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        CHAN DIDN'T WARM UP. If anything, he just got colder.

Minho had gotten up and left minutes earlier, claiming that he needed to go find Jisung and apologize for being all cuddly with someone that wasn't his beloved witch boyfriend. Which, Chan didn't mind- he actually wanted him to make up with Jisung.

What Chan didn't appreciate was the lack of warmth where Minho had been, though. It was empty.

He had finished the water, too- before it got cold. Felix offered to get him more, but he had decided against it. He didn't want to have to get up and pee every other minute because he drank too much water.

A part of him wanted to ask Changbin to become that large, bulky dog that he had seen the first time he slept in that house- the mastiff that was curled around Hyunjin. But, like Minho, he assumed that it wasn't particularly something you ask just anyone, and that level of 'cuddling' was reserved specifically for Hyunjin.

So, Chan had a dilemma: ask Felix for more water, or ask Felix for more blankets. And, frankly, both of them were VERY tempting to ask for.

Chan shivered again, hugging the blanket tighter in his hands as he sunk down into the couch.

He felt like he had a very bad illness with how much he was shaking.

This- somehow -alerted Felix, and the phoenix had gotten up and picked up the hoodie he had earlier grabbed, that Chan didn't put on.

"Arms up, Bang," he ordered softly, and Chan did as he was told- raised his arms.

Felix gingerly wiggled the hoodie over him, and patted it down on his chest before he grabbed the same cup as earlier and stalked off to the kitchen.

He shivered.

Felix soon returned with the same steaming cup in his hand, taking slow steps before he gently sat down beside Chan and brought the warm water to his lips.

As much as Chan didn't want to admit it, he quite enjoyed being babied this way: he wasn't quite able to pinpoint the reason why, though.

Felix had pulled the cup away seconds later and set it down on the floor beside his feet, turning to look up at Chan for a moment before he turned his eyes back towards the screen in front of them.

He didn't even know they had a TV.

"Felix," Jeongin called softly, diverting Changbin's, Felix's as well as Chan's attention over to him while he peeked around the corner. "Seungmin wants to see you."

The silver-haired male nodded his head softly, and then stood up and walked away from them and towards Jeongin.

Chan couldn't hear what Jeongin had said when Felix slipped around the corner, let alone anything that Seungmin may have spoken.

His muscles tensed as he shivered again.

I'm really beginning to hate this whole halcyon thing, Chan thought- at least hoping that Felix didn't hear him.

That hope was soon crushed after Felix giggled around the corner.

God dammit.

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