on his extended arm. Chan just watched as the bird shifted on his arm and ruffled his wings, remaining perched there as Jeonghan moved his arm slightly.

Felix began to walk towards them, stopping right beside Chan with his arm behind his, "Who exactly is everyone?"

"This is Joshua," Jeonghan motioned towards the hawk on his arm, and the hawk dipped his head, but didn't make a single noise. "The kiwi-bird is Allen. I don't know why he's still a bird, but-"

The tiny bird made a small noise, and Changbin whined at it.

Jeonghan shrugged his shoulders, "The two bozos behind me are Wooyoung and San. They're pointless."

There was an offended noise from the bushes, and suddenly another canine jumped out from the bushes and smacked a paw right over a small feline's head.

"As I said, irrelevant."

Before the group knew it, they were walking again. Chan and the canine- who's name Chan had learned was Wooyoung -and feline that accompanied it perched on his back, lingered in the back.

Chan's eyes almost never left Felix as he walked alongside Jeonghan.

He released a small breath, lifting his hand to gently pat the top of the cat's head, only to bite down on his tongue and look at Felix.

He was glad that they had some extra help- but he didn't know what he was supposed to do knowing that there was a kiwi-bird (who was apparently a witch who didn't know what he was doing) that he also had to keep an eye out for, despite it being perched on top of Jisung's head now.

"Why do you keep looking over there, bro," the feline purred, raising himself to meet Chan's hand again, "It doesn't really look like there's much for you to look at so far ahead of you."

"You buffoon," Wooyoung barked, "He's not looking in front of everyone, he's looking at someone. Are you that daft?"

Chan just swallowed thickly, barely listening to the bickering between the two animals. His eyes lingered over Felix again, and his hands fell limply at his sides.

A cold nose nudged his hand slightly, and he glanced down at the dog who just sat down and took the time to gracefully turn into a human being- and a gorgeous one, at that.

"I'm not a love expert, but you are certainly staring at that boy over there," Wooyoung pointed at Felix, and then dropped his hand to pick up the feline off the ground. "And you're giving him serious heart eyes."

This mother fucker.

'What mother fucker?' Felix glanced over his shoulders, looking directly into Chan's eyes, 'Dog boy? Cat boy?'

Chan blinked, his eyes not leaving Felix's. Dog boy.

The phoenix nodded his head and turned himself around again, resuming his conversation with Jeonghan.

"God, you're so fucking whipped it's disgusting," San said bluntly, intentionally letting out a disgusting cat like gag, "Make a move or something. It's so gross I can literally smell it."

Wooyoung stroked the top of San's head, shrugging his shoulders.

It was just the same advice that Jeongin had given him before- make a move. Though, the younger male had turned his own advice on him. It wasn't directly Jeongin saying that.

Chan released a small sigh, shaking his head as he held his hands in front of him.

They continued to walk, for hours- silent and with little talking. The only talking done was with the pairs (or trios, in some cases) and they were hushed voices.

The sun began to set, and just like Felix had said, they stopped in a clearing that they had managed to find before the sun got too low. Chan dropped his bag off of his shoulders, dropping himself right after.

Jeongin pulled out a lantern-like object, and Felix lit it with the tips of his fingers. The youngest then held out his finger, and the fire began to change colors- just like the fires on the sides of the castles.

Chan sucked in a deep breath, shifting himself so that he was leaning back against a tree and away from the group, even while they were making and eating the food. His mind kept wandering away from them and back to Felix- as much as he didn't want to admit it.

He looked less worried than all of them; as if it were something so easy that he was getting himself into. Like it was just a little game of tag.

He leaned his head back slightly, closing his eyes as he adjusted himself to lean against the bag and the tree comfortably.

"Hey, Chan."

His eyes opened, and he barely moved his head to look at the person who spoke to him. Felix stood in front of him, already lowering himself down to the ground in front of him with a napkin in hand, holding what looked like a half eaten piece of chicken.

"I know you're hungry." He held the food out in Chan's direction, but Chan just shook his head.

"I'm alright. I don't think I can eat right now." He pushed himself to sit up slightly, "Thank you, though. I appreciate the gesture."

Felix shook his head, holding out the chicken once again. "Please eat, Channie. You need to."

Seeing the pleading look on Felix's face caused Chan to force out a sigh, before he took the piece of chicken and the napkin in his hand slightly, slowly eating the chicken as he avoided Felix's gaze.

Once he had finished the chicken, he folded the napkin into a smaller square after wiping the corner of his mouth.

He really didn't think he could stomach it, but he had to at least eat for Felix.

Felix took the napkin square from Chan's hand, and all Chan could do was watch as it burst into flames for a brief moment and then fell to the ground in ashes.

"Thank you, Felix," Chan said, offering him a small smile.

The phoenix nodded his head, and then shifted himself so that he was laying with his chest against Chan's stomach, his arms wrapped beneath his back. How that was comfortable for him, Chan didn't know.

"There's no need to thank me, Channie," He whispered softly, glancing up at Chan with a small smile before he had hid his face in his chest again.

- x -

[ a/n ] sad hours: open ;-;

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