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        AFTER THEIR FULL TWENTY-four hours in the 'bunker' room, Felix decided that it was time to start on everyone else's training, as well.

Power-wise, that was okay. It allowed Chan the ability to observe everyone and their abilities. It allowed him to be the one to throw things at them.

He had found out that Changbin not only had the ability to turn into a dog, but also had some super smelling ability that no one else had been aware of. It was cool. That is, until it was brought to attention that he was using it to sniff out Hyunjin on the other side of the house.

Minho was the same way, really: only it was with his reflexes. They were fast as it was, but with his reflexes he was able to dodge or catch most of the foam balls that were thrown in his direction. Not to mention the fact that he landed on his feet after dropping off the top of the house.

Yes, Chan had to admit, that was fucking freaky.

Hyunjin- someone who didn't use his powers at all in front of Chan -had managed to sprout wings from his back- wings that resembled a monarch butterfly's -and showed the ability to talk to, not only animals, but plants. And that included any plant he could find.

He never wanted to see Hyunjin talking to a sunflower again. It was worse than listening to Jisung flirt with Minho, and trust when he says he never wanted to hear that again..

Seungmin had the same ability- nearly, anyway. He could control the plants (only when he was near them) with his mind. Chan had never run away from a pumpkin so fast in his life. In fact, he had never run from a pumpkin at all in his life until then.

Jeongin and Jisung, though- they were the most amusing to watch. They had argued that they had their own way of sparring. And, they did, their duel was pretty unique compared to the rest of them.

What made it more interesting, though, was the fact that it would have been dangerous for anyone else to partake in.

Their duel lasted for an entire day, a full twenty-four hours.

It was a full twenty-four hours of nothing but pranks, subtracting the few hours that they were shooting purple light from their hands at one another while floating in mid-air like some sort of electrokinetic superhero.

Think Shazam, and then put Jisung and Jeongin in those costumes. Spandex, skin hugging spandex that were neon red and blue and looked like they belonged on a lizard.

Confused? Chan was too.

Chan had also learned that Felix had been hiding a lot of what he was able to do, or what he had.

When Hyunjin challenged (as a means of training, nothing else) Felix to a sparring match, Chan was expecting Felix to remain on the ground. Because Felix didn't have wings- nor did he show any signs of being able to fly ever.

That did NOT happen.

Somehow, just as Jisung and Jeongin did earlier, he managed to float- without wings holding him up. But, behind him, Chan could see the faint outline every once in a while of a flame.

Chan didn't mind the fact that Felix somehow managed to gain the ability to float- fly? -but he wished he had known it sooner.

And it wasn't because he found that it made Felix that much more attractive. Oh, no, absolutely not.

If Felix could do it, certainly there was something else Chan could do, too. Not that he was going to try it out.

It wasn't until three weeks later that Seungmin had called Yan An over for some help- for what, Chan didn't know.

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