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        "BANG CHAN YOU ARE going to get yourself hurt up there by dancing around like that," Seungmin called from beneath the newly created platform, hands cupped over his mouth.

Chan chuckled softly, amused by the childish discovery he had just made.

From the tips of his fingers, water was softly falling, pooling at his feet where it slowly rolled off of the platform and onto the ground.

Felix laughed from beneath him, and when Chan peered over the edge Seungmin now had water slowly rolling on top of his head.

Seungmin had obviously had enough of the childish antics he got roped into the moment he told Chan to 'have fun'. He hadn't thought through the consequences that giving Chan that freedom would bring- especially considering Chan was just enjoying himself stupidly on top of wet metal.

It was Seungmin's fault he wasn't being careful, really- it was all on Seungmin if he got hurt. He was the one who told him to have a little fun.

"Chan, would you just be careful-"

"Shhhh," the brunet hushed, an index finger over his lips as he giggled softly, "I'm channeling my inner childhood water bending shower memories. Sssssswooooosh."

Beneath him, Felix let out a laugh, while Seungmin let out a groan. "Oh my God, He's gonna die. He is absolutely going to die."

Chan rolled his eyes and closed his hands, slowly lowering himself so that his feet were dangling over the edge of the platform he was sitting on. "Seungminnie, you underestimate my abilities to stay safe while being absolutely reckless."

"Bang Chan, I don't underestimate your abilities to do that. I overestimate your intelligence. There is a big difference there."

Even Felix released a laugh at what Seungmin said.

Shifting so that his stomach was pressed to the ledge, Chan lowered himself so that he was dangling by his arms, before letting go and falling to the ground with a small 'oof.'

"It's going to be fine, Seungmin. Just have a little faith in my intelligence. And my abilities."

The other male shook his head, swallowing thickly before he pointed a finger, "We hope it's going to be fine. Chan, we have two days. Felix wants to head out in two days-"

"Two days?" Chan interrupted, turning to look down at Felix with furrowed eyebrows, "You want to go out so soon?"

The phoenix shifted awkwardly under Chan's gaze, kicking at the grass beneath his feet before nodding his head and clicking his tongue. "Yes. The longer we put it off the more dangerous it's going to be for me to even go outside. Sorry I didn't let you know sooner, Chan."

Nodding his head, Chan turned towards Seungmin and rolled his lips between his teeth. He then shrugged his shoulders slightly and took a few steps back, only to position himself into the defensive position that Felix had taught him the first day Chan started his 'training' with them.

"I have yet to spar with you, Seungmin. Surely, you've got to do some of the same stuff, too."

A vine looped around Chan's ankles right after he spoke, and soon enough he was hanging upside down with his arms dangling limply above his head. He snorted, kicking his free foot as he glared at Seungmin.

Seungmin just put on a fake smile, "You underestimate my abilities, Christopher. You're a weak opponent, anyway. Jeongin is stronger than you are. And he's literally one of the weaker members of this little group."

Holding one of his hands out, Chan jerked his arm back slightly. A ball of water flew from the palm of his hand and connected with Seungmin's face.

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